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Thread: Anchor Down

  1. #101

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I'm thinking that I would call first if I had that experience instead of just showing up hoping that things might have changed. LOL
    Well, my rationale of thinking was perhaps because I went on a Saturday they were just closed for lunch of weekends. Then I took a quick glance at the hours and assumed they'd be open on Sunday later. So I went then and that didn't happen. My fault, yes. Then I thought instinctively they'd be open for lunch on Monday, but they weren't.

    So I'm embarrassed to say it did take me 3 times before I finally took a good look at their hours of op. and then made it once.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Well, my rationale of thinking was perhaps because I went on a Saturday they were just closed for lunch of weekends. Then I took a quick glance at the hours and assumed they'd be open on Sunday later. So I went then and that didn't happen. My fault, yes. Then I thought instinctively they'd be open for lunch on Monday, but they weren't.

    So I'm embarrassed to say it did take me 3 times before I finally took a good look at their hours of op. and then made it once.
    Sometimes using rational thinking isn't the best course, plupan.

  3. #103

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    I've been there half a dozen times now, but they've never been open. Now I'm convinced it's a big joke...

  4. #104

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    The joke is paying $7, $8 for a corndog, I don't care how fresh the ingredients are...made by hand....blah, blah, blah. The only way I will dish out that much money for a corndog if it was like 2 feet long.

  5. #105

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by sgt. pepper View Post
    The joke is paying $7, $8 for a corndog, I don't care how fresh the ingredients are...made by hand....blah, blah, blah. The only way I will dish out that much money for a corndog if it was like 2 feet long.
    I don't know, man. Their corn dogs are pretty damn good.

  6. #106
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    Default Re: Anchor Down

    They are very good but I'm not sure worth that amount. However the desserts are totally worth it... :-)

  7. #107

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by sgt. pepper View Post
    The joke is paying $7, $8 for a corndog, I don't care how fresh the ingredients are...made by hand....blah, blah, blah. The only way I will dish out that much money for a corndog if it was like 2 feet long.
    They have some that much in other cities. I don't think that is extremely overpriced. On the high side for OKC, maybe.

  8. #108

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Okay, I was checking out the menu today...does it really cost $7-8 bucks for a corn dog and some chips?Does it come with two of them or just one? I mean I don't wanna sound cheap cause I normally drop 10 bucks for breakfast and another 12 bucks for lunch everyday, but generally it's not for a corn dog and chips (.50 from sonic today btw ) they look delicious, but I don't see people going there for lunch more than once......damn one corn dog wouldn't fill anyone up, would it?

    I didn't even see the post from Sgt. Pepper.....^^^^^^

  9. #109

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    There is two corndogs with the chips, but they are not full hotdog size, they are thicket than [regular?], but not as long?

    I don't know how to describe them very well without this turning into a "That's what she said", but follow them on instagram, and you can see some pics.

  10. #110

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by Tundra View Post
    Okay, I was checking out the menu today...does it really cost $7-8 bucks for a corn dog and some chips?Does it come with two of them or just one? I mean I don't wanna sound cheap cause I normally drop 10 bucks for breakfast and another 12 bucks for lunch everyday, but generally it's not for a corn dog and chips (.50 from sonic today btw ) they look delicious, but I don't see people going there for lunch more than once......damn one corn dog wouldn't fill anyone up, would it?

    I didn't even see the post from Sgt. Pepper.....^^^^^^
    It's basically one corn dog, split in two, and chips. It's fairly filling, as they're supposedly house-made sausages. I'll say I've been there several times and I've never needed more. It really is a bit pricey, but it's an indulgence, not a regular meal.

  11. #111

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    There is two corndogs with the chips, but they are not full hotdog size, they are thicket than [regular?], but not as long?

    I don't know how to describe them very well without this turning into a "That's what she said", but follow them on instagram, and you can see some pics.
    Okay that makes more sense, cause everyone's pics usually shows two corn dogs and I was thinking holy he'll I'm not dropping 15 bucks on the corn dog....

  12. #112

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Like chadanth said, the two corn dogs are slightly shorter but slightly thicker than your average corndog. The two pieces together, though, are probably at least 50% bigger than your average corndog. And again, it's better than any corndog I've ever had. Homemade chips are really good too. I am one that always looks for value when it comes to food, and I don't have a problem spending 7-8 bucks for this.

  13. #113

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    ^^ what he said. It's a fun spot, decent food, good beer selection. You pay a bit extra for that, but I don't think it's overpriced.

  14. #114

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by Uptowner View Post
    I've been there half a dozen times now, but they've never been open. Now I'm convinced it's a big joke...
    They have been open for lunch every day this past week! Noticed during my daily walk to Native Roots at 10am that they were setting up the tables outside and then at noon that the "open" sign was on.

  15. #115

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    They were closed last night during the Thunder game? And it was actually feasible to sit outside for a bit. I don't understand what is going on with this place and the business hours. It seems totally random.

  16. #116

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    They have been closed Sunday's and Monday's since the beginning. Not sure why.

  17. #117

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Oh, I had no idea. That is strange, so many Sunday evening games.

  18. #118

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Do restaurants not post their hours on the outside of the building or door anymore (haven't been to Anchor Down yet, so do not know their policy)? That would help a lot for this kind of problem.

    Went to the MOA this weekend and planned to eat at Tamashii, got out of the MOA early, so went to Elemental for coffee. Sitting there from about 4:40 - 5:00, we watched a few people go up and try Tamashii's door, and couldn't get in, so they left. We knew they opened at 5:00 'cos we did our research, but not everybody does, and when we walked over there, we saw they didn't have their hours posted. And besides that, if you aren't signed in to Facebook (and I'm not, I don't have an account, probably never will), Tamashii's Facebook page is f-ed up - asks for a captcha, then does some kind of scrolling thing that takes over the screen from the bottom up, the further you go down on their page, obscuring it all.

    So basically, what I'm saying is - why do restaurants (intentionally or not) make it hard for people to figure out their hours, just seems incompatible with wanting more customers and more money?

  19. #119

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Anchor Down's hours are posted on their door. They had a good crowd in there last night.

  20. #120

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    With spring approaching and the new adjacent dog park, they could still easily find their following.

    Hope so. I like the place and the Mule guys are great and I want them to keep doing more.

  21. Default Re: Anchor Down

    It's worth noting that The Mule had wonky/frustrating hours early in its existence (it was closed Sunday and Monday, IIRC), but eventually brought things more in line with market norms as the business became more successful and as (I presume) customers asked for additional hours. That just seems to be the way they do things; starting with an abundance of caution.

  22. #122

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Okay, add this place to the been there done that list....I am still sick to my stomach 6 hours later, everything is so heavy and I'm into that type of food. Our server was a young hipster chic super nice, but god help her not very observant. we were seated close to a trash can and as she would clear the tables she would toss the food baskets in the trash and i kept hearing a clanging noise every time, as we were finishing up we all put our silverware in our baskets, she came by cleared our table and it all went in the trash can with a clang.... if that kept that been going on all day long there must have been 20 sets or better of silverware in just that trash can.... I don't see this as a place people are going to flock back time and time again... its too greasy and too heavy..

  23. #123

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    greasy? heavy? why, oh, why haven't I made it there yet? And apparently, you could pocket the silverware as a nice bonus and no one would ever know
    (I keed, I keed ... swell, sorta.)

  24. #124

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    greasy? heavy? why, oh, why haven't I made it there yet? And apparently, you could pocket the silverware as a nice bonus and no one would ever know
    (I keed, I keed ... swell, sorta.)
    I'd like this if the button were available

  25. #125

    Default Re: Anchor Down

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    greasy? heavy? why, oh, why haven't I made it there yet? And apparently, you could pocket the silverware as a nice bonus and no one would ever know
    (I keed, I keed ... swell, sorta.)
    I love heavy and greasy....but this place made my ill in a bad way

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