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Thread: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

  1. #1

    Northwest OKC Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    The Mathis family has broken ground on a new climbing and fitness center in far northwest Oklahoma City.

    John Tarkington, step-son of Bill Mathis and an avid climber, is heading the project which will include rock climbing, bouldering, fitness training, and yoga classes, all geared towards the sport of climbing.

    Dubbed Threshold Climbing + Fitness, the center will be located on 2 acres of land near the intersection of N. MacArthur and Memorial Road.

    With a $2 million construction budget it will be comprised of 20,000 square feet and be over five stories at it's tallest point, with impressive climbing walls of all types.

    Tarkington told OKCTalk that Threshold will be a first class facility and more elaborate than anything else in the state. It will also be the first climbing facility in Oklahoma to be designed and built new from the ground up.

    The facility will cater to those of all levels of experience and abilities and will feature event space for birthday parties, corporate groups and events of all types. Tarkington says one of the primary missions of Threshold will be to promote the sport of climbing within the city and state.

    A ground breaking ceremony took place on January 22nd and construction should be complete near the end of the year.

    Threshold will join existing climbing facilities Rocktown in downtown OKC and Climb Up in Norman.

  2. Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    IM really disappointed that this is up on Memorial and not downtown. With Rocktown's days numbered, it's a real shame to lose an actual DO attraction downtown. We have so many eateries and so few activities down there.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Rocktown has a new operator and it's going anywhere.

    This is 15 miles from there, about the same distance as to the other facility in Norman.

    Threshold will be a significant step up from anything else in the state and will only help the sport of climbing grow.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Awesome news, and good to see them expanding their reach. They really are a top notch company (not sure if this will be under the same umbrella, but I'm guessing so).

  5. Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Could be a good business model. Try out the weight bench, then buy it if you like it. High-pressure salesman can spot you while you pyramid.

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    IM really disappointed that this is up on Memorial and not downtown. With Rocktown's days numbered, it's a real shame to lose an actual DO attraction downtown. We have so many eateries and so few activities down there.
    With gas prices at a record low and lending happening again, I think Memorial Road and suburban OKC is going to dramatically eclipse the urban neighborhoods. I mean, why wouldn't it? OKC isn't a particularly urban-minded community and hasn't really done anything amazing to make the urbs more attractive. Plus we don't even protect the investments we do make, and we're okay with not even finishing projects within 10 years of funding them. So yeah, downtown is going to fall again, and nobody will even notice it bc the "downtown resurgence" rhetoric will yell over anyone.

    I think to too many families, downtown isn't even a thing. If you want those people, you gotta build on Memorial Road, or you just don't exist to them.

    I would be too afraid of gerbils getting in the fitness equipment to actually go myself. Plus I only go up to Memorial Road for Café 7, and that's where I draw the line. This is really just a glorified Lifetime Fitness.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    This is really just a glorified Lifetime Fitness.
    Ridiculous statement.

    This will be a state-of-the-art climbing facility and the best in the state.

    Everything about it will be geared towards the sport of climbing.

  7. Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Lifetime has that, too.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Lifetime has that, too.
    They may have a climbing wall but that is not close to the same thing.

  9. Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Yes it is, though I don't doubt the Mathis people told you it will be the bestest greatest one ever (maybe for Oklahoma). Neither of these facilities have anything on wall climbing inside an old grain silo or church or something special, but as far as a climbing wall in a new building with 50' ceilings on a freeway exit - no difference. They all have the bouldering and rope courses these days. This one actually has fewer climbing walls than the Lifetime.

    This facility has the same height as a Lifetime. Lifetime at least puts some locations in urban areas. I think Chicago has one right on Halsted in Lakeview, with the climbing in a big 3 or 4-story glass atrium that's visible from the street. Most universities have free climbing walls for their students these days. They're becoming rather ubiquitous.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness


    There are great differences between climbing walls and climbing facilities.

    Has nothing to do with height.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Looking at this floor plan, it's majority rock climbing, as in not the kind of place I'm gonna drop my Anytime membership to start using as a gym.

    So no, this is NOTHING like a Lifetime Fitness.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    It's a rock climbing gym with a fitness room, not a fitness center with a rock climbing wall... huge difference.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    I think Spartan is sitting in his angry chair again today.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    If prices are competitive with Anytime, I'll be dropping mine as well.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Quote Originally Posted by Thomas Vu View Post
    If prices are competitive with Anytime, I'll be dropping mine as well.
    it doesn't look like this is going to have much of a gym though

  16. #16

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    I can see his frustration. We talk a big game about reversing sprawl but it surely is out pacing anything downtown and will continue to do so. And we'll continue to do nothing about it. And as for it being a fitness place, it surely is. It has fitness in the name for cryin' out loud. Are they just lying or......................

  17. #17

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    I can't read the dimensions, but I'm just saying that small of a space isn't enough fitness for what typical gym goers will want, so maybe they are lying?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    The fitness part is only in support of the sport of climbing, not meant as a stand-alone workout area.

    And I'm not sure south of Memorial is really sprawl at this point... There have been a bunch of big housing developments in that area since the 80's.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness


  20. #20

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Stuff like this will never get old, it's what keeps people in town. When there are things to do and there are choices, people stay entertained.
    This looks like the nicest and biggest climbing facility from the ones I've been to and have seen, so this is exciting. I imagine there will be one in Tulsa coming soon.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness


    Don't think they'll be coming to Tulsa.

    It's a one-off; a passion project by John Tarkington who lives here in OKC.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Well, that'd be a bummer. I figured with the Mathis name it'd end up here. If it does or doesn't, this is still something I would be excited about and may throw this on my to-do list for a weekend stay down in the city.

    Along with the White Water facility... And the iFly... And Top Golf...

    May have to break it up into a couple weekends.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Quote Originally Posted by bradh View Post
    it doesn't look like this is going to have much of a gym though
    Admittedly, I misread your first statement. However, with all the movement involved in climbing I'd prefer to do that than lift weights.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Don't think they'll be coming to Tulsa.

    It's a one-off; a passion project by John Tarkington who lives here in OKC.
    Not right away, but if it proves to be a successful business model, they are very likely to at least consider expansion.

    There are currently talks of them expanding their Ranch Steakhouse brand. I believe they want to put one in Norman and then one in Tulsa.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Threshold Climbing + Fitness

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    Not right away, but if it proves to be a successful business model, they are very likely to at least consider expansion.

    There are currently talks of them expanding their Ranch Steakhouse brand. I believe they want to put one in Norman and then one in Tulsa.
    I was specifically told they don't expect to make much if any money at this -- that it's a passion project.

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