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Thread: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

  1. #26

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Red Baron has discontinued the Western Scrambles, they only carry Bacon and the Sausage variety now. At least in our market.

    And I'm not trying to belittle anyones opinions of Crest or the local grocers but nearly everything that was brought up in this thread is not the fault of the local grocery stores. They've all been issues out of our hands and usually out of state.

    Except for Crest not carrying Natures Own bread, that one is a bit of a curiosity.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Crest doesn't carry Tastykakes either

  3. #28

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by NWOKCGuy View Post
    Yeah - I actually stopped shopping at Crest because they don't carry Nature's Own. I know seems silly - but I have to buy bread every time I go grocery shopping and I don't like anything they stock.
    You actually stopped shopping at an entire store because of *one brand of bread?* I mean, hey, that's your prerogative, but, wow. I mean I could probably use that rationale on two or three different products and find myself with *nowhere* to shop at all. Different strokes, I s'pose. Crest is just so absurdly convenient for us that it almost everywhere else we might go is arguably too far out of the way to rationalize the trip unless they're just absurdly cheaper on something...which happens once in a while, but not enough to keep us from using Crest for easily 90% of our groceries.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by John1744 View Post
    Red Baron has discontinued the Western Scrambles, they only carry Bacon and the Sausage variety now. At least in our market.

    And I'm not trying to belittle anyones opinions of Crest or the local grocers but nearly everything that was brought up in this thread is not the fault of the local grocery stores. They've all been issues out of our hands and usually out of state.

    Except for Crest not carrying Natures Own bread, that one is a bit of a curiosity.
    Well, crap, didn't do my research, oops. Generally, it does happen that the manufacturer still makes things, but Crest doesn't carry them, guess not this time. Crest has lied in the past and said the manufacturer stopped making "it", but they really didn't, so I'll need to do my due diligence more diligently from now on.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    You actually stopped shopping at an entire store because of *one brand of bread?* I mean, hey, that's your prerogative, but, wow. I mean I could probably use that rationale on two or three different products and find myself with *nowhere* to shop at all. Different strokes, I s'pose. Crest is just so absurdly convenient for us that it almost everywhere else we might go is arguably too far out of the way to rationalize the trip unless they're just absurdly cheaper on something...which happens once in a while, but not enough to keep us from using Crest for easily 90% of our groceries.
    I did. It's a convenience thing for me. I'm going to get my bread from wherever I'm grocery shopping and that's been my favorite bread for as long as I can remember. lol

  6. #31

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Water is getting ready to be a huge issue for a lot of the US. Supply production has been completely crippled, Nestle, Best Choice, Ozarka are all struggling to keep up with production.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    I went through this with Crest with Quaker Granola bars a year or two ago. It was pretty frustrating. I ended up ordering them on Amazon for awhile because they were twice the cost at uptown and I didn't want to go to Target for them.

    Blue Bell is interesting because they put it on the shelves for awhile, at least in Edmond, and now it is gone again. I really like Blue Bell, but I don't see myself buying it anytime soon after they knew they had contamination issues, covered it up and didn't correct the issues, ultimately resulting in people's deaths to save a few bucks.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    That's like saying I choose sonic over 5 guys because they're a local business.
    One difference is 5 guys actually employees people locally, I don't think Blue Bell has any real local presence, unless you are counting Broken Arrow. But Sonic is local, and more of the money spent there stays here than 5 guys. Just like more money spent at Braum's stays here vs Blue Bell. Just because they are successful, doesn't mean they aren't local.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    I have seen the mentions in this thread of the tornado damage as cause of the Ozarka shortage at grocery stores. This is definitely true as shown on the front page of Ozarka's website. This isn't Crest's fault.


  10. #35

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by John1744 View Post
    Water is getting ready to be a huge issue for a lot of the US. Supply production has been completely crippled, Nestle, Best Choice, Ozarka are all struggling to keep up with production.
    It's worrisome, especially given the way that Nestle and others will extract water from parched areas in order to bottle and sell it elsewhere. Too many people exclusively drink bottled water when tap water is perfectly fine (OKC water is especially good) because the running narrative is that the tap is nasty and diseased and bottled water is pure, clean, and safe. The result is tons of plastic waste, water resources exhausted in areas where it would be better served to locals, and money spent needlessly.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    That plant in Texas we were told shipped out 500 trucks a day on an average day, if each trucks fully loaded that's 13,500 pallets of water or just over a million 24 packs of water a day that are no longer in the supply chain. Huge loss in production.

    Thankfully they have a new plant coming online soon in Las Vegas so that should help a bit.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    It's worrisome, especially given the way that Nestle and others will extract water from parched areas in order to bottle and sell it elsewhere. Too many people exclusively drink bottled water when tap water is perfectly fine (OKC water is especially good) because the running narrative is that the tap is nasty and diseased and bottled water is pure, clean, and safe. The result is tons of plastic waste, water resources exhausted in areas where it would be better served to locals, and money spent needlessly.
    I think about this a lot. Consider this for perspective - In an older home with older toilets, a single toilet flush is approximately 3 1/2 gallons. A basic 24-pack of water, in a basic 16.9 ounce size, is a bit over 3 gallons. So, every time we flush one of these toilets (how many times a day?) we flush down a 24-pack of bottled water. Wow.

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has named a new style of toilet as absolutely critical to the worldwide water supply. Yeah, it's a "funny" subject, but it's actually quite important.

  13. Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    I think about this a lot. Consider this for perspective - In an older home with older toilets, a single toilet flush is approximately 3 1/2 gallons. A basic 24-pack of water, in a basic 16.9 ounce size, is a bit over 3 gallons. So, every time we flush one of these toilets (how many times a day?) we flush down a 24-pack of bottled water. Wow.

    The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has named a new style of toilet as absolutely critical to the worldwide water supply. Yeah, it's a "funny" subject, but it's actually quite important.
    It is more than just 3.5 gals of water, there is also water and materials needed to make the plastic, and the toll it takes to ship the plastic and then ship the water. I am on a pump, so my water is like drinking natural spring water without the plastic taste and with a small fraction of the cost of bottled water. Even when I lived in a city it was a lot cheaper to just filter tap water to take that nasty taste out of it,

  14. #39

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by tfvc.org View Post
    It is more than just 3.5 gals of water, there is also water and materials needed to make the plastic, and the toll it takes to ship the plastic and then ship the water. I am on a pump, so my water is like drinking natural spring water without the plastic taste and with a small fraction of the cost of bottled water. Even when I lived in a city it was a lot cheaper to just filter tap water to take that nasty taste out of it,
    Oh, absolutely! I agree with you 100%. I think the whole bottled water thing is ridiculous. I wrote about the amount of bottled water we go through to just flush a toilet to say a ton of water is wasted. Imagine opening all of those bottles and pouring them out every time we flush a toilet. It's all a huge waste. Especially, as has been pointed out, Oklahoma City's water doesn't taste bad at all...actually, it's been awarded as having the best tasting municipal water in blind competition.

  15. Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Oh, absolutely! I agree with you 100%. I think the whole bottled water thing is ridiculous. I wrote about the amount of bottled water we go through to just flush a toilet to say a ton of water is wasted. Imagine opening all of those bottles and pouring them out every time we flush a toilet. It's all a huge waste. Especially, as has been pointed out, Oklahoma City's water doesn't taste bad at all...actually, it's been awarded as having the best tasting municipal water in blind competition.
    I lived in the Clearwater/St Pete area in Florida and it tasted like they took it straight out of the swimming pools if I didn't filter it first.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    It's worrisome, especially given the way that Nestle and others will extract water from parched areas in order to bottle and sell it elsewhere. Too many people exclusively drink bottled water when tap water is perfectly fine (OKC water is especially good) because the running narrative is that the tap is nasty and diseased and bottled water is pure, clean, and safe. The result is tons of plastic waste, water resources exhausted in areas where it would be better served to locals, and money spent needlessly.
    A-freaking-men WP, I don't think we always agree here but that is spot on. If you truly paid attention and knew how much money OKC Water Utilities Trust spends to get you wonderful drinking water to your tap, you'd think twice. Buy a reusable bottle, use the tap, we all win.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    But, there's light on the horizon to where we won't have to worry about plastic bottles so much because we have this.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  18. #43

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    ^^^Sorry about the double sideways pics. Don't know what happened there.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    ^^^Sorry about the double sideways pics. Don't know what happened there.
    It makes for a cool stereogram.

    It's funny. Yes, cardboard is biodegradable, but it still kind of misses the point for regular use. It's still tons of packaging, and packaging increasingly drives me crazy. When I order something from Amazon that would fit in a shipping envelope and they send me a big box full of packing materials, I have to think that all those materials would have been better used elsewhere.

    I'm guilty of buying bottled water when I'm away from the house now and then, but we stopped buying the packs of bottles long ago. I dropped the mindset that bottled water was the only safe water, and convinced my wife as well, so we're all about filling reusable bottles (like bradh suggested) with tap water.

    Maybe someday I can convince my daughter that juice is just as good from a big bottle as it is from a little box with a straw.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Speaking of excessive packaging: WP, you might enjoy The Register's Aboxalypse Now series if you haven't seen it before. Either that or you'll be driven to the brink of insanity...

  21. #46

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Even if you have an issue with you tap water, you can buy a nice filter for the tap or even something as simple as a Brita pitcher. (In addition to bradh's suggestions.)

  22. #47

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by sooner88 View Post
    Even if you have an issue with you tap water, you can buy a nice filter for the tap or even something as simple as a Brita pitcher. (In addition to bradh's suggestions.)
    I am on a well and I purchased an RO filtering system for about $150 fifteen years ago (they are a little over $200 now) and it served me and my late wife very well. It has a tap on the sink and I also ran it to my ice maker/chilled water dispenser on the refrigerator and to my Bunn plumbed coffee maker as well. I have a requirement for distilled/RO water for my oxygen concentrator and my CPAP system so I have been very pleased. I just moved to Midwest City and have RO water delivered but I plan on installing another RO unit here. I don't mind drinking MWC water, but it's hazardous to my medical equipment.
    C. T.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    Speaking of excessive packaging: WP, you might enjoy The Register's Aboxalypse Now series if you haven't seen it before. Either that or you'll be driven to the brink of insanity...
    Oy vey.

  24. #49

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by John1744 View Post
    Thankfully they have a new plant coming online soon in Las Vegas so that should help a bit.
    Can someone explain the sense in a water bottling plant in the middle of the desert to me? Cause I'm not seeing it. What are they going to do, bottle the water from the dancing fountains?

  25. #50

    Default Re: Crest Shenanigans. . . aka missing Ozarka water products

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    Can someone explain the sense in a water bottling plant in the middle of the desert to me? Cause I'm not seeing it. What are they going to do, bottle the water from the dancing fountains?
    Here's a good read about a similar controversy regarding Nestle planning for a bottling plant in Arizona.

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