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Thread: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

  1. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    It doesn't matter what the Hot Heads say, they are in minority - both in NOLA and Seattle.

    Most people here don't think that way - they know OKC is in the middle and is a formidable regional city with big energy companies. They may not know anything else, and that is where OKCians can improve.

    The fact that a "high profile" (which is debatable by the way) state senator said what she said only illustrates her (and other SEATTLE SONICS fans) disdain for OKC getting the SONICS, nothing else. This is very similar to the vocal minority in NOLA who would bash OKC at every chance even tho the same OKC is the reason why the Hornets and NOLA even exist today.

    Why shouldn't the Hornets change their name to OKC, they were based here! And New Orleans benefitted from it - but they only care about name recognition - which is why they all of sudden started "supporting" the Hornets. We'll see how long the Hornets remain in NOLA. I predict, two years; next year with a loss but with hopes of improvement due to the All Star game being hosted there, only to have year 2 a complete disaster due to the LOW and POOR population of NOLA. Corporate support will go to the NFL Saints, so the Hornets will be looking for a new city in 2 years, most likely Oklahoma City IF the SONICS were not to relocate (1% chance of that not-happening), second probably Las Vegas. I predict in 2 years, Las Vegas HORNETS!

    As for the SONICS, Im almost certain there will be no private support for them here - and no public either. Im hopeful that Bennett will go to the NBA board after Apr 22, and ask them for an exemption. No one wants to keep losing $$ or allow the NBA brand to further sink. And given OKC's and Bennett's reputation, they should allow him an exemption to move the team for 2007 as long as Key Arena is taken care of. That is a drop-in-the-bucket compared to what lies ahead in profit as well as pride from OKC. Oklahoma City is a HOT sports market and I think the NBA experience will be very similar to that found in Salt Lake City.

    In fact, I think OKC itself is very similar in many ways to the SLC area and Portland, both successful NBA small markets. I think the city needs to be meeting NOW to determine what improvements/lease agreements/zoning to improve retail/civic-public improvements will take place over the summer/early fall. We need to get ready for the SONICS and take steps to improve the downtown experience as a major league destination. We're almost there - but now lets put it into full steam; the SONICS are coming, the SONICS are coming!!
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  2. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Ms. Prentice,

    I'm sure you pride yourself as a Washingtonian on being classy and cultured. I must say you really proved yourself just wonderfully with your recent hateful, childish comments towards the City of Oklahoma City.

    "Why would anybody leave here and go to Oklahoma City? Have you ever been to Oklahoma City? I have," Prentice said.

    Who do you think you are, Ms. Prentice, to act like a 5th grader while working as a senator? Your comments show your immaturity and you lack of education on the subject. I'm guessing if you have been to Oklahoma City, it's been quite some time. Would you like someone to make blanket judgements about your city or state based on a decades old first impression? I THINK NOT.

    Did you know that Oklahoma City has a philharmonic, a ballet, a world class dance company, one of the largest arts festivals in the country, and a university famous for the performing arts? Did you know that the Oklahoma City Museum of Art has the largest collection of Chihuly glass in the world on permanent display? Did you know that that same museum will host an exhibit from the Lourve next year that will be visiting OKC, Indianapolis, and Seattle? Did you know that Oklahoma City will soon be home to the largest collection of bronze sculpture in the country? Did you know that Oklahoma City is home to the International Photography Hall of Fame? Did you know that Oklahoma City has seen over a billion private dollars invested in its downtown in the last 10 years?

    I'm guessing you didn't know any of these facts, and formed your opinion based on what you saw from your car as you turned your nose up to us Oklahoma country bumpkins. Perhaps next time you will choose a more diplomatic way to state your opinion.

    Jason Brown
    Oklahoma City
    Actually we are currently approaching $3 billion in downtown bucks. Or you all can where around the 2,500 (downtown units) number.

  3. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Actually we are currently approaching $3 billion in downtown bucks. Or you all can where around the 2,500 (downtown units) number.
    I couldn't find the exact figure, so I undershot it.

  4. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    I sent her a nice long educational experience as well. If only politicians wouldn't go and be stupid all the time....lol

  5. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    bomber, cc us on that!

  6. #31
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    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    It doesn't matter what the Hot Heads say, they are in minority - both in NOLA and Seattle.
    Exactly. This woman is lobbying for 300 million dollars of state tax money to be placed in her backyard. She's just pissed that if she doesn't get it, her target will move to a place she doesn't like. The reality is that it could have been anywhere, USA and she would have probably made some disparaging remark to appeal to the pride of the locals, as in "you can't let us lose this to them, can you?" That's all any of this is. The majority of people in Seattle are actually shrugging and saying "so what? if it costs us $300 million in revenue and untold amounts in opportunity cost, they can have it."

    I mean, really, how many of us had heard of Renton, WA before 6 months ago and now we care what a desperate politician with her hand out says?

    My point is let's stop talking about being a great city and start building one.
    Well, put dc.

  7. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    One thing I wanted to say.

    it is GREAT to see this out-pouring of support for Oklahoma City. You can sense the renaissance that has taken place here in the pride everyone has on the city today. While OKC may not be perfect, it is clear that no one will sit around and let someone mistakenly put down our city (unlike was the case just 15 years ago).

    I have to say, Kudo's to Oklahoma City - now I think our civic leaders can take a point from those of us on this and other forums, STAND-UP FOR OUR CITY.

    It would have been nice for some city official and/or Bennett himself to respond to WA Senator Margarita regarding her public disdain of Oklahoma City (which was really an attempt to rally the "troops" really). Although she didn't really say anything bad about the city, she implied that it is not-desireable given she has "been here."

    That said, perhaps OKC's response or lack thereof really is appropriate and shows class and the truth to which such responses about OKC really are - nothing but inuendo that should not be given the time-nor-day or acknowledged.

    Maybe OKC is not only a community with new pride in itself, but MAYBE OKC has grown-up too. We're too confident in ourselves and what we have to offer - to respond to such petty and ignorant claims from such insignificant people as a WA State Senator from Renton WA of all places.

    OKC dances lightning years ahead of her hometown, yet she has that Seattle elitist attitude and wanted to use that to get people behind her cause.

    Seattle might be better than OKC in some dimensions, but I see NOTHING that Renton has that's better than OKC other than its close to Seattle. I think she should stick to defending HER community instead of leaching on to Seattle in order to put down a community who will be the home of their major league team.

    She should have talked up what Renton has to offer, Oh, wait - maybe she did not due so because Renton has NOTHING TO OFFER.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  8. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Here is a link to a form you can email to her...I've already sent one to let her know that we have been following the Sonics situation closely and I have seen numerous derogatory shots at us from Sonics fans, but for a Committee Chairwoman to say that is over the line

    E-mail Senator Margarita Prentice

    I have requested a response back so if I do get one I will post it....Let's let her hear from us that are stuck here in this crappy city
    Thanks, Easy. I've sent my message to her:

    You're comments about Oklahoma City are actually appreciated by me since you are (once were) a primary proponent for keeping the Sonics and Storm in your area ... sorry you don't care for my town, but your remarks should help influence the Sonics/Storm owners you are supposedly trying to work with, but perhaps not in the way you might prefer. I'm sure that, as an educated person, you know what I mean without further elaboration. I assume that you've done your homework and you know that Mr. Bennett is a major leader in the Oklahoma Heritage Association (which annually names members to Oklahoma's Hall of Fame) among his other civic interests in that place you say "you've been to."

    Thanks, though, for helping out my little town that you apprently think little of even though you may not have intended to be helpful ... we'll be glad to have wherever we can find it, regrdless of intention. And, like we did to Charles Barkley last year, you have an open invitation to come on down! We've got some mighty fine chickens and donkeys and such things ... we'll make you feel right at home!
    Hope this will do.

  9. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger View Post
    I'm glad you agree. I was just going to post about our being closer to the Caribbean. ;

    Ahhh ... you hooked me ... what does Okc have that Seattle doesn't? It is closer to the Gulf and warm oceanic waters ... not as close as I'd like, but I'd sure as hell not want to have to travel SO far to get to those Gulf beaches!

  10. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    So has anybody figured out what's happening here?

    This is my best guess: Chris Van Dyk is upset about how his interview with HornetsCentral Patrick Nelson went and got dressed up in a wig and decided to bash OKC. Am I wrong?

    Chris --------------------------------------------- Margarita

    I guess that makes Chris (aka Margarita), a Van ..... yeah.

  11. #36
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    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    That said, perhaps OKC's response or lack thereof really is appropriate and shows class and the truth to which such responses about OKC really are - nothing but inuendo that should not be given the time-nor-day or acknowledged.
    ^^^^^^^ Either that, or we just make dyke jokes ^^^^^^^^

  12. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Lol Bdp

  13. #38

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    That is the worst looking man/woman that I have ever seen. There is no doubt that is the same person, I mean look at the cheesy smile.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    I find it quite ironic that a state senator from the home of Microsoft has failed to realize that a snide, provincial wisecrack meant to pander to the homers within their own political district is now readily and immediately accessible to the entire world (including the region intended for belittlement) via that newfangled contraption known as the internet. Her remarks betray either a gross lack of foresight or a serious lack of political sense. And I agree with the prior posters who have pointed out her stupidity in hurling an ill-informed, condescending lightly veiled insult at the home base for the Sonics' entire ownership group.

    Although she may have figured her comments would have minimal local political downside, if Bennett and his group cite her dismissive comments as one of the principal reasons why they felt the deck was stacked against them it could come home to haunt her. Suddenly she'll be the face behind the repudiation of Seattle.

    And really, that'd be a shame now, wouldn't it?

  15. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    That is the worst looking man/woman that I have ever seen. There is no doubt that is the same person, I mean look at the cheesy smile.
    Easy there. Remember that she is still someone's mom, maybe grandma too. We wouldn't like it if someone called our relatives names, so let's be better than that. Besides, that's not the point here.

  16. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by bombermwc View Post
    We wouldn't like it if someone called our relatives names,
    You do know what she said about me and you, right?

  17. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    She drew first blood...

    ha,ha.. I'm kidding.. I just pictured her for a minute in Rambo gear hiking through the Seattle forests..lol
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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