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Thread: Better Call Saul

  1. #1

    Default Better Call Saul

    Although I rate "Breaking Bad" as one of the top five shows ever broadcast on television, until last week I hadn't watched a single episode of "Better Call Saul." I saw an ad for Season Two and it reminded me of that fact. I just got finished semi-binge watching Season One on Netflix. It was the best ten hours of television viewing I've invested in a long time.

  2. Default Re: Better Call Saul

    I also just binged on it. Honestly I found it really good. I was very surprised. I thought it would be more comedy for some reason but it is a good mix.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    We absolutely love it!!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Quote Originally Posted by turnpup View Post
    We absolutely love it!!!
    Must see TV on Monday Nights

  5. #5

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    The first few episodes of Season 1, were just a touch slow for my liking...but so was Breaking Bad. But we continued to watch it last year, and by seasons end....it was great. I feel as if Season 2, started out great as well.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    I've learned you got to just trust what Vince Gilligan does.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    I'm about to start watching this on Netflix so no spoilers.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    This is also one of my favorite shows. I started watching it from the beginning just because I loved Breaking Bad so much and watched all of those episodes in about a week. Didn't want to do that again with another series. Jonathan Banks is turning into one of my favorite actors of all time. His expression in the last scene this week was classic. Amazing what emotions a good actor can convey with just a simple gesture. I hope that wasn't too much of a spoiler Ozmondo.

  9. Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    Jonathan Banks is turning into one of my favorite actors of all time. His expression in the last scene this week was classic. Amazing what emotions a good actor can convey with just a simple gesture. I hope that wasn't too much of a spoiler Ozmondo.
    Really enjoy Bank's character in this series and Breaking Bad...... I was laying in bed the other night watching Buckaroo Bonzai and I can't remember whether it was the Lectoid played by Christopher Lloyd or John Lithgow but one of them walks into a room and kills a hospital guard.... When I heard the voice of the guard I asked myself "Was that Jonathan Banks?" and sure enough. Next day I look it up and Banks was credited as Lizardo Hospital Guard.... Looked totally different with a head full of hair and 32 years younger but you can't miss that gravelly voice.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Quote Originally Posted by CCOKC View Post
    This is also one of my favorite shows. I started watching it from the beginning just because I loved Breaking Bad so much and watched all of those episodes in about a week. Didn't want to do that again with another series. Jonathan Banks is turning into one of my favorite actors of all time. His expression in the last scene this week was classic. Amazing what emotions a good actor can convey with just a simple gesture. I hope that wasn't too much of a spoiler Ozmondo.
    Not at all... Just makes me want to watch it faster.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    I thought there was no way any television could be as good as Breaking Bad; I was wrong. Better Call Saul is every bit as good as BrBa. I thought it was going to be a massive flop when I heard they were making a spinoff, but was glad to be proven wrong.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Jonathan Banks as the goon in the first Beverly Hills Cop...great bad guy!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    We dumped Uverse around the time started airing. I remember seeing the trailers for the show, but never watched it. We have Nexflix, so we started watching Better Call Saul on Sunday, and watched some more last night and stopped after #9 "Pimento". Pretty interesting. Every episode ended with me wanting to see the next.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    This commercial from a local lawyer runs during the Monday night broadcast for those that don't watch on Cox.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	wdRCaft.jpg 
Views:	139 
Size:	821.0 KB 
ID:	12343

  15. #15

    Default Re: Better Call Saul



    There's a billboard for a local male attorney named Sloan. It says "Better Phone Sloan".

  16. #16

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Reading through these posts, I've been asking myself what it was about Season One that most impressed me or why I found the series so fascinating. I think it is because it provides the backstory to two of my favorite characters on Breaking Bad: The Lawyer and The Henchman. Having said that, I would submit that even if a person hadn't watched a single episode of "Breaking Bad", "Better Call Saul" would stand on its own in terms of excellence. I put the program right up there with The Sopranos, Deadwood, and Carnivale.

    Is there a way to catch up on viewing Season Two? Since I didn't realize what a good show this is, I never tuned-in . . .

  17. #17

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Is there a way to catch up on viewing Season Two? Since I didn't realize what a good show this is, I never tuned-in . . .
    I don't have cable/satellite, so I just buy the episodes on Amazon.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Reading through these posts, I've been asking myself what it was about Season One that most impressed me or why I found the series so fascinating. I think it is because it provides the backstory to two of my favorite characters on Breaking Bad: The Lawyer and The Henchman. Having said that, I would submit that even if a person hadn't watched a single episode of "Breaking Bad", "Better Call Saul" would stand on its own in terms of excellence. I put the program right up there with The Sopranos, Deadwood, and Carnivale.

    Is there a way to catch up on viewing Season Two? Since I didn't realize what a good show this is, I never tuned-in . . .
    You can stream them on amc.com if you have a cable login.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Reading through these posts, I've been asking myself what it was about Season One that most impressed me or why I found the series so fascinating. I think it is because it provides the backstory to two of my favorite characters on Breaking Bad: The Lawyer and The Henchman. Having said that, I would submit that even if a person hadn't watched a single episode of "Breaking Bad", "Better Call Saul" would stand on its own in terms of excellence. I put the program right up there with The Sopranos, Deadwood, and Carnivale.

    Is there a way to catch up on viewing Season Two? Since I didn't realize what a good show this is, I never tuned-in . . .
    Same here. I never saw any of the Breaking Bad series, and while the ads for BCS caught my attention, I never watched it before we canceled our Uverse account.

    It is a very good show and left me wanting to see more after I watched the final "Marco" episode of season one last night. It is well writen but has a simplicity to it at the same time. And for a modern show, does'nt rely on profanity, sex and explosions to try and keep the viewer interested.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    I share a lot of the same excitement and love for Better Call Saul that many others on this thread is sharing.
    I was a HUGE Breaking Bad fan. BEST show that TV ever made.
    But I really managed my expectations for Better Call Saul, because I thought it would likely be a let down.
    This weeks episode with Mike and Tuco was the pinnacle! The show is really hitting it's stride as one of the best shows on TV.
    My wife likes the show and she didn't watch Breaking Bad. She loves Slippin' Jimmy!

    Like someone else said. Trust Vince Gilligan. He is a master of weaving story lines together while incorporating humorous & smart dialogue!

  21. #21

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    I watched season 1... binged it.

    Those early episodes are a very accurate of the state of the legal profession for many solo attorneys. I'm lucky enough to not have to survive on Oklahoma Indigent Defense contracts, but that's how many lawyers function.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Better Call Saul

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    I watched season 1... binged it.

    Those early episodes are a very accurate of the state of the legal profession for many solo attorneys. I'm lucky enough to not have to survive on Oklahoma Indigent Defense contracts, but that's how many lawyers function.
    You mean that all lawyers aren't rich and live in million dollar homes?

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