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Thread: KFOR Big Announcement

  1. #1

    Default KFOR Big Announcement

    After Weather.KFOR is going to announced a big announcement. It could be A someone is having a Baby. B someone is leaving or C. they have hired a new Sports Director or promote someone to Sports Direction Position

  2. #2

    Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    announcement is that Brian Brinkley is the new Sports Director at KFOR.

  3. Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    Great cultural fit. Considering the awful way in which the position was vacated and how much overall BBJ (and Senior) were liked as individuals, it would have been tough to find someone from outside the fold and market who would be accepted by loyal viewers.

  4. #4

    Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    they said that they did a nationwide search and Brian was the best Candidate for it

  5. #5

    Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    So whatever happened to that state-of-the-art studio KFOR was working on???

  6. Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    they said that they did a nationwide search and Brian was the best Candidate for it
    He's a bit too buttoned up for me. I don't need a goofy meat head, but he just seems uncomfortable a lot of the time. When he did weekends with Emily and Jolene, he had no idea how to handle their ad libs...just so awkward to watch. He needs to loosen up just a bit.

  7. Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by Tydude View Post
    they said that they did a nationwide search and Brian was the best Candidate for it
    Well, I took "nationwide search" with a grain of salt; not that they didn't talk to some out-of-market people (surely they did). But in this case "best candidate" is a loaded term. In this case more than most anchor hires, cultural fit was maybe even more important than chops. Not that Brinkley isn't a fine sportscaster.

    But that station's sports coverage was synonymous with the Barry name for half a century, and both Senior and BBJ were not only generally liked by their audience but obviously adored by their co-workers.

    Choosing someone other than a Barry protege who had spent years at that station would have been risky, and would have invited alienation from viewers and co-workers alike. It seems like the smart play. Especially since KFOR sort of hangs its hat on anchor longevity (Ogles, Barrys, Linda Cavanaugh, et al).

  8. Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Well, I took "nationwide search" with a grain of salt; not that they didn't talk to some out-of-market people (surely they did). But in this case "best candidate" is a loaded term. In this case more than most anchor hires, cultural fit was maybe even more important than chops. Not that Brinkley isn't a fine sportscaster.

    But that station's sports coverage was synonymous with the Barry name for half a century, and both Senior and BBJ were not only generally liked by their audience but obviously adored by their co-workers.

    Choosing someone other than a Barry protege who had spent years at that station would have been risky, and would have invited alienation from viewers and co-workers alike. It seems like the smart play. Especially since KFOR sort of hangs its hat on anchor longevity (Ogles, Barrys, Linda Cavanaugh, et al).
    Good points, all. In this market, where people actually have some roots, it was probably the best choice. In another city with a more transient population, choosing someone from somewhere else would be more acceptable.

  9. #9

    Default Re: KFOR Big Announcement

    Congratulations to Brian Brinkley
    KFOR Sports Director

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