Saw it yesterday and was not impressed. It is long and constantly frenetic. I personally was offended by the heavy handed use of Christian imagery and an
attempt to turn God into myth. I know it is very popular to try to turn the Bible into just another fiction book, but I thought it was heavy handed and totally unnecessary. Other than that, it is getting kind of numbing to go to these shows for 2 to 2 1/2 hours of action with little real story development. It is becoming cliche except to the young teens who have A.D.D. I don't think many over the age of 15 or of that maturity level will really enjoy it.
Personally, I thought it was a waste of my time and money. Just my humble opinion. However, I always enjoy going to movies with the kids.
BTW, Gal Gadot makes sitting through it a little easier.
