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Thread: XBox Live ?

  1. Default XBox Live ?

    Anyone play Halo 2? OKCPulse, we finally got online! yipee.. you'll never see me again.. nothing like a bunch of gamers making you feel like a loser.. man I'm horrible against a room full of 24/7 players... but that's okay, they have to have someone to shoot don't they? ha,ha.. it's too addicting!

    Anyway, here is my gamer tag.. O NO U DI INT ....... lol, I love it
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Video game nerd alert Karried

    On a totally unrelated topic...My Cardinals are 7-2 on my MLB '07 The Show game

  3. #3

    Default Re: XBox Live ?

    GET EM KARRIED! I'm awaiting the shared XBOX LIVE With PC Live. Then it'll be on

  4. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Ha, I can't even come close to getting anyone.. these people must eat, breathe and sleep Halo 2! I've been getting whipped!

    My son tells me 'you're doing good, think about it, you're probably the only Mom who even plays Halo 2 live.." thanks, I think! I feel so old.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Awesome!!! Well, it looks like I'll be sending you a friend invite this weekend. We'll have to duke it out sime time. I'll pick the game type, you pick the map. My gamertag is rotovirus.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  6. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Cool! I'll look for it... you can find me cowering behind any rock trying to avoid confrontation..lol...

    I need to practice!

    My favorite is the skull/ball or flag... tee hee.. I crack myself up.. I finally manage to kill someone, miraculously grab the skull or flag and then run around in circles lost trying to find the base! I think I've managed to hold on for about 27 seconds.

    I never knew how horrible I was until I started playing with thousands of hardcore gamers.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  7. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Capture the Flag and Oddball, eh? I've always been partial to Territories. If we play Oddball, we'll do Oddball Rockets. BTW, two new maps for Halo 2 come out soon.

    I'll be sure and look ofr you cowering behind the rocks. Hehehehehehehehe!!!!!!
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  8. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Hi, My name is Karried and I'm a Halo addict.

    Someone needs to come over and pry this controller out of my hand.. my kids are threatening to run away from home because I'm forcing them to play with me.... they insist on doing homework instead! My hubby is moving out because I won't let him play his Football game on Xbox 360 until I master the art of the beatdown. And, I have carpal tunnel and am dreaming about 'double kills'.

    I need an intervention.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    I haven't signed on in months (my Xbox died with Halo 2 in it and I've played other things on the 360 since), but I'm the same way...I get waxed 30 seconds after signing on. I'm horrible at most games, but I still like to play from time to time. Highly addictive to play too (Halo 2).

    Now you're giving me the bug to play it again.

  10. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    ooooohhhh - come play .. no one in my family will sign on with me anymore. I keep saying, just one more, just one more.. and whine and pout until they play at least 20 rounds with me .. lol

    I need the practice though! I'm the worst, when you're playing and see some idiot spinning in circles shooting the walls.. that's me. (ha,ha, I really do crack myself up .. I get so frazzled when being attacked, I accidently hit the scope on the rifle so if you see my screen, it's just spinning walls and rocks and a close up of my death or even better, I fling myself off cliffs on accident and lose the one point I managed to get by committing suicide. But, my favorite self destructive habit, that is sure to make me the laughing stock of all, is when I throw a grenade and it bounces off the rock and kills me or I shoot a rocket launcher in a small room and kill myself (again) lol...

    I can't tell you how many times I hear

    'O yes, I did!'
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  11. Default Re: XBox Live ?


    I didn't get a chance to get on this weekend, but I will on Friday night. We registered at Target for baby stuff. Anyhow, be sure and practice!
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  12. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Chris, I know, I've been looking for you and didn't see you ... how's are the baby boys doing?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  13. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    ooooohhhh - come play .. no one in my family will sign on with me anymore. I keep saying, just one more, just one more.. and whine and pout until they play at least 20 rounds with me .. lol

    I need the practice though! I'm the worst, when you're playing and see some idiot spinning in circles shooting the walls.. that's me. (ha,ha, I really do crack myself up .. I get so frazzled when being attacked, I accidently hit the scope on the rifle so if you see my screen, it's just spinning walls and rocks and a close up of my death or even better, I fling myself off cliffs on accident and lose the one point I managed to get by committing suicide. But, my favorite self destructive habit, that is sure to make me the laughing stock of all, is when I throw a grenade and it bounces off the rock and kills me or I shoot a rocket launcher in a small room and kill myself (again) lol...

    I can't tell you how many times I hear

    'O yes, I did!'
    Sounds a lot like me

    I've been playing Rainbow Six: Vegas lately though, as my Halo 2 disc is stuck in a dead console and I haven't yet had the motivation to tear it apart.

    Not sure what my gamertag is right now (it HAS been a while), but if you get an invite from somebody with a gamertag ID along the lines of "Hot Lonely Girl", it's not spam, it's a 35 year old man with a penchant for toying with the emotions of 15 year old boys on a worldwide level.

  14. Default Re: XBox Live ?

    Get out your screwdriver and pry that game out of there!

    I've determined that it will take me more than a few weeks/months ( maybe years ) to catch up with these kids/teens who have played their entire lives.

    It's okay.. I just run around in circles, hide and cower in fear and occasionally get lucky.

    I'm getting better and better though... I got a Triple Kill today! whhhooo hooooo

    So far, my favorites are the territory games... the Hill is my best one.. then the Skull/Ball .. fun, fun times.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

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