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Thread: SoSA District

  1. #601

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Lots (small ones) in SoSA are selling for $150K and up.

    Any new construction or built with in the last 5 years is going for $275 / SF and up.

  2. #602

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    This 3,092 square house on NW 8th near Francis just listed for a cool $1 million.

    That's $323 per SF.

    826 Nw 8th Vws, Oklahoma City, OK 73106 - Home For Sale and Real Estate Listing - realtor.com®

    She's dreaming if she thinks she'll get a million for that place. and if someone is foolish enough to pay that, then i will lose all faith for humanity

  3. #603

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Thx for the info, y'all, no way can we afford anything north of $200K, but we still want mid-century modern or early 60s ranch, so we'll keep looking further out (Belle Isle-ish), or possibly Classen-Ten-Penn (not MCM or ranch, but close in and not gentrified yet). Nice that we have lots of folks with lots of money (or lots of debt) that can afford that kind of pricing here in OKC, and is moving there instead of Edmond or Gaillardia, I guess.

  4. #604

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Most of Jefferson Park and the Paseo area are within your budget.

    Some good options in Gatewood, too.

    C10P is affordable but spend some time there walking around before you making any decisions.

  5. #605

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Thx for the info, y'all, no way can we afford anything north of $200K, but we still want mid-century modern or early 60s ranch, so we'll keep looking further out (Belle Isle-ish), or possibly Classen-Ten-Penn (not MCM or ranch, but close in and not gentrified yet). Nice that we have lots of folks with lots of money (or lots of debt) that can afford that kind of pricing here in OKC, and is moving there instead of Edmond or Gaillardia, I guess.
    By asking and getting these overly inflated prices , it only hurts the rest of the community where it was once an affordable area to now only within reach of a few select pocket books.

  6. #606

    Default Re: SoSA District

    There are very affordable options just on the other side of Classen in Classen 10 Penn.

  7. #607

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Most of Jefferson Park and the Paseo area are within your budget.

    Some good options in Gatewood, too.

    C10P is affordable but spend some time there walking around before you making any decisions.
    Thx for the tips, and yep, have Jefferson Park and Gatewood on our list, didn't really consider the Paseo, though, but I guess we should. We'd like to live close in to the center, but we also need a 2-car garage, 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, which ain't easy to find close in, which is why we're also hunting in Belle Isle-ish, Mayfair, etc.

    And yes, have heard that it's street-by-street in C10P, but that some great deals are available if you're willing to be a bit risky.

  8. #608

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    This is Jeff Moore's sister, he's the guy that owned or might still own the block of buildings in Bricktown. She's dreaming if she thinks she'll get a million for that place. and if someone is foolish enough to pay that, then i will lose all faith for humanity
    $323 per square foot is going to look like a deal within 10-15 years. No reason to lose faith in humanity for what is a very predictable and foregone result. It may seem like a lot now, and perhaps it's a bit over the market, but the market is going to continue to be pushed up for a good moment to come.

  9. #609

    Default Re: SoSA District

    SoSA has one extremely rare thing which is why the property and homes have become so pricey: Views.

    The entire area sits up pretty high with great vistas of the skyline. The view from my place is absolutely stunning.

    There simply aren't many things worth viewing in OKC... No real natural elements (maybe Lake Hefner) so the skyline is about it.

    Real estate values are all about scarcity and the scarcest thing of all in OKC are views, and SoSA has them.

    Plus, of course, great general location with access to downtown, Film Row, Midtown, etc.

  10. #610

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    $323 per square foot is going to look like a deal within 10-15 years. No reason to lose faith in humanity for what is a very predictable and foregone result. It may seem like a lot now, and perhaps it's a bit over the market, but the market is going to continue to be pushed up for a good moment to come.
    Do you have some case examples? OKC is always a little behind other cities.

  11. #611

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by HHE View Post
    Do you have some case examples? OKC is always a little behind other cities.
    I do not have any case examples at the ready. It's mainly a hunch based on bits of small research I've done in the past. I did just look through some cities on Zillow and one thing I will say that makes this area unique is that it's really well integrated with the rest of downtown compared to a lot of early 20th c. neighborhoods in downtown areas. In several of the cities I looked at, all single-family/large-lot development was relegated outside of a highway loop. The thing that will make SoSA super valuable is when West Midtown starts seeing activity.

    At the end of the day, downtown OKC is still far away from being a compelling Urban locale (especially this far west), and it's going to take time to get there. But within 10-15 years, you will very likely be able to live in SoSA with 0 need for a car, have a front and back lawn, great view, relatively quiet compared to what will happen in other downtown neighborhoods, access to more legit urban districts, etc. etc.

    In 2016 dollars, I think this area will probably level out around $600 - $700/sf in about 20 years.

    Here are a few examples of large-lot/single-family homes in other downtown neighborhoods in 2 cities ahead of us by 15+ years.
    1112 W 7th St, Austin, TX 78703 | MLS #2520424 | Zillow
    424 N Poplar St, Charlotte, NC 28202 | MLS #3077310 | Zillow

  12. #612

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Have you considered Linwood Place? A decent amount of houses in the neighborhood have 2-3 car garages.

    Disclaimer: I am partial to neighborhood, since I currently live there.

  13. #613

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by LandThieves View Post
    Have you considered Linwood Place? A decent amount of houses in the neighborhood have 2-3 car garages.

    Disclaimer: I am partial to neighborhood, since I currently live there.
    I have heard it mentioned before, and it fits our location criteria (between I-44/235, and between downtown and 63rd-ish), so I'll put it on our list to check out, thx.

  14. #614

    Default Re: SoSA District


    I really like the neighborhood north of I-44, south of 50th and between May & Penn.

    It's a mixture of older but also some mid-century ranches with 2-car garages. Some can get pricey but you can find some 1,800 SF homes close to $200K.

    You can get anywhere quickly from that neighborhood and several of the great grocery stores are pretty nearby: Sprouts, WF, Trader Joe's

  15. Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    The proximity to downtown and Midtown are going to make this the premier neighborhood for people who don't want historical or vintage. It's not really surprising that houses are selling for the prices they are, considering location. Think of what real estate near the CBD in other cities costs and it's still reasonable. I tried to talk my husband into buying 3+ lots a few years ago when they were selling for about $15,000 apiece. Sigh.

    People who want to be reasonably close to downtown for under $250,000 should seriously think about Classen Ten Penn or even see if there are lots/houses for reno available in the Kennedy neighborhood south of the Health Sciences Center. It could take off in the next few years once people figure out how close it is. That's where I would look if I were in the market for affordable housing.
    I was thinking the same thing Betts, SoSA is fast becoming OKC's version of the Near North Side in Chicago (similar modern housing stock, similar distance from CBD, similar pricing (comparatively for each market).
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  16. #616

    Default Re: SoSA District

    BTW, I've absolutely loved living in SoSA now that I've been here a few months.

    My view is incredible; arguably as good as anywhere in OKC. Very easy to walk over to Elemental and everything on 10th and all the way over to Broadway.

    When Sunnyside Diner, Revolucion and The Flea all open in the near future, there will be 3 great places right outside my door.

    Because it's mainly single family homes, you get to know people here pretty quickly. I've met just about everyone that lives over here and there are a lot of movers and shakers.

    One thing I've really grown to appreciate is how easy it is to travel west and north from here. I pick up the OKC boulevard at it's eastern most point, which is just 3 blocks west of me and about 8 more south. But you don't have to go through downtown, so you can be on that thing and blowing towards I-40 then I-44 either north or south very quickly. I can hit the 40/44 intersection from my house in about 5 minutes.

    I made it door to door to Uptown Grocer at May & Britton in 12 minutes early one morning. Also very easy to get out to see friends and family (and business meetings) in West OKC, the Memorial Corridor and West Edmond without having to deal with Broadway Extension.

  17. #617

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Great Opportunity for an Investor in SOSA District!

    614 8th St.

  18. Default Re: SoSA District

    That house is adorable!

  19. #619

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    I have heard it mentioned before, and it fits our location criteria (between I-44/235, and between downtown and 63rd-ish), so I'll put it on our list to check out, thx.
    if you're willing to go a little over a mile West, Windsor Hills is a great neighborhood.

  20. #620

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by foodiefan View Post
    if you're willing to go a little over a mile West, Windsor Hills is a great neighborhood.
    Isn't that Kern/Hateland? Thx, but no, don't need any more intolerance around me. Seriously, though, not willing to go past May/I-44, too far west for us, want to be as central as we can get...

  21. #621

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    She's dreaming if she thinks she'll get a million for that place. and if someone is foolish enough to pay that, then i will lose all faith for humanity
    Just closed for $969K, so pretty darn close and was only on the market a couple of months.

    That's over $312 / SF on a big house.

    Prices are only going up.

  22. #622

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Personally I am amazed at how fast the Cottage District is transforming. Two years ago most of the roads over there were in third world condition and it was a place I never would think to go. Today you can really see it starting to come together. I will be interested to see if and where a commercial focal point for the neighborhood develops.

  23. #623

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by TheTravellers View Post
    Isn't that Kern/Hateland? Thx, but no, don't need any more intolerance around me. Seriously, though, not willing to go past May/I-44, too far west for us, want to be as central as we can get...
    Mayfair Hills is located between May and Independence/1-44 (Baptist Hospital) between NW Expy and 5oth.

  24. #624

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Just closed for $969K, so pretty darn close and was only on the market a couple of months.

    That's over $312 / SF on a big house.

    Prices are only going up.
    3.5% discount. Bet they'll be able to sell for $400/sf by the end of the decade.

  25. #625

    Default Re: SoSA District

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Just closed for $969K, so pretty darn close and was only on the market a couple of months.

    That's over $312 / SF on a big house.

    Prices are only going up.
    Thank you for keeping everyone up to date on this home. We are super happy with the results of the home and the sale. To our knowledge, this will set the high number for price per sq ft.

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