The RLAO supports sensible change to Oklahoma’s alcohol laws. We would offset the selling of “strong” beer in convenience and grocery stores by directing funding to the government agencies in charge of educating, preventing and treating our citizens regarding the misuse of alcohol. We would limit the ABV of products sold in convenience stores to 6%. This would allow 95% of all the beer they sell in Texas to have representation at every corner store in Oklahoma without introducing more dangerous, higher-point products like Four Loko and Steel Reserve. We support the refrigeration of the products sold in liquor stores. We support allowing customers to bring their children into our stores. And we support allowing liquor stores to be open on Independence Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and whichever day Mr. Lewis’ anniversary actually falls on.
Our proposal is not just imminently more fair to the small business people we represent, it takes into account the valid concerns of those Oklahomans who realize that alcohol is a drug which deserves to be controlled and regulated so that convenience is properly balanced against social harms.