Quote Originally Posted by dcsooner View Post
Recruiting Westbrook to LA ia a no brainer, that is his hometown. Get used to major cities courting great talent from OKC after their rookie or second contract is expired. OKC will be forced to improve as a city or potentially lose franchise type players to more desirable (outside of basketball) places. Improve or lose.
Please. Whether KD or Russ stay in OKC has jack**** to do with the city, which by the way has been doing nothing BUT improving for the past decade+, anyway.

It doesn't even have anything to do with money, either. No team can pay them more than the Thunder will be able to. They are max contract players. And as far as exposure they are getting the same endorsements and deals they would be getting in major markets, because they are legitimate international superstars.

The primary motivating factor for both is likely to be whether or not they feel they can win championships here, which has a lot more to do with who ELSE is on the roster and the quality of the coaching.

But to nobody's surprise, you have instead twisted this conversation into a way to demean the city itself. Congratulations. You're nothing if not consistent. Why do you waste your time posting here, again? You spend an awful lot of time trolling the board of a city for which you have such disdain.