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Thread: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

  1. #1

    Default Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    Moving into the Venice neighborhood (from NW 164th/May) and wife is freaking out about the crime she's read about - cars broken into (or just gotten into if they're unlocked), things getting stolen from front yards (and apparently back yards), not sure about the houses actually being broken into. Personally, I don't think it's that big a deal (the ratio of incidents to amount of houses seems pretty low to me), but she wanted me to ask if anybody knew how "crime-ridden" that neighborhood is, so hoping someone can shed some light on this. Thanks in advance for any info, y'all...

  2. #2

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Thanks, been there and a few other places with crime "heat maps" and all I see is about 11 things per month (from the neighborhood association reports) in Venice, with most of them being petty things, but wife wants more info than that, I guess from personal experience/anecdotes.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    I live at 42nd and Blackwelder and haven't experience any type of crime in my area.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    I live less than a mile from 164th and May, and I personally haven't had any problems with crime in the 6 years I have lived there. You do hear about the occasional break-in or theft nearby, but I haven't heard of any violent crimes being committed. I think most of the crime is caused by people coming from other areas of town and taking advantage of the fact that a lot of the people that live in the area are away at work during the day.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    Yeah, the area we're in now (164th/May-Penn) is very low in crime, but we're moving *from* there to Venice, which I expect to have some more crime, but wife is worried our cars will get broken into, and anything we leave out on the front porch or even backyard will get stolen. Whereas I think if we have motion detector lights, lock our cars (we do anyway, used to live in Chicagoland), and don't keep anything in the cars worth stealing (and put a sign on the window that says "we keep nothing in our cars, not worth breaking into", lol), there shouldn't be too many problems.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    It's been a long time, but I once lived over on 34th between Venice and Linn. Wasn't too bad of an area, and there were a lot of nice properties that were punctuated by some that were a little run down. I lived in a rental that had problems that the land lord refused to take care of. But there were a lot of nice properties along Venice all the way down to 27th. I bet you'll be ok. I think If I were in the market, and had a chance to buy a nice vintage home on or around Venice, I would certainly consider it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    Mom lives a couple of blocks from 36th & Venice. In the past year the neighbors on each side of her have had things stolen from me inside their cars at night. No real damage was done and all that was taken was loose change and sunglasses. She's lived there since '61 and that's about the extent of anything that's ever happened. Except for one lovers quarrel that ended in the girl being murdered but that was in the mid 60s.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    I live at 42nd and Blackwelder and haven't experience any type of crime in my area.
    Didn't those apartments way back in the far NW corner of that immediate neighborhood (kind of hidden at the end of Georgia), close some time ago? I remember someone telling me it made a huge difference for that neighborhood. The police said a lot of crime was coming out of those apartments. BTW, AP, what is the name of that area where you are at 42nd and Blackwelder? I've always felt that was an under-the-radar neighborhood that has loads of potential and, from what I understand, is becoming more owner occupied. True?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    I'm not 100%, but I believe it is called Woodland Park.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Crime in Venice neighborhood?

    Thanks for the responses, everyone. I understand there are trade offs when living in the city, and as a person who has always lived in the suburbs of big cities and small towns I would have much more to learn about these trade offs. But petty thievery from yards at nights is a shame. And I realize it most likely is not from the neighbors.

    Mrs. Traveller

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