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Thread: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

  1. #1

    Default Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    My wife and I are going to Tulsa next weekend for the boat show and to just hang out. We are staying at the Hard Rock, she has always wanted to, but we are looking for something else to do. Any suggestions? Any wineries or vineyards around that do tastings? Museums worth stopping by?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    Quote Originally Posted by Zuplar View Post
    My wife and I are going to Tulsa next weekend for the boat show and to just hang out. We are staying at the Hard Rock, she has always wanted to, but we are looking for something else to do. Any suggestions? Any wineries or vineyards around that do tastings? Museums worth stopping by?
    Philbrook is really good. If you like boats, then you may like the aquarium in Jenks.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    Philbrook and Gilcrease are world class museums. The Woody Guthrie Center is in the heart of the Brady District and across from Guthrie Green, which is pretty cool. Otherwise, I'd just recommend visiting Brookside and Cherry Street, get a bite to eat or drink, and stroll around. Both are interesting districts.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    If you like western art, The Gilcrease Museum can't be beat.

    Since you will be on the east side of Tulsa at the Hard Rock, you could to go Claremore and visit the Will Rogers Museum.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    I totally agree, you must go to The Gilcrease Museum.
    C. T.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    Clarmore is a bit up the road but the J.M. Davis Gun Museum is interesting.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    Gilcrease and Philbrook both if you have time. If you have time for only one, the Philbrook is more classical art in a beautiful old mansion, and Gilcrease is Western and Native heritage art and relics. Either way, make sure you go in every room, especially at Gilcrease, there's some hallways and side rooms that can be easily overlooked.
    Tulsa Hills if you want to shop and see how poorly designed such a massive retail area was for the common walking pedestrian.
    If you want to check out some of the local feel that Tulsa has going on, the Brady District and Blue Dome are always open and have a number of bars, eateries, etc. This will be something where you'll park and walk around for a little while in downtown.

    Here in a couple years we'll be telling you to drive through our world class park along riverside

  8. #8

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    Thanks for all the info. When you guys are talking about the Philbrook, I'm guessing you aren't talking about the one downtown? I noticed there is actually 2 on their website. I'm guessing we are going to do the stuff at the fairground Saturday morning, then we'll probably do a museum in the afternoon, followed by going to dinner probably in one of the areas mentioned that can be walked around in with a lot to do. With that being said what would be the best bet for just one museum and one district? Friday night we are just going to hang at the Hard Rock so will only have Saturday really to do things. Maybe Sunday morning, but doubtful as we are going to a Super Bowl Party at the in-laws down south.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    The Philbrook was founded by the Phillips brothers (Phillips66) and is southwest a bit from downtown IIRC. I think it was one of their mansions early on. It has a lot of the old masters art from the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries. It is priceless and the gardens are phenominal.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    The Philbrook was founded by the Phillips brothers (Phillips66) and is southwest a bit from downtown IIRC. I think it was one of their mansions early on. It has a lot of the old masters art from the 10th, 11th and 12th centuries. It is priceless and the gardens are phenominal.
    Philbrook is SE of downtown and is nice in the winter but is the best when the gardens are in bloom (spring/summer). Philbrook though is more central and it can be fun to drive or walk through the surrounding neighborhood to see the beautiful homes. Brookside, Cherry St and Utica Sq are all close so you can go to lunch in one of those areas. I'll throw out Burnco too if you like good BBQ, but get there early to avoid waiting.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Two-day Tulsa Getaway

    Philbrook has a small location downtown in the Brady Arts District, it’s a cool place with more modern art than the main museum. The Brady District truly is an “arts” district with a number of museums and galleries all together. There’s Philbrook, The Woody Guthrie Center, The Zarrow Center, AHHA and Living Arts all right there.

    You can do both quite easily, they only two miles apart. The main Philbrook, which was Villa Philbrook owned by Waite Phillips, is a must see. It’s on a residential street right off 27th and Peoria. The gardens there is one of most beautiful places anywhere, but less so this time of year. I think admission to one gives you access to both.

    All of midtown is really compact. Philbrook has Brookside a mile south and Cherry Street (which is actually 15th Street between Peoria and Utica) a mile north and Cherry Street sits on southeast corner of downtown. Utica Square is just half a mile to the northeast at 21st and Utica. Maple Ridge is the neighborhood along that area of Peoria and it has what’s called Black Gold Row which is 18th street from Peoria to Boston Ave with oil baron mansions. And 18th and Boston is another smaller bar and restaurant area called Sobo. Six blocks north of Sobo actually in downtown is the Boston Avenue Methodist Church, which is one of the greatest art deco buildings in America.

    Gilcrease is actually close too, just a mile west of downtown.

    The Hard Rock is only a 10-15 minute drive from downtown straight down I-44/I-244.

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