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Thread: Stock market/investing/economy

  1. #1

    Default Stock market/investing/economy

    Let's talk stocks, investing, economy, Fed, and all that here. Political discussion needs to be tied it into stocks. IE obamacare is going to be great for health care stocks, a Trump tariff on Mexico is going to kill carmakers.

    I really hope we don't see negative interest rates they are a horrible horrible idea.

    What negative interest rates can do to US stock market

  2. #2

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    If you have money in the market right, you're an out & out fool, did people not learn their lesson in 2008-09?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    If you have money in the market right, you're an out & out fool, did people not learn their lesson in 2008-09?
    Thanks for that Tundra, great input. Why are you in this thread? Go away troll.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    If you have money in the market right, you're an out & out fool, did people not learn their lesson in 2008-09?
    Like when people invested in the market while it was low after it crashed, and tripled their money in 8 years.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Like when people invested in the market while it was low after it crashed, and tripled their money in 8 years.
    When the market started coming back yes, but with all of the same warning signs of 08-09 you'd be crazy to keep gambling your money in the market, especially if you're nearing retirement age. Pulled almost all of mine out in 08 by the advice of my advisor and Im glad I listened... its no different today.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Thanks for that Tundra, great input. Why are you in this thread? Go away troll.
    Not trolling, some people like myself just happen to know about a lot of different topics....

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    When the market started coming back yes, but with all of the same warning signs of 08-09 you'd be crazy to keep gambling your money in the market, especially if you're nearing retirement age. Pulled almost all of mine out in 08 by the advice of my advisor and Im glad I listened... its no different today.
    Good lord, you pay for a stock adviser?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Swake View Post
    Good lord, you pay for a stock adviser?
    I was back then, extremely glad I was.....

  9. #9

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy


    If this doesn't make you want to throw all you life savings into the stock market, I don't know what would...

    Bad things are upon the horizon...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    When the market started coming back yes, but with all of the same warning signs of 08-09 you'd be crazy to keep gambling your money in the market, especially if you're nearing retirement age. Pulled almost all of mine out in 08 by the advice of my advisor and Im glad I listened... its no different today.
    Yes, a lot of people yanked their 401(k) money on poor advice like that. They took a big tax hit and then they had a bunch of red-tape to deal with. Those who didn't listen to those saying to "get out of the market," watched their plans tank and then rise to much higher levels than before - without a tax hit and all the hassle that came to those who pulled their 401(k) money. You always link to doom & gloom websites that make money selling survival food, gold, silver, and boat loads of BS.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    I have to agree with Tundra. I don't own a single stock, bond, or piece of precious metal. I converted everything to cash and paid down debt. I just hope the economy can hang on until March 2017 so I can get the cars paid off.

    Now having said that, one thing I know for sure is the stock market will not crash. The Fed will ruin us all with worthless money before they allow the market to crash. The DOW is going to 50,000 (but bread is going $22.50).

  12. #12

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Yes, a lot of people yanked their 401(k) money on poor advice like that. They took a big tax hit and then they had a bunch of red-tape to deal with. Those who didn't listen to those saying to "get out of the market," watched their plans tank and then rise to much higher levels than before - without a tax hit and all the hassle that came to those who pulled their 401(k) money. You always link to doom & gloom websites that make money selling survival food, gold, silver, and boat loads of BS.
    Its better to pay taxes, because it means you have a profit, then to stay in and lose your profit and principal. Do you have 7 figures in your 401k? If not you wouldn't understand.....

  13. #13

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    I retired May 3rd, 2004 and I have received a monthly withdrawal every month since. Most of the time, my principal has been above or remained at the same amount as when I retired. I'm a little low right now but still, considering that I have enjoyed almost 144 paydays, I can't complain about the market. If I could go back to 2004, knowing what I know now, I wouldn't change a thing because if I wasn't in the market it wouldn't be long and I would be living on Social Security.
    C. T.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    Its better to pay taxes, because it means you have a profit, then to stay in and lose your profit and principal. Do you have 7 figures in your 401k? If not you wouldn't understand.....
    No, I don't, and If you have seven figures in a 401(k) you're less than .05% of those with 401(k) plans.

    No, the taxes people paid were actually penalties for early withdrawal for those who got talked into leaving the market in '08. And there were plenty who didn't even trust parking their money in a money market fund. Bad advice - much of it fueled by Porter Stansberry and others who get rich on fear.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    No, I don't, and If you have seven figures in a 401(k) you're less than .05% of those with 401(k) plans.

    No, the taxes people paid were actually penalties for early withdrawal for those who got talked into leaving the market in '08. And there were plenty who didn't even trust parking their money in a money market fund. Bad advice - much of it fueled by Stansberry and others who get rich on fear.
    Never heard of Stansberry before or any others, my advisor right here in Oklahoma laid it out for me , it was ultimately my decision, as was it to get back in.... I'd do it again in a heart beat

  16. #16

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Invest for the long term and don't worry when the market plunges. I put $5,000 in a Fidelity Contrafund IRA during the mid 1990s and it's now worth over $30,000. Had I messed with it by trying to time the market, I bet it wouldn't be worth nearly that much. Some of its biggest holdings are Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Starbucks, Visa and Nike.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    It depends on how you are invested. If you are talking about money that goes into a 401k, I agree that this isn't a great time for the market, but 401k's are for the long-term so if you're not retiring in the next five years really you should be looking past this blip and investing for the long-haul.

    If you are investing via a brokerage account, the first thing everyone should realize is you can make money in the stock market both when it is an up market and when it is a down market. I have actually made far more money in down markets by shorting stocks or by buying into leveraged ETFs/ETNs that inversely track, sometimes with multiplying leverage, the motion of the market, a commodity, a base or precious metal, or a business sector. If you really are convinced beyond all belief that the market is headed down, then why not invest in instruments that are going to go way up in that kind of a market? If you don't know what's going to happen and think the market is too volatile, then why wouldn't you invest in notes that are trading on volatility futures?

    I do want to say that you absolutely should not do any of this unless you really know what you are doing, but today is always a great day to learn. Download any number of free apps, set yourself up a fake portfolio, and see how you do. Watch what happens, tweak it, and learn. If you have enough money in a brokerage that you have access to professional trader tools, run an advanced market momentum scan and see what the big trades are that day. Look at what the big traders are actually trading. Try to figure out why. Make notes.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Also realize the market never sleeps. You can trade in our country during certain hours, or other countries during other hours. A down market here may not equal a down market there. There are many opportunities "in a down market" if you just look for them.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Reading the last few comments I can see that some of us differ on the severity and ultimate outcome of the looming economic issues. Some think this is just another bump in the road. I personally believe this is going to be a point of inflection. The path we are on is going to change permanently which is why I don't own any imaginary stuff.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Reading the last few comments I can see that some of us differ on the severity and ultimate outcome of the looming economic issues. Some think this is just another bump in the road. I personally believe this is going to be a point of inflection. The path we are on is going to change permanently which is why I don't own any imaginary stuff.
    But change to what?

    We're not going to go back to bartering. Currency is still very necessary for us to live our day to day lives and any change to the current system is far more likely to be evolutionary than revolutionary. And when things are revolutionary they almost always tend toward simplification/consolidation. I don't think you can go away from Dollars, Euros, Yen, Pounds and Rubles. If you do, it's toward a more singular, world-wide currency…I certainly don't see the city-states that are so important in your view of the future initiating their own currencies, because people want mobility.

    And the reason this is important is because as long as we have these concentrated forms of currency, it is perfectly reasonable to value resources in those currencies. Yes, those currencies are "easily" manipulated, but they've ultimately done a decent job over the last many centuries in helping us move forward and progress as a society. We have made some missteps, but none so egregious that we need to completely overhaul the system in hindsight.

  21. #21
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    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    21 New Numbers That Show That The Global Economy Is Absolutely Imploding

    If this doesn't make you want to throw all you life savings into the stock market, I don't know what would...

    Bad things are upon the horizon...
    Now you are getting investing advice from Facebook clickbait? Maybe you should go back to paying for advice.

    The only way you have seven figures in a 401k is if you include the cents.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    But change to what?
    I don't know what it will change to but I think a discussion along those lines would seriously detract from the intent of this threads topic. Alas, I am 100% standing behind my 2020 prediction - which is simply that by Dec 31, 2020 there will not be 50 US States.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I don't know what it will change to but I think a discussion along those lines would seriously detract from the intent of this threads topic. Alas, I am 100% standing behind my 2020 prediction - which is simply that by Dec 31, 2020 there will not be 50 US States.
    I don't think Porto Rico becoming a state will collapse the economy.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by HHE View Post
    I don't think Porto Rico becoming a state will collapse the economy.
    Have you seen the Puerto Rico economy? It might.

    Puerto Rico Economy

  25. #25

    Default Re: Stock market/investing/economy

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Let's talk stocks, investing, economy, Fed, and all that here. Political discussion needs to be tied it into stocks. IE obamacare is going to be great for health care stocks, a Trump tariff on Mexico is going to kill carmakers.

    I really hope we don't see negative interest rates they are a horrible horrible idea.

    What negative interest rates can do to US stock market
    Negative interest rates are a desperation move. The horrible idea was creating a group of central bankers to keep prices "stable" when all they do is create bigger and bigger economic bubbles that collapse.

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