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There are eleven pubs within one mile of my friends house, and the cask ale is subterranean and the other beers are refrigerated like any normal American bar and they are not subterranean. I have been all over England, Scotland, Wales, and Cornwall (as well as Ireland, but little or no cask ale there), and If you spend some time in London, most pubs do not have cask ale because they were not built with the subterranean facility. I believe that's because of their proximity to the Thames, but I might be wrong. I have also enjoyed cask ale at pubs that have the "casks" or kegs lying on their sides on a shelf above bar level, they are not as cool as those that are in the cellar, but still quite good. I don't remember seeing any pubs in London that used this method. I suspect that the term "warm beer" came from this style of storing the kegs. One of should start another thread to talk about various styles of beer since this one was meant to be about Oklahoma's liquor laws. Oh well, if somebody tells me to shut up, I will.
C. T.