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Thread: Walking Dead Season

  1. #1

    Default Walking Dead Season

    Just curious how many people watch this show. I got pretty into it with my girlfriend I really like it. I'm not huge on TV series, but this one is pretty good. Some of the acting is amazing.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I started watching live episodes since season 3 and I've enjoyed it overall. But, it's funny, my wife and my number one complaint is how poor the acting is on the show. The main characters that have been around since seasons 1 and 2 -- besides Carl -- are mostly decent, but a lot of the newer actors aren't great.

    The direction of the show is pretty interesting right now, but I'd actually like to see the group venture out to see what's happening in other areas. We'll see...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Been watching since the beginning. It's one of my favorite TV shows.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Never read any of the graphic novels so I started watching with out any preconceptions. I lasted a few seasons but lost interest. Nothing to do with the show. I'm a big scifi and dystopian future fan, I just wandered on.

  5. Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    We've been watching from the beginning - but it certainly isn't for the acting. The original main characters are not bad (as pointed out), but characters like Abraham Ford and Eugene Porter make the show almost unwatchable at times.

    The storyline is starting to get a bit stale to us. It seems now they are starting to rehash plots they've already explored in the past.

    That said, its still on our TIVO list and we make time to watch it together.

    As an aside..... Two of my favorite shows are Walking Dead and Breaking Bad..... love this episode of Epic Rap Battles From History (warning: language alert)....

  6. #6

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I've watched it from the beginning and have to agree about the acting.
    I'm pretty caught up on the graphic novels. It seems as though they are bringing the show back to the same track that the novels are currently on (mostly at least). Based on that I am hoping this season is a bit more interesting than the last.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    It's about to get wild on Walking Dead with Negan showing up...if you're interested in the overall storyline, they're in the middle of the "No Way Out" comic arc.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    That's pretty much the only reason I am watching at this point. I watched the show pretty religiously from season 2 onward, but starting in season 5 it started getting rather dull, with the same rehatched story lines. I also found some of the actually to be forced and a little....preachy. Several times this past season I actually fell asleep while watching.

    I will admit the most recent midseason premire was fantastic so we'll see where it goes now. I also may or may not have screamed "yessss!!" when Rick and Michonne hooked up. I just have a bad feeling they will kill her off, since that is the fate of most of Rick's booty calls. They have already strongly hinted that two or more characters are about to be killed off.

    On a related note, I am quite excited over Fear the Walking Dead's premiere next month.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I've only gotten to season 2 so far. Interesting about the acting. I thought it was pretty good for the most part. There were a few people I thought were horrible, however.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Big walking dead fan. I've read the comics since they've been coming out, and am current. The show has some real low points (pretty much all of season two) and the characterization can be terrible. They make you hate characters which should be sympathetic. Carl STILL can't figure out how to stay in the damn house.

    All that being said, I never miss it. It's gotten very enjoyable again, and at the pace they're moving, they're not far from several very exciting story arcs.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I've only gotten to season 2 so far. Interesting about the acting. I thought it was pretty good for the most part. There were a few people I thought were horrible, however.
    Well, I do think the acting in the early seasons was better. It's the more recent additions like Abraham who aren't very good.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I skipped ahead to avoid spoilers. The first three seasons are great. There are some seasons here and there that aren't so great. I always complain about the one where they spend a year lost in the woods. But over all the series is fun and scary, and emotional. The last 2 have been satisfying.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I've seen every episode so far. The show is riddle with filler and some exceedingly bad writing, but it still manages to keep me interested enough to buy the episodes. Most seasons are about half what I'd call filler episodes, and it's especially frustrating when there are two of them consecutively. The writing is just trash sometimes; I was really put off by the first few minutes of the recent return from the winter break.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Yeah, while this current storyline is fascinating, the out-of-left field romances and poor plot development are distracting. But, again, the show is still interesting enough to stay with it. If they ever started killing off the oldest characters -- who are generally the best actors -- then I don't think I'd last long. Having said all that, I'm interested to see where things go from here...

  15. #15

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    If the plot stays true to the comic even somewhat close, then they are about to kill off several fairly established characters.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    Big walking dead fan. I've read the comics since they've been coming out, and am current. The show has some real low points (pretty much all of season two) and the characterization can be terrible. They make you hate characters which should be sympathetic. Carl STILL can't figure out how to stay in the damn house.

    All that being said, I never miss it. It's gotten very enjoyable again, and at the pace they're moving, they're not far from several very exciting story arcs.
    I have noticed that about the characters especially in season 2. I've been so busy I haven't moved on to season 3 yet. Is season 3 much better?

  17. #17

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Yes, especially after some delightful pruning of certain disliked characters, and the addition of some great characters and villains.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Am I the only one who thought last night's season finale was absolutely awful?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Am I the only one who thought last night's season finale was absolutely awful?
    No, you're not alone, especially considering all the hype about it.

  20. #20
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    Am I the only one who thought last night's season finale was absolutely awful?
    Nope. I'm actually considering quitting the show.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    They know the majority of their fans will literally come crawling back no matter what they do.
    I don't watch, but am pretty familiar with everything, and last night irked a LOT of people. It was predictable, but not wanted by the fans.
    They really slapped everyone across the face and laughed while doing it.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I agree 100%. The show's writing can be up and down, but it's been in steady decline all this season. It's pretty much a cynical ratings/money grab at this point, based on the "extended episode" length last night (5 minutes of extra show, 25 minutes of extra commercials). I am sure it will have crazy ratings because idiots like me keep coming back for more.

    At this point I could really care less who died. If TWD is going to insult viewers by pulling lazy tricks i.e. Shonda Rhimes OMG moments, I will likely find something else better to do on my Sunday nights.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I didn't like that season finale is leaving viewers hanging like that, but I actually thought it was a pretty interesting episode otherwise.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I seem to be one of the few who loved the season finale. What a cliffhanger!!!

    I also haven't read any of the comics.

  25. Default Re: Walking Dead Season

    I enjoyed the episode myself.... I also described how the episode would end to a co-worker 6 episodes ago when I predicted that Abraham would be the one to meet Lucille.... So maybe I wasn't disappointed since I already expected them to leave us with a dark screen and the crack of a bat on a skull.

    I'm also old enough to remember who shot J.R.. So I'm not unused to shows leaving viewers hanging over the summer.

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