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Thread: Uber coming to OKC

  1. #601

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    Oklahoma City will not enforce their ordnance. Because legislation is on the way to the gov that removes all city regulation. Of ride share companies and puts them only under the corp commission
    I suppose in this instance I agree with the supposed proposed over-arching legislation, but I disagree with the idea that the state can keep a city from _________________ (my continuing gripe: enacting a locally different minimum wage).

  2. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    So how much time and money did the city waste working on an ordinance they have no intention of enforcing? Why didn't they just table the whole thing until the state proposal is settled on way or the other?

    Glad to hear they won't be ticketing drivers in OKC. Haven't heard what Norman is doing going forward. I do know a week or so ago Norman PD was pulling over drivers and telling them they were working illegally -- according to drivers commenting online.

  3. #603

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Anybody tried to get a ride to the airport around 4:30 AM (from downtown) recently? Just wondering about driver availability at that time...

  4. #604

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Good news Uber drivers and riders. Farmers insurance (I'm sure others are as well) is developing an endorsement to their auto policies for Uber drivers. This will essentially fulfill the gap in coverage that exists in the trolling phase. Trolling is when an Uber driver is onn the road with the app on, but not with a passenger. The fight became insurance said that's commercial activity so deny the claim (why else would they be on the road) Uber said no there is no money changing hands it can't be commercial activity. Driver crashes and a huge fight ensues.

    Details are scarce at this point but the endorsement should launch by 2016. The passage of HB 1614 allowed the legal framework to accomplish this. There will be no more gaps in coverage for Uber drivers or prolonged insurance fights.

    The back story behind HB1614 is this.

    Uber started lobbying individual state legislatures to regulate the insurance and their service in a way that was most beneficial for them. Well Uber quickly found out that insurance companies have been lobbying a LOT longer then they have and just handed them defeat after defeat. The insurance companies reached out to uber and said lets hammer out a grand compromise, roll it out nationally and both of us will lobby for its passage. It took over a week of negotiation between the two, but they find a solution. Boom HB 1614 is born and similar bills across the country as well.

  5. #605

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCinsomniac View Post
    Anybody tried to get a ride to the airport around 4:30 AM (from downtown) recently? Just wondering about driver availability at that time...
    I needed an uber-early ride around a month ago and there were definitely drivers out. They might be 15 min away though so make sure you're up early!

    Speaking of which - that is definitely something I would do - if there was any way to "reserve" an Uber. If I have a 6 AM flight, I would gladly (for example) pay $5 extra to make the reservation tonight and know I'll have a ride, rather than stress about "will there be a driver available", wake up insanely early just in case, etc etc.

  6. #606

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Awesome, thanks very much! And yes, I agree on a reservation system for these situations. Would be nice.

  7. #607

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    I would love to be able to schedule as well. I am always afraid to risk it for an early flight so I make other arrangements. I usually pull up uber that morning just to see and sometimes there is someone on and sometimes not.

  8. #608

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I would love to be able to schedule as well. I am always afraid to risk it for an early flight so I make other arrangements. I usually pull up uber that morning just to see and sometimes there is someone on and sometimes not.
    I typically drive to the airport in OKC, but in other cities I've experienced if there are Uber's available for those early flights there has been a relatively high multiple for their surge pricing. It would awesome to not only reserve a car for a certain time but to also lock in a certain rate.

  9. #609

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Uber accused of stealing trade secrets - CNET

    Looks like Uber could be having some trouble.

  10. #610

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    The California labor commission has ruled Uber drivers are employees, Reuters reports. The decision was made after a San Francisco driver, Barbara Ann Berwick, filed a claim against the company. The commission sided with her largely because it deemed Uber was "involved in every aspect of the operation."

    It's potentially a huge blow to Uber's business model, at least in California.

    Uber is appealing the ruling.

    Read more: California labor commission rules Uber drivers are employees - Business Insider

  11. #611

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Florida as well. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck,....
    Florida says former Uber driver is an employee, threatening its business model | The Verge

  12. #612

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Uber is already burning through cash before they are actually forced to give its drivers benefits or pay more taxes for them.

    Uber Technologies Inc. is telling prospective investors that it generates $470 million in operating losses on $415 million in revenue, according to a document provided to prospective investors.
    Uber Bonds Term Sheet Reveals $470 Million in Operating Losses - Bloomberg Business

  13. #613

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Uber is already burning through cash before they are actually forced to give its drivers benefits or pay more taxes for them.

    Uber Bonds Term Sheet Reveals $470 Million in Operating Losses - Bloomberg Business
    Those are old numbers and amount to a best guess since uber is a private company. We'll find out more when it ipos in 12 months or so.

  14. #614

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Those are old numbers and amount to a best guess since uber is a private company. We'll find out more when it ipos in 12 months or so.
    Could be, but why use old numbers when trying to sell bonds?

  15. #615

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Could be, but why use old numbers when trying to sell bonds?
    "The sheet didn't specify the timeframe of the results, and Uber said the numbers were way out of date."

    Uber is doing just fine, rolling out to new cities is expensive and start ups always lose boat loads of cash pre-ipo.

  16. #616

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Cant believe Uber is again lowering rates here. I guess $15 from downtown to the airport is too much? Ridiculous. I feel bad for the drivers who have to put up with their shenanigans. I love the concept and use it all the time wherever we go, but it's too bad they could give a rat's behind about their employees, errr, independent contractors.

  17. #617

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    It's just supply and demand. They probably have too many drivers and not enough riders. Tweak prices to achieve the balance they desire. It's actually pretty cool. And 95% of the Uber drivers I've met are using it as supplemental income or they are between jobs.

  18. #618

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    It's just supply and demand. They probably have too many drivers and not enough riders. Tweak prices to achieve the balance they desire. It's actually pretty cool. And 95% of the Uber drivers I've met are using it as supplemental income or they are between jobs.
    I also know some are ubering, Lyfting, and postmates-ing all at once. Which can help with earning more and earning it more efficiently. And I have no problem with that since they are private contractors.

  19. #619

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    In most markets, Uber has almost too many drivers now.

  20. #620

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by no1cub17 View Post
    Cant believe Uber is again lowering rates here. I guess $15 from downtown to the airport is too much? Ridiculous. I feel bad for the drivers who have to put up with their shenanigans. I love the concept and use it all the time wherever we go, but it's too bad they could give a rat's behind about their employees, errr, independent contractors.
    they need to form a union!

  21. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    It's actually pretty devastating for Uber drivers all over the country.

    Uber has learned its far easier to just keep replacing drivers that burn out than to pay a decent rate to keep good drivers.

    Its basically a $10/hr job (or less) where you wear out your personal vehicle out. In fact, you can actually lose money driving for Uber right now.

    This guy is kinda a goof, but he's been doing it awhile (and drives all the time) and some of his info is decent.

    He sums it up with this YouTube video....

  22. #622

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    In OKC, can Uber drop you and pick you up at the airport?

    Or do you have to take a taxi?

  23. #623

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    In OKC, can Uber drop you and pick you up at the airport?

    Or do you have to take a taxi?
    They can pickup and drop-off at the airport. I use them all the time for it.

    It's amazing how many cities don't allow it for various reasons.

  24. Default Re: Uber coming to OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    In OKC, can Uber drop you and pick you up at the airport?

    Or do you have to take a taxi?

    Yeah. They've been having problems though with Uber drivers breaking the law and parking in the pickup arrivals area before being hailed.

    Uber apparently went to a cue system recently to alleviate this problem before the airport took action.

  25. #625

    Default Re: Uber coming to OKC



    That matter was bitterly debated in Los Angeles and I still don't think they can pick up.

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