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Thread: Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

  1. Default Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

    Noticed in this past Sunday paper an ad from Sprint promoting a new wireless plan: The Unlimited Freedom Plan.

    The pricing structure is different in different cities, but Oklahoma seems to be the most aggressive price plan being offered (Phoenix also is offering the same price).

    The headline is $50 each for the first two lines and $25 for the 3rd or more lines.

    They are promoting unlimited everything via this plan.

    A Google search reveals some industry blogs that are chatting this up as a last ditch effort for Sprint to more aggressively compete with the bigger boys in the wireless market space.

    The fine print though shows that video streaming will be throttled down to 480p and it looks like you're also going to have to pay monthly for your physical phone (as opposed to a contract discount - this is pretty common now amongst carriers).

    Regardless, its a pretty competitive price and it looks like they picked Oklahoma to test it out.

    Just throwing it out there since this offer could go away at most any time.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

    Has sprint improved their coverage here? A few years ago, I was working with a company that changed carriers cause the data speeds were so bad.

  3. Default Re: Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    Has sprint improved their coverage here? A few years ago, I was working with a company that changed carriers cause the data speeds were so bad.
    That answer has so many variables.

    I've been with them for well over a decade (maybe two). I have to stay with them if I want to be able to use my phone at my house because all other networks fall off drastically (and I'm not in a rural part of Edmond). I find that Sprint works well for me 90% of the time. That said, there are definitely dead spots in the metro (as I cross the Shields overpass to/from downtown, etc.). They are also terrible in some rural areas. When I work in around Blanchard I have almost no data service.

    But, I've never known any wireless provider to make everyone happy. Some work better than others depending on what part of the state you are in or even what type of building you are in.

    I also stay with Sprint because I'm grandfathered in on an old plan that they've never been able to beat (since I got on the plan in about 2006) - 3 phones with unlimited everything for about $67/each after all taxes and fees. Plus, I still get to use the 2-year contract feature - which I much prefer to the new no-contract structure.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

    been a SPrint Customer and employee for 16 years. Coverage I find to be good in the metro but rural areas not as much. I have encountered some dead spots and report them regularly. Sprint has been aggressive in getting new customers and has succeeded in the past year at not only gaining but retaining them so that should speak to the level of the network. the network is getting built out pretty aggressively as well. We have more spectrum than any other carrier and are now using that leverage to stack coverage and drastically improve service. I believe more price plans are rolling out soon as well but not entirely sure since that isn't my area of the company.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

    I was a Sprint customer for a decade. Their phone call coverage is fine. Their data speeds and reliability are absolutely atrocious, so if you use your phone more for its internet capabilities, go somewhere else (I've used both ATT and Verizon since leaving Sprint and both are light years ahead in data speed and reliability here).

    Also, when I was with Sprint about 3 years ago, all I ever heard from them was "we'll have better speeds this (spring/summer/fall/winer/spring/summer) because we're building our network (after we bet against LTE and lost)." I let that go on for two years before I got out. A simple Google search will show they were telling tons of people this and never delivering. So, I'll believe Sprint has better speeds when I see it. When that happens, I actually may go back to them, because their customer service was always pretty good (much better than Verizon and ATT, in my opinion).

    Update: Here's a link to OpenSignal's speed tests, which they also break down by region. Sprint is last in their speed, with Verizon and T-Mobile tied for best. There are several other speed tests out there that have similar results.

  6. #6
    terryinokc Guest

    Default Re: Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

    If you're a current customer (more than 18 years) do they allow you to change to this plan?

  7. Default Re: Sprint testing a newer lower priced plan in Oklahoma

    Quote Originally Posted by terryinokc View Post
    If you're a current customer (more than 18 years) do they allow you to change to this plan?
    Yes. I inquired about it yesterday. I decided against it. Currently I'm on a 2-year contract plan that expires next month. If I change plans then I loose the benefit of the contract plan (forever). Also, I currently get HD video and the new plan throttles it down to 480p.

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