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So, my first few months back in Oklahoma have yielded more driving-related incidents than my previous 25 in California.
Yesterday morning, I was turning right onto NW 10th from Robinson. All the on-coming traffic was in the left lane, so I made my turn into the right lane.
Some idiot who was in the left hand lane either thought I was gong to pull out in front of him or quickly decided to change into the right hand lane as I pulled out. Either way, he blew his horn and continued to lean on it for a very long time (even though I had already pulled out into the roadway) and when I looked in my rearview he was right behind me frothing at the mouth and shooting me the finger.
Keep in mind the speed limit here is 30 MPH and everyone was slowing down for the red light at Broadway. Whatever the inconvenience to him (and I'm not sure I was even the slightest bit at fault here), it was very minor but he was losing it behind me and as soon as the light turned green he revved up and got right on my tail and almost hit me as I made the right turn onto Broadway.
I parked at the curb to hop into Coffee Slingers and he pulled up next to me -- stopping in the middle of traffic -- rolled down his window and went completely apesh!t. I didn't say a word, just went inside and he pealed off south, screeching away and still going completely mental.
What I should have done, of course, is pulled out my phone and recorded his tirade and threats, then filmed his license plate, etc.
Now, if I had done that would there be anything the police could or would do?