So I generally don’t like to get personal, but I figured there’s a lot of people on here older (and wiser) than me, so why not?
In April, I will be turning 30. And as the date gets closer and closer, I get an increasing sense of anxiety. Generally speaking, I’d like to think I am a pretty happy, confident person. I have my health, decent family relations, and a good circle of close friends. And while I am not rich (faaaar from it), I have a pretty good job and live pretty comfortably, assuming this oil crash won’t get any worse. But as I examine my life, I kinda realized I have really nothing tangible to show for it.
I can’t really point to any milestone in my adult life that society says I should have at this point—no house, no marriage, no kids, a little saved up but all those online calculators say I should have more. Part of me is quite content with my life…But another part of me feels like I am flying by the seat of my pants and am just being lazy, or worse.
Then there is the physical aspect of it. Neck is starting to sag a little; knees are starting to hurt when I sit for a long time. I even found my first gray hair this fall. I was someone who use to shut down the bars and pop out of bed just fine 2 or 3 years ago and now more than 2 glasses of wine at dinner will get me hung over the next day. Of course, all of these are natural and to be expected, but they are just daily reminders for someone who has always been the young one or the kid.
When I turned 29 last year, despite having a big party, I had a bit of an internalized freakout, just thinking of all the things I should have “done” at this point in life but haven’t and thinking that I have one more year. I was fine until recently when I had a little meeting with my HR rep. She was just going over whether I need life insurance or not and made the comment, well if you die, people will be sad but I really don’t think anything will ‘miss you’ per say. I am pretty good friends with this person, so she probably felt more at liberty to be laid back with me but it was still like, wow, that stings. And largely because it’s true.
I am probably overthinking it, and it’s not like I can stop it lol. But I am just interested to hear anyone who has turned 30. Did you make drastic changes to yourself afterwards? Were you a nervous wreck, questioning everything you’ve done with yourself up to that point? Or did the calendar flip and it was just another day?