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Thread: Criterion Concert Hall

  1. #626

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Why can't all construction projects move this fast?
    Careful, there are those who will actually start thinking that now

  2. #627

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    That looks as good as I could imagine. Rector is quickly approaching so a CO still seems really optimistic. I hope that they can make it.

  3. #628
    SouthsideSooner Guest

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    I ran in to Jon Jenkins last night and he was telling me the sign would be going up today. The really cool thing about the first photo is that the letters will appear black in the daytime but will be white when the sign is lit up at night.

    He's the same guy that just completed the restoration of the Tower Theater sign after the first company they hired decided they were in over their head.

    Jon's a genuinely good guy and Dalmarc is a great local company... they do signs for Winstar down to small company's like mine. They should be at the top of the list for anyone needing a sign company. Great work and very reasonable prices...

  4. #629
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    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Why can't all construction projects move this fast?
    Because development projects are all different with different considerations. As far as actual construction, this is a very straight forward simple construction project.

  5. #630

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Also, with a project like this the owners have a massive financial incentive to get done and open, as they have tons of shows already booked.

    Therefore, they pay for tons of overtime and likely provide the contractors with incentives and/or penalties.

    I often make my photographic rounds on Sunday mornings and every time I've been out at this site there are lots of people out there working. I've also seen people working inside there in the evenings.

    Most the other projects don't even have people working on Saturdays.

  6. #631

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Because development projects are all different with different considerations. As far as actual construction, this is a very straight forward simple construction project.
    I know. I wasn't really asking a question. I was just joking about how nice it is for a project to move this fast. I understand that different projects have all kinds of different challenges.

  7. #632

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    A tour inside the upcoming Criterion music venue in Bricktown | KFOR.com

    If you watch that video, you'll see the inside is an absolute beehive of activity as they race to get ready.

  8. #633

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    You can see the sign from I-235, looks great - maybe could be brighter.

  9. #634

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    You can see the sign from I-235, looks great - maybe could be brighter.
    There will be a large marquee that is yet to go up as well.

  10. #635

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    This venue is going to be a Jewel IMO. I need to start ordering some tickets.

  11. #636

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Just announced:

    Rockstar Energy Drink presents: Taste of Chaos

    Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, Saosin and The Early November on June 30th.

    The good hits keep on coming.

  12. Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Now that is something I would go see. I listened to all of these bands heavily in high school.

  13. #638

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    Now that is something I would go see. I listened to all of these bands heavily in high school.
    Do you even TBS bro?

  14. #639
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    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    This will be my third time TBSing

  15. #640

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    The only show I've seen announced that I even have a clue who the artist is is Deftones. Guess I'm just old, lol.

  16. Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Do you even TBS bro?
    Yes. Yes, I do.

  17. #642

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    I was excited for this project at first, but I must admit that I'm on the outside looking in on this one. I don't know if I'm too young or too old but I believe I've only heard of maybe 1 or 2 bands in this entire thread. Nonetheless nice to see another niche filled, but I guess I can still look forward to the shows at the "peak".

  18. #643

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by kevin lee View Post
    I was excited for this project at first, but I must admit that I'm on the outside looking in on this one. I don't know if I'm too young or too old but I believe I've only heard of maybe 1 or 2 bands in this entire thread. Nonetheless nice to see another niche filled, but I guess I can still look forward to the shows at the "peak".
    That's exactly what I thought. I'm either really young or really old, because I have never heard of any of these bands.

  19. #644

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    If you've never heard of any of these bands then I'm guessing a place the size of the Criterion was never really going to cater to the type of artists you listen to (and there is nothing wrong with that).

  20. #645

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by warreng88 View Post
    Just announced:

    Rockstar Energy Drink presents: Taste of Chaos

    Dashboard Confessional, Taking Back Sunday, Saosin and The Early November on June 30th.

    The good hits keep on coming.
    Oh geez, another show I have to go see with DB and TBS; I've already bought tickets for Ben Rector, Disclosure, and Glass Animals. The Criterion is taking all my disposable income.

    Feeling all sorts of high school nostalgia seeing these band names. I saw Dashboard last summer when they were at the Zoo Amp. Chris Carrabba can't quite hit notes like he used to, but still a damn good show.

  21. #646

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew4OU View Post
    Oh geez, another show I have to go see with DB and TBS; I've already bought tickets for Ben Rector, Disclosure, and Glass Animals. The Criterion is taking all my disposable income.

    Feeling all sorts of high school nostalgia seeing these band names. I saw Dashboard last summer when they were at the Zoo Amp. Chris Carrabba can't quite hit notes like he used to, but still a damn good show.
    I am excited more about the venue than the bands because I really couldn't tell you who these bands are. I had heard of the Deftones but the others just go in one ear and out the other. I assume most of these bands appeal to the 25-35 yr old age bracket? I mean I'm not to old to Get Down though.

  22. #647

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    I am excited more about the venue than the bands because I really couldn't tell you who these bands are. I had heard of the Deftones but the others just go in one ear and out the other. I assume most of these bands appeal to the 25-35 yr old age bracket? I mean I'm not to old to Get Down though.
    Go see Widespread Panic. Good music and good people watchin lol

  23. #648

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Go see Widespread Panic. Good music and good people watchin lol
    Will Guyutes have to shut down for this show? Or will they just be hosting the after party?

  24. #649

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    Quote Originally Posted by OSUFan View Post
    If you've never heard of any of these bands then I'm guessing a place the size of the Criterion was never really going to cater to the type of artists you listen to (and there is nothing wrong with that).
    Okay, seriously? Lol. Deftones is not in the same category as all these other names I've never heard one iota about.... I'd say I'm old and the other two posters are young.

  25. #650

    Default Re: Criterion Concert Hall

    surely you all have heard of gregg allman, right? of the allman brothers? he'll be there may 17.

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