Just as the thread title implies....
I'm looking for a regular electronic water timer that can be programmed by *date* rather than by day-of-week to ensure I only water on even-numbered days.
I don't have and really don't want a big, expensive, hairy, automated sprinkler system for my yard, so I have a simple timer from Lowe's that lets me tell it to sprinkle every other day (even days for me). That was fine until they implemented permanent rationing. If the month ends on a 31st, the next day is a 1st, so watering on that day will get me in the gunsites of the OKC Watering Police. The only way around that is to find a sprinkler timer that let's me specify the current *date* and then only water on even-numbered days - but darned if I've found one locally or online so far (at least one not part of a full irrigation system). Anyone?