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Thread: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

  1. #1

    Default Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Please check out the following quote from the Ways and Means Comm Chairwoman in Washington!.....Few things get me riled up but for a senior congresswoman to say this is inexcusable

    Ways and Means Chairwoman Margarita Prentice, D-Renton, said those who criticized the plan because it does not provide assurances that the team will not pull up stakes ten years from now are underestimating the strength of the region.

    "Why would anybody leave here and go to Oklahoma City? Have you ever been to Oklahoma City? I have," Prentice said.

    Here is the link to the story if you would like it verified first

    Sonics bill makes progress in Legislature

    Here is a link to a form you can email to her...I've already sent one to let her know that we have been following the Sonics situation closely and I have seen numerous derogatory shots at us from Sonics fans, but for a Committee Chairwoman to say that is over the line

    E-mail Senator Margarita Prentice

    I have requested a response back so if I do get one I will post it....Let's let her hear from us that are stuck here in this crappy city

  2. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    This was said about Seattle a few paragraphs above her rude remark:

    "This is so insane," said Sen. Rodney Tom, D-Medina. "I can not see how we in the Legislature can subsidize Ray Allen for $16 million a year when we cannot pay a starting wage starting wage for a teacher of $34,000…we talk about state of the art facilities but when it comes to education, we have 2,000 portables in this state. We have schools where you can't drink the water."
    What did you write to her Easy180?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    I just let her know that I didn't appreciate her classy remark and that it was totally inappropriate for a Ways and Means Chairwoman...Couldn't believe it when I read it...Just pissed me off

    Just thought others may like to fill in the form and let her know we appreciate her lovely sentiments

  4. #4

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Here is a link to a form you can email to her[/B]...I've already sent one to let her know that we have been following the Sonics situation closely and I have seen numerous derogatory shots at us from Sonics fans, but for a Committee Chairwoman to say that is over the line
    Thanks for the link. My letter (with request for reply) is in her "IN" box. I told the Senator I have been in the Seattle area many times and although I tok the ride road and did not offer any direct comparisons I mentioned our full access to all the cultural activities they have, varied economy, affordable housing, etc.

  5. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Ms. Prentice,

    I'm sure you pride yourself as a Washingtonian on being classy and cultured. I must say you really proved yourself just wonderfully with your recent hateful, childish comments towards the City of Oklahoma City.

    "Why would anybody leave here and go to Oklahoma City? Have you ever been to Oklahoma City? I have," Prentice said.

    Who do you think you are, Ms. Prentice, to act like a 5th grader while working as a senator? Your comments show your immaturity and you lack of education on the subject. I'm guessing if you have been to Oklahoma City, it's been quite some time. Would you like someone to make blanket judgements about your city or state based on a decades old first impression? I THINK NOT.

    Did you know that Oklahoma City has a philharmonic, a ballet, a world class dance company, one of the largest arts festivals in the country, and a university famous for the performing arts? Did you know that the Oklahoma City Museum of Art has the largest collection of Chihuly glass in the world on permanent display? Did you know that that same museum will host an exhibit from the Lourve next year that will be visiting OKC, Indianapolis, and Seattle? Did you know that Oklahoma City will soon be home to the largest collection of bronze sculpture in the country? Did you know that Oklahoma City is home to the International Photography Hall of Fame? Did you know that Oklahoma City has seen over a billion private dollars invested in its downtown in the last 10 years?

    I'm guessing you didn't know any of these facts, and formed your opinion based on what you saw from your car as you turned your nose up to us Oklahoma country bumpkins. Perhaps next time you will choose a more diplomatic way to state your opinion.

    Jason Brown
    Oklahoma City

  6. #6

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Not only are her comments insulting, they are completely idiotic considering all the owners of the Sonics choose to live in OKC.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    I wish I could say that all Oklahomans were above such comments (have you ever been to the hornetscentral boards?), but let's take her question seriously for a second:

    Why would anybody leave here and go to Oklahoma City?
    Well, if you're an NBA team, you leave Seattle and go to Oklahoma City because NBA teams lose money in Seattle and they make money in Oklahoma City. It's as simple as that and her distaste for Oklahoma City won't make the Sonics more money, nor will it convince the legislature to give her city 300 million in tax payer money for a new arena.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    bdp...It's one thing talking smack behind a computer screen on hornetscentral and another to say it in a legislation session

    I know worse things have happened in life, but that just plain pissed me off and was totally uncalled for from an esteemed congresswoman

    Nicely put jbrown...Sure our emails won't exactly ruin her day, but I feel a little better after taking a few minutes to call her an idiot

  9. #9

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    I also sent a letter Senator Prentice. I invited her to visit Oklahoma City so that she could educate herself on the benefits Oklahoma City has to offer. Unfortunately her views are similiar to many people who have never been to OKlahoma. It is our job to better inform the nation of the many qualities that exist here. A few examples are.....low utility rates, abundant water, low property taxes, highly educated work force with a strong work ethic, easy commutes, low cost of living and our best quality.....the people that live here. Oklahoma City is the best kept secret in the country. Let's share it with the rest of the nation.

  10. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    What's histerical about this entire ordeal is that Seattle keeps tooting their horn about how much more lucrative their market is. I could care less about lucrative markets based on 'more companies' and a 'larger population base'. That doesn't mean s#!t in a country where preferences are everything. I could sell an item in a larger market that wouldn't sell much because the majority just isn't interested, but make a fortune in a smaller market full of people wanting to buy what I have to offer. This isn't the 20th Century anymore.

    Like I have said before, I don't want the Sonics in Oklahoma City. Why? Because the hot heads in Seattle have made this entire experience completely sour with their insults and high horse attitude. And the press be with them. Bury your face in a John Steinbeck novel and keep your two-bit salt-water baked brain to yourselves, west coast.

    (Hot Rod, you're exempt from the above said. We are just getting tired of Seattle's rude remarks from the press and local leaders)
    Last edited by okcpulse; 04-14-2007 at 03:20 PM.
    Continue the Renaissance!!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Not quite Don Imus stupid - but close.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    I am a native Oklahoman and I have been to Seattle on a couple of occassions and will be going on an Alaska cruise in late July leaving from Seattle. Seattle is a "world class" city no doubt. Oklahoma City is certainly on the rise but it really cannot compare with Seattle in certain areas such as: Sheer beauty of the place, closeness to Canada, mountains, Ocean, world class cuisine etc. The lady's comments were insulting to Oklahoma City and unnecessary, but we need to stop becoming incensed everytime someone says something negative. The best way Oklahoma and Oklahoma Citians can change perception is to get involved in improving on what we have, education, quality of life, entertainment etc. ITime would be better spent writing our leaders in the State demanding they appropriate funds to support growth in areas that attract people to places. Natural beauty is a nice to have but not necessary to build a great city. Dallas is not pretty, Las Vegas in not pretty, even Phoenix is not pretty unless you like the dessert. My point is let's stop talking about being a great city and start building one.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    DC Sooner - we also can't compete with Seattle on homelessness, suicides, schools without drinkable water, or the number of portable classrooms. Sure Seattle is in a very beautiful setting but give me Toby Keith over Courtney Love anytime.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Since when is "closeness to Canada" a selling point?

  15. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Why would anybody leave here and go to Oklahoma City?
    Maybe if you were an NBA team and wanted the love and support of frenzied fans .. aka The best fans in the NBA, you just might want to move to OKC. If you wanted to sell out arenas you might consider a move.. if you wanted a city to embrace and welcome you instead of trying to force you out of town, you might feel the need to relocate. Just depends on what is important to you.. living in Seattle might be nice.. but playing here to sold out crowds is even better.. especially if you're a NBA team needing some attention.

    Talk to Shinn, Byron Scott and the Hornet's players.. they can give you some reasons why someone might want to come here. They did and they don't want to leave.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  16. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    Nicely put jbrown...Sure our emails won't exactly ruin her day, but I feel a little better after taking a few minutes to call her an idiot
    Thanks. It definitely was. We'll see if she has the balls to respond. She has my email.

    dcsooner, I think we would all agree that we are doing those things, but when someone that should be more diplomatic as well as educated says something like this, I think we must respond. I'm sure Kelly Ogle won't pay her a visit this time. I'd like to see Bennet respond though.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Maybe the City of OKC can invite her to a game in a few years after we steal her beloved Sonics?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner View Post
    I am a native Oklahoman and I have been to Seattle on a couple of occassions and will be going on an Alaska cruise in late July leaving from Seattle. Seattle is a "world class" city no doubt. Oklahoma City is certainly on the rise but it really cannot compare with Seattle in certain areas such as: Sheer beauty of the place, closeness to Canada, mountains, Ocean, world class cuisine etc. My point is let's stop talking about being a great city and start building one.
    DCSooner-you appear as guilty as the Seattle Legislator!
    1. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
    2. Close to another country? We're closer to Mexico
    3. Geographic features? We have the Great Salt Plains, WIchita Mountains, etc
    4. World class cuisine? All over the OKC Metro!!!

    We have a great city, and it just keeps getting better

  19. #19

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Ok folks, I agree. I am glad to see my fellow Oklahomas beginning to show genuine Pride in our State. Oklahoma is a great State and I am certainly ecstatic that Sooners are beginning to define themselves rather than let others do so!

  20. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner View Post
    Ok folks, I agree. I am glad to see my fellow Oklahomas beginning to show genuine Pride in our State. Oklahoma is a great State and I am certainly ecstatic that Sooners are beginning to define themselves rather than let others do so!
    I'm glad you agree. I was just going to post about our being closer to the Caribbean. ;


  21. #21

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    We'll see if she has the balls to respond.
    Something tells me you're just setting her up for failure here.

    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  22. #22

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    They say it always rains in Seattle. So, all being said, "may a golden shower rain upon the head of Ms. Prentice". May showers of prosperity always rain upon the fine people and the great city of OKLAHOMA CITY.

  23. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    Quote Originally Posted by okcpulse View Post
    What's histerical about this entire ordeal is that Seattle keeps tooting their horn about how much more lucrative their market is. I could care less about lucrative markets based on 'more companies' and a 'larger population base'. That doesn't mean s#!t in a country where preferences are everything. I could sell an item in a larger market that wouldn't sell much because the majority just isn't interested, but make a fortune in a smaller market full of people wanting to buy what I have to offer. This isn't the 20th Century anymore.

    Like I have said before, I don't want the Sonics in Oklahoma City. Why? Because the hot heads in Seattle have made this entire experience completely sour with their insults and high horse attitude. And the press be with them. Bury your face in a John Steinbeck novel and keep your two-bit salt-water baked brain to yourselves, west coast.

    (Hot Rod, you're exempt from the above said. We are just getting tired of Seattle's rude remarks from the press and local leaders)

    No problem PULSE.

    I also emailed Prentice and spoke up about OKC on the SeattleTimes and PI forums. Fortunately, the majority of people here think well if not highly of OKC. The most fanatical and hysterical people are those who are die-hard SONICS fans, like Prentice.

    Besides that, she is a Senator from Renton - which is where the new Arena would be built - so she has an EXTREME vested interest. But yes, I did speak up of the rather ignorant and distasteful comments made by some people on the forums and in our government.

    But as some have said here - those comments are made by those ignorant of what OKC actually has to offer and/or those who are jealous of what OKC has become - equal in many aspects to cities like Seattle.

    One more week fellows - then we'll see who comes out laughing at this whole matter. The Hornets are GONE but the SONICS will call Oklahoma City home.

    As someone rightfully pointed out on this thread, the owners of the SONICS live/work/plan from/in Oklahoma City and NO BODY has moved to "paradise Seattle" or even set up an office here! That should indicate that OKC is viable, especially because OKC is the subject of at least two NBA franchises.

    There are some in Seattle who are stuck on the 1980's, when OKC was not in the 500k major city club. Well, OKC is there now and almost has as many people in its city as the city of Seattle! That scares some, especially since OKC will take something away from venerable Seattle.

    Trust me, they would not complain at all if the SONICS were to relocate to Chicago or Vancouver or Saint Louis. But because OKC is just now becoming Tier II, we're easy pickin's for a while - until we get the SONICS and continue to improve our city, which will be shown on television more and more, and more and more visit the city for business, pleasure, and "dare I say" - culture.

    One thing is for sure, OKC is definitely much more mature in general with regard to the SONICS than the "vocal" Seattle has been. Dont you all recognize some "similarities" in Seattle's behaviour to that from NOLA?

    Times are changing - and Oklahoma City IS the next great city!

    Continue the Renaissance!
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  24. #24

    Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    HotRod - your comparison of Seattle and NOLA was right on.

  25. Default Re: Attn all who have any pride in OKC!

    "Like I have said before, I don't want the Sonics in Oklahoma City. Why? Because the hot heads in Seattle have made this entire experience completely sour with their insults and high horse attitude."

    It seems to me this would be a very GOOD reason to WANT the team here. We can prove to the people to whom you refer how incorrect they are, thus "putting egg on their faces."

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