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Thread: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

  1. #51

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Two important things here that you fail to realize about this country and the criminal justice system. 1. People are entitled to a trial by jury unless both sides waive for a bench trial. If you can't afford the insurance, you more than likely entitled to a public defender. 2. The judge does not get to ask a defendant a question such as "Do you have insurance?" The judge and prosecutor are not the same. While your 60 second populist approach sounds good, there are serious constitutional flaws with it. Jerry is spot on with his administrative/civil solution.
    Fine. I hereby amend my statement.

    1: If the person requests a jury trial in an attempt to cost money/time, they are absolutely free to do so. They'll wait patiently in the jail cell until such time as a defender is available, the jury is formed, and the case is seen. Or they could go the quick route. Entirely their choice. 2: Prosecutor, to defender (which the defendant deliberately chose to use, knowing it would add time to the matter): "Did the defendant have insurance?" Defender: "No." Judge, to jury: "Go do what you need to do."

    The point here is there is no defense. If the uninsured motorist wants to play games, well then that's their problem. Again, I am not advocating "lock 'em up all up and throw away the key", the jail time is meant to be an inconvenience, not to get them off the road. As Jerry said, getting them off the road is easy to do without jail time. What I am suggesting (again, this is not new, this is part of the current law) is the law be enforced. Not enforcing it is why we're here discussing this issue today. The way it stands now, any given person can ask what the penalty for driving without insurance is, and the answer is "Well, you COULD go to jail, but probably won't", so one in four risk it. Change the answer to "You're going to jail, we're taking your car, impound fees are going to cost X, getting your tags back is going to cost Y, and you're STILL going to pay Z for insurance before you get the car and the tags back. Or you can just pay Z for insurance and not even worry about it" and I suspect that number will change.

    One more time, just to be clear. Make it easier to have insurance than not have insurance. Right now, to one in four Oklahomans, either option seems equally easy. Change the equation.

  2. #52

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    Change the equation.
    Here's what I'm worried the equation is.

    Insurance is expensive therefore lots of drivers don't have insurance therefore insurance is expensive.

    Rinse and repeat?

  3. #53

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Here's what I'm worried the equation is.

    Insurance is expensive therefore lots of drivers don't have insurance therefore insurance is expensive.

    Rinse and repeat?

  4. #54

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Here's what I'm worried the equation is.

    Insurance is expensive therefore lots of drivers don't have insurance therefore insurance is expensive.

    Rinse and repeat?
    Yeah, no kidding, where's the like button on this? I wanna press it a few hundred times.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    There are folks who decide to not buy insurance.
    There are folks whose payment is lost in the mail, or the digital universe.
    There are folks who depend on relatives and the relative fouled up on making the payment and never whispered a word.
    Any of these folks can be in an accident. Only one of the three examples involves a driver likely to know the insurance is not present.

    Treating all the same is, well, a certain kind of special.
    An, by the by, you can't make a defendant answer questions, even at a trial. Pesky little matters like the right to remain silent and presumption of innocence that we all want for ourselves apply to the folks none of us want to meet on the road too.

    Been there, done that on the uninsured driver. More than once in my family. There is a reason I carry Med pay coverage and UM coverage, even on the older cars where cost/benefit says there is no sound reason to pay for collision or comprehensive coverage.
    UM and Medpay are cheap coverages. Despite numerous reliance on the same over the years, I enjoy coverage by the same company since I was 16 and the rates are not ugly.

    I don't mind if someone takes an uninsured's car and/or license. But parking them in limited jail space? Nope, not a fan, not ever going to be a fan. Has nada to do with feeling bad for those folk. It has to do with we do not have, and can not afford, bed space for such people. And no, let them sleep on the floor isn't an answer. If the government is going to risk unconstitutional conditions, I truly hope they do so for the folks we need to be in fear of, not the folk who annoy the crap out of some of us.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    IMO insurance companies and lien holders ought to be the bird dogs reporting lapsed coverage since it's in their best interest to keep ppl insured. Not a big fan of license plate cameras unless the data is never shared.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    There is a reason I carry Med pay coverage and UM coverage, even on the older cars where cost/benefit says there is no sound reason to pay for collision or comprehensive coverage.
    UM and Medpay are cheap coverages. Despite numerous reliance on the same over the years, I enjoy coverage by the same company since I was 16 and the rates are not ugly.
    I have always carried the proper insurance, but as a retiree on a fixed income, and someone that will only have health insured passengers, is there a reason why I should carry uninsured motorists insurance? It's a $87.00 every six months. I can't afford to carry it any longer.
    C. T.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    CT, most health insurance plans do not cover 100% of the expenses, and do not include any funds for pain and suffering compensation or lost wages, transportation. And a minimum liability policy on an at fault driver is often a 25/50 limit. this does not go very far when one more two people needs access to those funds.

    Over the years we've been into our UM a few times. For us, even in lean times, it has been more than worth the 13 or so a month it costs per vehicle for it to exist when it is needed.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Vehicle Tag Readers Coming to Oklahoma?

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    CT, most health insurance plans do not cover 100% of the expenses, and do not include any funds for pain and suffering compensation or lost wages, transportation.
    Thanks, but I am fully covered and my only passenger is from London and she comes over once or twice a year. She purchases a great travelers policy and has no need for anything else. Plus, her travel to OKC is about to come to a halt due to my health. Good info though. I have never been involved in an uninsured motorist accident and I have been driving since 1959. I should also mention that I won't be driving much longer, probably a couple of years is going to be it.
    C. T.

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