Re: Future: Cox Business Services Convention Center.
I also think it is a great idea to try to repurpose the Cox garage in some fashion for transit purposes, tying in to the Santa Fe Intermodal Center. This could allow for underground transit stops (for commuter and express bus, local transfers, InterCity Bus, and perhaps even some slots for rental car companies. If the garage could start underground and perhaps extend upward somewhat (or all the way into a proper skyscraper) for a portion of the site; this COULD pay for itself while expanding Santa Fe. The ONLY thing remaining to be done would be to build underground connection between the Cox Site center and Santa Fe underneath EKG. I would incorporate Warren's ideas for the remainder of the site - but I would retain or reconfigure the garage (especially the section nearest to EKG) to become the TRANSIT portion of the Santa Fe Intermodal Center.
To me, this is the LINE OF BIG CITY THINKING that OKC needs to start making - we need a 'proper' transit center along the lines of other big cities and using at least a portion of the COX site for this would be hugely appropriate in that direction while also having a blank canvas if you will to what the opportunities could be.
I'm very excited about this, hopefully we wont be in a local or national recession at the time.
Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!