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Thread: We Have A Psycho Crow

  1. #1

    Default We Have A Psycho Crow

    For the past week we've had the biggest crow I've ever seen come up to our patio door and bang it with his beak, claw at it and take running starts and throw himself at it. Doesn't matter if the blinds are open or closed. We've fed the birds for years and I've never seen one act this way. Anyone else seen something like this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: We Have A Psycho Crow

  3. #3

    Default Re: We Have A Psycho Crow

    When I was in grade school and middle school, we has crows with a nest behind our house that would dive bomb us when we came out the back door. It would sit on top of the swingset and try to pull sticks out of our hands with its beak. It would make this quacking sound to show it was angry. It even dive bombed people on the street and little leagers at the grade school. It clawed a friend in the head and made him bleed.

  4. #4

    Default Re: We Have A Psycho Crow

    Saw some ravens in a tree when I was around 9 yrs old. Scary looking bunch.

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  5. #5

    Default Re: We Have A Psycho Crow

    No crows, but we had a ton of cedar waxwings this year who ate too many berries, became intoxicated and committed mass suicide by drunkenly flying into our windows. It was freaky. There were at least 25 of them dead all at once.


  6. Default Re: We Have A Psycho Crow

    Maybe it sees it's reflection and is being territorial. Maybe put something on the window to keep the reflection from happening?

  7. #7
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    Jun 2011
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    Default Re: We Have A Psycho Crow

    If you decided to do something hostile, don't do it without wearing a disguise...


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