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Thread: Aldi

  1. #76

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    BTW, I never realized the point of the quarter in the cart to release it was to make sure all the carts were returned to the proper place. Really, really smart as it does not require an employee out there collecting them and it also keeps the lot clear of the usual jumble of carts.
    Yeah, it's just one of the things they do to help control expenses and help keep prices low. Thought the concept was weird myself when I first saw it. But now, every time I'm at a Walmart or somewhere else and I see people leave their carts in the middle of the parking lot, I get so irritated. You'll never see this in an Aldi lot. They do this all over Europe as well, from what I've seen.

  2. #77

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    Yeah, it's just one of the things they do to help control expenses and help keep prices low. Thought the concept was weird myself when I first saw it. But now, every time I'm at a Walmart or somewhere else and I see people leave their carts in the middle of the parking lot, I get so irritated. You'll never see this in an Aldi lot. They do this all over Europe as well, from what I've seen.
    I can't speak for "all over Europe", but in the London area, you put £1 (about $1.48) in the cart and nobody leaves carts anywhere except where they can redeem there £1 (one pound sterling). I'm surprised that a quarter keeps carts out of the parking lot, but I guess we are all so cheap that we want our quarter back.
    C. T.

  3. Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by soonermike81 View Post
    Yeah, it's just one of the things they do to help control expenses and help keep prices low. Thought the concept was weird myself when I first saw it. But now, every time I'm at a Walmart or somewhere else and I see people leave their carts in the middle of the parking lot, I get so irritated. You'll never see this in an Aldi lot. They do this all over Europe as well, from what I've seen.
    The first time I went to Spain my friend had me go to the grocery store alone and when I saw that to get the cart I needed to put in at least .50Eu I thought no way in heck am I going to pay .50 just to use the cart and was kind of mad (I also didn't have any change yet as well, so couldn't pay to use the cart), luckily they had hand baskets on wheels for me to use inside and I didn't need to buy too many items although I filled that thing full. It wasn't until when I went to the store later with her that I realised that they give you the money back after plugging the chain back in. Pretty good system and it keeps your car from getting banged up from a stray cart caught in the wind.

  4. #79

    Default Re: Aldi

    The quarter deposit for the cart is a people thing too. I think it was on my second trip to Aldi when I finished loading my groceries and was returning my cart to the storage area when a lady approached me with a smile and a quarter in hand to trade for the cart I was pushing. ..

  5. #80

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    I can't speak for "all over Europe", but in the London area, you put £1 (about $1.48) in the cart and nobody leaves carts anywhere except where they can redeem there £1 (one pound sterling). I'm surprised that a quarter keeps carts out of the parking lot, but I guess we are all so cheap that we want our quarter back.
    C. T.
    I've seen people leave carts in the parking lot at Aldi...the thing is that with the quarter, there is someone grabbing that cart by the time the lazy person is out of the parking lot. I like it when I see the other direction rezman mentioned. Often you don't even have to return the cart, because someone else is ready to use it and heading to the door with a quarter ready anyway.

  6. #81

    Default Re: Aldi


    Right, this happened to me yesterday when I walking my cart back to the docking station close to the entrance and a lady smiled and handed me a quarter, then happily took the cart. What a great system.

    (Not returning carts to an appropriate spot is one of my biggest pet peeves, especially the lazy arses who dump them next to handicap parking spaces. When I was a kid, my dad would say, "There are two types of people in this world: those who return carts and those who do not. We are the kind of people that do.")

    And speaking of Europe, I spent a lot of time in Switzerland and they had the same system but the coin involved was equivalent to a couple of dollars.

    And all their grocery stores were the same sort of setup where there was a seated cashier, you had to buy bags, etc.

  7. #82

    Default Re: Aldi

    I've made Aldi one of my main Grocery stops and the more I shop the better I like it. It just seems to take a bit to adjust to the system of it all. The Cart system is genius and not sure why all stores don't do it. its simple and works and saves the hassle of picking up carts.

  8. #83

    Default Re: Aldi

    One other thing to love: They don't use coupons.

    I can't stand the feeling that if I don't cull through a printed newspaper or mailer on a frequent basis (and I don't look at either any more) then I am always paying higher prices for not having the coupons.

    Also, of course, it substantially slows down the checkout process.

    I really wish they would expand as all the locations here seem very busy. The closest one to me is over 5 miles away.

  9. #84

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    (Not returning carts to an appropriate spot is one of my biggest pet peeves, especially the lazy arses who dump them next to handicap parking spaces. When I was a kid, my dad would say, "There are two types of people in this world: those who return carts and those who do not. We are the kind of people that do.")
    I'm handicapped and about a month after my insurance paid $6,200 to repair my hail damaged car, somebody left a cart in the handicapped area and it was a windy day. Just my luck, it rolled into my car and I had a four inch scratch/dent on my "like new" car. Even handicapped, I always return my cart to the store unless there is a cart return real close to where I'm parked.
    C. T.

  10. #85

    Default Re: Aldi

    People dump carts next to handicapped spots because they are wider.

    When I see someone in the act of doing that I offer to put it in the proper place for them. And often, I'll grab a cart from a similar area and just take it for use in the store.

  11. #86

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    And often, I'll grab a cart from a similar area and just take it for use in the store.
    If I pass a cart in the parking lot, I am taking it into the store with me. I can't understand why more people don't do this. First thing you're going to do when you get in the store is grab a cart anyway. This way I avoid the nice little old lady who I'm sure at all other times is Mother Theresa, but for some reason when she grabs her cart takes one step away and then decides she needs to hunt in her purse for her shopping list, a stick of gum, a pen, the starting lineup of Superbowl XVII, completely ignoring everyone around her. Come on, seriously? Stand aside, you are not the only one trying to shop.

  12. #87

    Default Re: Aldi


    Haha, oh don't get me started on the complete obliviousness of people in grocery stores.

    The classic one is the person who stops with their cart right in the middle of the aisle. Seems like the majority of people do this, blocking passage for anyone else.

    Worst of all is the person who waits until their entire order is totalled with tons of people behind them, then and only then fishes out their checkbook (!), takes forever writing it out, stands there writing the whole transaction in their ledger and chatting aimlessly with the checker, then -- still blocking everyone else from moving up -- starts looking for keys, sunglasses, etc.

    And then there is the loud cell-phone talker who is on their phone screaming the entire time: "Hi. Do we need milk? Oh, guess who I saw today? How about diapers? No, it was Barbara. She looked terrible. Hey, want me to bring home a take-and-bake pizza? Yeah, terrrible. Sooo... What are you up to?"

  13. #88

    Default Re: Aldi

    you mentioned they need to expand. The last few trips to the Aldi closest to me and they have started asking for a Zip code from shoppers. the cashier said they are collecting data as to where they need to put new stores and how far people are driving to the current locations.

  14. #89

    Default Re: Aldi


    Yes! I noticed they asked me this on the last trip.

    Really no need for that info if they weren't considering expansion.

  15. #90

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    If I pass a cart in the parking lot, I am taking it into the store with me. I can't understand why more people don't do this. First thing you're going to do when you get in the store is grab a cart anyway.
    I would never do that. The first thing I always do before I touch a cart is get one of the sanitary wipes from the dispenser and wipe the hand grip thoroughly. Call me paranoid but I won't change that for anything.

  16. #91

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    Haha, oh don't get me started on the complete obliviousness of people in grocery stores.

    The classic one is the person who stops with their cart right in the middle of the aisle. Seems like the majority of people do this, blocking passage for anyone else.

    Worst of all is the person who waits until their entire order is totalled with tons of people behind them, then and only then fishes out their checkbook (!), takes forever writing it out, stands there writing the whole transaction in their ledger and chatting aimlessly with the checker, then -- still blocking everyone else from moving up -- starts looking for keys, sunglasses, etc.

    And then there is the loud cell-phone talker who is on their phone screaming the entire time: "Hi. Do we need milk? Oh, guess who I saw today? How about diapers? No, it was Barbara. She looked terrible. Hey, want me to bring home a take-and-bake pizza? Yeah, terrrible. Sooo... What are you up to?"
    And then tells the cashier, "I be right back, I forgot something", and off they go.

    One major peve of mine is the pushy people that have to shove their items right up behind mine and stand right up behind me while I'm trying to conduct my business with the cashier.

  17. #92

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I would never do that. The first thing I always do before I touch a cart is get one of the sanitary wipes from the dispenser and wipe the hand grip thoroughly. Call me paranoid but I won't change that for anything.
    Robot Check

    And I'm sorry, but I will call you paranoid. Unless you're wiping down the entire cart (and using two or three on the little plastic flap that some kid's ****-filled diaper was sitting on), those dispensers are just 'security theater'. You'd be much better off using them on your hands, both before and after using the cart.

  18. #93

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    Robot Check

    And I'm sorry, but I will call you paranoid. Unless you're wiping down the entire cart (and using two or three on the little plastic flap that some kid's ****-filled diaper was sitting on), those dispensers are just 'security theater'. You'd be much better off using them on your hands, both before and after using the cart.
    Those wipes are provided for a very good reason and I do wipe off any place on the cart that my hands might touch. When I get home from grocery shopping I wash my hands thoroughly and there are a few items that I buy that I rinse off as well before storing them.

  19. #94

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Those wipes are provided for a very good reason and I do wipe off any place on the cart that my hands might touch. When I get home from grocery shopping I wash my hands thoroughly and there are a few items that I buy that I rinse off as well before storing them.
    But that's my entire point. You wipe any place on the cart where your hands might touch. Your hands. Your HANDS.

    Did you wipe off the little plastic flap where the dirty diaper sat an hour ago before you put your bananas there? Did you wipe off the inside of the cart where raw meat sat an hour ago? The last time that cart was sanitized was never, wiping the handle is just a meaningless gesture. Use the hand wipes *on your hands*, on the way in and on the way out.

  20. #95

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    But that's my entire point. You wipe any place on the cart where your hands might touch. Your hands. Your HANDS.

    Did you wipe off the little plastic flap where the dirty diaper sat an hour ago before you put your bananas there? Did you wipe off the inside of the cart where raw meat sat an hour ago? The last time that cart was sanitized was never, wiping the handle is just a meaningless gesture. Use the hand wipes *on your hands*, on the way in and on the way out.
    I love this site. Everyone here has an answer for something and their way is the right way and dammit, others are going to know to about it!

    Well, Ljbab, you heard it here first, apparently you're a fool for using those wipes that these companies pay money for to give to people like you, me, and the millions of others.

  21. #96

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    I love this site. Everyone here has an answer for something and their way is the right way and dammit, others are going to know to about it!

    Well, Ljbab, you heard it here first, apparently you're a fool for using those wipes that these companies pay money for to give to people like you, me, and the millions of others.
    I love this site. Everyone here takes every else's words and completely ignores them, making false accusations and putting words into other's mouths that were never there.

    Well, Ljbab, you heard it here first, apparently you're a genius for putting your bananas on the diaper flap.

  22. #97

    Default Re: Aldi

    My bananas and any other produce are placed in a plastic bag before being put in my cart. Also, while I realize many people don't, I put any fresh meat that I purchase in a plastic bag before it goes in my cart.

    I certainly did not mean to derail this thread with a discussion on sanitation so this will be my last comment on that subject. Everyone else is free to do as they wish but I will not change my habits. Here are a couple of links to support my position.

    KSL: Sanitary wipes are used and work at grocery stores | Deseret News


  23. #98

    Default Re: Aldi

    Quote Originally Posted by stile99 View Post
    I love this site. Everyone here takes every else's words and completely ignores them, making false accusations and putting words into other's mouths that were never there.

    Well, Ljbab, you heard it here first, apparently you're a genius for putting your bananas on the diaper flap.

  24. #99
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    Default Re: Aldi

    I just love reading for the pure comedy show that is OKCTalk. lol.

  25. #100

    Default Re: Aldi

    OKCTalk. Pick your analogy: We are a family. We are a community. Choosing either, I would place before it, the word "dysfunctional." I admit it. Completely.

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