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Thread: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

  1. #1

    Default Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    What do you guys think the impact of the new turnpike will be to the Mid-Del area? Will it increase or decrease traffic along the Tinker Diagonal? Will business get better or worse in the Area? I'm not so sure there will be a Major impact on this area, but I doubt it will be zero.

    To see the preliminary alignments go here. http://media.wix.com/ugd/7181a5_f3d4...4b6d290525.pdf

  2. #2

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    That's a good question. The proposed interchange at I-40 is 10 miles east of Tinker's east gates, and 15 miles from I-35. I don't see it having a huge impact other than giving people a short cut to I-44 instead of having to use hwys 102, 177 or 18 to go north.

  3. #3
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    Quote Originally Posted by rezman View Post
    That's a good question. The proposed interchange at I-40 is 10 miles east of Tinker's east gates, and 15 miles from I-35. I don't see it having a huge impact other than giving people a short cut to I-44 instead of having to use hwys 102, 177 or 18 to go north.
    Is it totally out of the realm of possibility to just convert one of the state highways into this eastern turnpike?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Brasky View Post
    Is it totally out of the realm of possibility to just convert one of the state highways into this eastern turnpike?
    I'd say it is. These highways are not restricted access highways. It would cost as much if not more to convert it to restricted access and get around all the little towns they go through. Besides, it seems that the Transportation Authority has made up its mind about the general alignment.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    I've heard the question raised multiple times as to why they can't use the 102 or 177 alignment. ... Between those two, 102 is the only one that has a town on it. The problem in this case is that the farther east you go, the longer the distance to connect to I-44.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    I was hoping it would connect where I-240 connects to I-40 and just kind of continue I-240 as a loop. To me it is too far east to do most people in the city much good. And after its built its not going to take the Dallas to Tulsa traffic load off of I-235. I think the more west you place it the more traffic you will take off of I-35 which is the reason they keep saying we need the turnpike. The placement makes me think they have a long term plan to eventually connect the turnpike to SH 9 just East of Lake Thunderbird.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    I can see that happenening. Not that I'm in favor of it, but I can see it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    If they would just widen I-40 to three lanes, between Harrah-Newalla Rd. and Douglas, the money would be better spent.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    Quote Originally Posted by Head View Post
    If they would just widen I-40 to three lanes, between Harrah-Newalla Rd. and Douglas, the money would be better spent.
    They are going to do that. Not sure of the exact year, but it's on ODOT's 2023 plan.

  10. Default Re: Impact of NE Turnpike on Mid-Del Area

    If it had turned the 240/40 junction into a real junction with the turnpike, you might see something, but where it is going it's just too far out. That would be like asking what highway 9 means for people on 240.

    Something else to consider is that there are very few on/off ramps on the east turnpike. It really is mostly a through road. So there will be zilch in terms of commercial development around the thing. If you can't get on and off the road, then there's no reason to build anything near it.

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