Re: Markham Motor Building
While I agree urbanized, I think it might not be possible in this building considering the size the energy company probably needs. Also, it is nice to have a mix of use in the area just as long as (like I assume you mean) first-floor office is kept to a healthy minimum and we maximize retail there whenever possible.
I am hoping that the parking lot could somehow be redeveloped into residential (or retail). In fact, I'm hoping that all parking lots in AAlley (and midtown, also bricktown and film row) can be redeveloped the same way, so we can get some serious building frontage that continues the entire block. .. Hopefully, that idea is part of a master plan but hopefully someone can try it out as an organic infill.
I'd even be happy if a few of the lots turned into parking garages as long as there was significant retail frontage available on the ground floor (and this would help offset the loss of lots); I'd be even more happy if there was residential (or even office) on top of the garages.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!