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Thread: Gas tax, now?

  1. #26

    Default Re: Gas tax, now?

    Just spend less? That sounds great but doesn't work. The only way we are going to get a handle on government programs (and the related spending) is if we start taxing people what it costs to provide the services they say they want. Do that for 2 years and you will be amazed how fast things change.

    For example, end the mortgage interest tax deduction and see what happens to home prices, or within this topic, tax people what it costs to actually build, maintain, and police the roads you all say you want - and watch how quickly you can no longer afford to drive.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Gas tax, now?

    My Mac computer has a pre load personal budget template, I'd suggest everyone fill one out and live by it..... You'd be shocked what you are not doing with the money you're making....Debt free is the life for me...Cash is king! Since creating a budget 4 years ago, I have paid down over $140k in debt , in 3 more years I hope to have my home paid off, which I might add would be 17 years early.... Everyone needs to spend less, no matter how rich or how poor.... people don't save anymore for some reason

  3. #28

    Default Re: Gas tax, now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    My Mac computer has a pre load personal budget template, I'd suggest everyone fill one out and live by it..... You'd be shocked what you are not doing with the money you're making....Debt free is the life for me...Cash is king! Since creating a budget 4 years ago, I have paid down over $140k in debt , in 3 more years I hope to have my home paid off, which I might add would be 17 years early.... Everyone needs to spend less, no matter how rich or how poor.... people don't save anymore for some reason
    I use Quicken and agree that cash is king. I don't use credit for anything. Which is why I can't figure out why people who say they are fiscally consevative live a lifestyle that requires massive goverenment spending, but then say they are taxed enough when asked to pay for it. I get why a liberal would say that but why does a solid red state like Oklahoma do it? Are Oklahoman's really blue in red clothing?

  4. #29

    Default Re: Gas tax, now?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    people don't save anymore for some reason
    What's the point of saving when the money loses value every day? next year's dollar won't buy any more than 95 cents does today, and that works like compound interest only in reverse. Notice that we don't talk any more about the actual rate of inflation. Instead, we pride ourselves when its RATE of increase is below 5%. But since inflation is the rate of change for monetary purchasing power, the rate of its increase is actually a second derivative like acceleration, not something simple like speed. And with ever-increasing acceleration, the resulting speed quickly soars out of sight. That's what is happening to money. Spend it now and pay back later (if ever) is the only logical path to follow!

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