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Thread: Pump Bar

  1. #451

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Wait...The Pump is "Big Business"?

    What does that make like, Good Egg Restaurants. Or what about Hal Smith...Devon????

  2. #452

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    I like the quote about at least a dozen other places doing this across the state, like it doesn't happen in nearly every establishment that offers libations (well, perhaps not infused in their original containers).

  3. #453

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Is this really the most pressing public safety issue facing the OKC PD?

    Very hard to support their constant cries of under-staffing when they waste tax dollars on such nonsense.

  4. #454

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    The issue made it all the way to Munchies, Vice's food and beverage channel: https://munchies.vice.com/en/article...al-in-oklahoma

  5. Default Re: Pump Bar


  6. #456

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    More fantastic PR for Oklahoma!

  7. #457

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    More fantastic PR for Oklahoma!
    Hey now, we had a pretty good showing when we were on there! https://munchies.vice.com/en/article...ma-supper-club

  8. #458

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Is this really the most pressing public safety issue facing the OKC PD?

    Very hard to support their constant cries of under-staffing when they waste tax dollars on such nonsense.
    That's the real issue here, not ABLE. ABLE even says they're looking into it and appear OK with it. My question is why OKC's Vice unit thought it was worth their time enforcing such a obscure portion of the Code when there is so much more going on. And it's not like this causes more issues - it's still alcohol and at the same % ABV; it's not like they're selling higher % alcohol than they are permitted.

  9. #459

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Maybe some off duty protect and server hit on a server, got rebuffed and got his widdle knickers in a knot about it?

  10. #460

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    The pump had been successfully warding off complaints and accusations of violating noise ordinance in the months leading up to this ordeal. McDermid had stated that city code enforcement investigated and acquitted them so many times that they stopped taking complaints on the issue. They also beat a disturbing the peace citation issued by OKCPD in December due to absence of evidence.

    I wonder if this was a way of sending a message but turned ugly when the McDermids decided to fight back. Way to stick it to the man! The man who apparently takes home 6 figures to harass bartenders. Do a bit of digging and you'll see Kimberlain is hauling people to jail on all sorts of petty liquor related citations.

  11. #461

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    I wonder if the publicity of this latest fiasco with The Pump is enough for Bill Citty to rein this jerk in. I sure hope so.

  12. #462

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    The vice cop? He's prolly got dirt on everyone from judges to meter maids.

  13. #463
    2Lanez Guest

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Is this really the most pressing public safety issue facing the OKC PD?

    Very hard to support their constant cries of under-staffing when they waste tax dollars on such nonsense.
    Yes. Yes. Yes.

    And they wonder why the general public doesn't vote with them.

  14. #464

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by 2Lanez View Post
    Yes. Yes. Yes.

    And they wonder why the general public doesn't vote with them.
    What does that mean that the general public doesn't vote with the OKC PD. What votes involve them?

  15. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    What does that mean that the general public doesn't vote with the OKC PD. What votes involve them?
    Can't speak for 2Lanez, but often political candidates will seek an OCPD endorsement or the FOP will come out publicly and support an issue up for vote - thinking it will cause the public to follow. Also, the public has the ability to greatly influence police expenditures and policy indirectly through our votes or contact with, say the city council members, etc. But that's just my opinion.

  16. #466
    2Lanez Guest

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    What does that mean that the general public doesn't vote with the OKC PD. What votes involve them?
    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Can't speak for 2Lanez, but often political candidates will seek an OCPD endorsement or the FOP will come out publicly and support an issue up for vote - thinking it will cause the public to follow. Also, the public has the ability to greatly influence police expenditures and policy indirectly through our votes or contact with, say the city council members, etc. But that's just my opinion.
    MAPS 3 was the last big one. OCPD and OCFD generally oppose funding increases directed away from them. MAPS 3 was the general public versus PD and FD unions.

  17. #467

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by 2Lanez View Post
    MAPS 3 was the last big one. OCPD and OCFD generally oppose funding increases directed away from them. MAPS 3 was the general public versus PD and FD unions.
    Thank you for the explanation. I agree with that.

  18. #468

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    I heard the issue was that they poured the infused bacon vodka back into the original bottle. That is a HUGE no no in the industry. Not saying they did it on purpose with malcontent or anything, or that they weren't unfairly targeted, but it's generally known you should never do that. Those bottles are always one way, liquid goes out, never in.

  19. #469

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    I heard the issue was that they poured the infused bacon vodka back into the original bottle. That is a HUGE no no in the industry. Not saying they did it on purpose with malcontent or anything, or that they weren't unfairly targeted, but it's generally known you should never do that. Those bottles are always one way, liquid goes out, never in.
    Not even strictly alcohol. When I worked at a restaurant, we were strictly forbidden from even combining ketchup bottles (say putting the remainder of a nearly empty ketchup bottle into a 2/3 full bottle). Even if they were the same brand, from the same lot. Any container is a one-way container unless it is a empty and sanitized unlabeled container which is relabeled after adding content.

  20. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    I heard the issue was that they poured the infused bacon vodka back into the original bottle. That is a HUGE no no in the industry. Not saying they did it on purpose with malcontent or anything, or that they weren't unfairly targeted, but it's generally known you should never do that. Those bottles are always one way, liquid goes out, never in.
    By the letter of the law it's a "no no" (obviously). I wouldn't really call it a 'big no no' though. I fail to see the concern beyond possible intentional label misrepresentation. Which is the spirit in which the law was enacted. There is no health concern that I can see - which is often the reason cited for not 'marrying' food items - like condiments.

  21. #471

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    By the letter of the law it's a "no no" (obviously). I wouldn't really call it a 'big no no' though. I fail to see the concern beyond possible intentional label misrepresentation. Which is the spirit in which the law was enacted. There is no health concern that I can see - which is often the reason cited for not 'marrying' food items - like condiments.
    Label misrepresentation is a huge no no in the industry (it's fraud) and that's why the rules are so strict on this.

  22. Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Label misrepresentation is a huge no no in the industry (it's fraud) and that's why the rules are so strict on this.
    That's not what they were doing -- not even in the slightest. They weren't pouring a bottle of Tito's that was filled with Heaven Hill. And they weren't not disclosing that the alcohol inside the bottle was infused.

    Their was no misrepresentation to the customer in reality.

    The law's intent has nothing to do with infusion.

    In fact, when Lt. D-Bag arrested the manager the bottles were not even where the customers could see them.

  23. #473

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    That's not what they were doing -- not even in the slightest. They weren't pouring a bottle of Tito's that was filled with Heaven Hill. And they weren't not disclosing that the alcohol inside the bottle was infused.

    Their was no misrepresentation to the customer in reality.

    The law's intent has nothing to do with infusion.

    In fact, when Lt. D-Bag arrested the manager the bottles were not even where the customers could see them.
    That doesn't change the fact you can't pour the liquor out of a bottle and pour it back in. The breaks the letter of the law, and it breaks a very good law that protects consumers. Even if they didn't break the spirit of the law it's still a huge no no, those bottles are one way. I'm sure this will all get sorted out eventually but they should have known better.

  24. #474

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    just saw this on facebook...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	pump.jpg 
Views:	328 
Size:	66.2 KB 
ID:	12779  

  25. #475

    Default Re: Pump Bar

    Exactly what gopokes88 is saying.

    That being said, it's definitely not a "take the MOD to jail" type of offense. It's a: If we see this again, we're going to slap a fine on you...one-way bottles.

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