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Thread: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

  1. #251

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    In some other states, exceptions are made for cigar bars. Why couldn't that be done here to accommodate places like WSKY?

    The problem with that is how do you determine what is a cigar bar? What you don't want are bars finding a loophole to allow smoking when they aren't a real cigar bar. WSKY lounge also allows cigarette smoking and pipe smoking in addition to cigar smoking. Maybe if a certain percentage of an establishment's sales come from tobacco products, smoking can be allowed?

    Nonetheless, WSKY likely won't have any issues going non-smoking as it was probably taken into account from the beginning that the laws would eventually change.

  2. #252

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    WSKY will go non smoking and the lounges will not be affected as I understand the proposed government regulations.
    Yes, this is my understanding as well.

  3. #253

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Why would there be an exception for cigar bars?

  4. #254

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    Why would there be an exception for cigar bars?
    There isn't. A cigar lounge doesn't serve alcohol or food. You would have to go out of your way to get into the cigar lounges in this town as they are all attached to cigar stores and most are private membership clubs where you have to gain access through fob system. I am hard pressed to see why anyone would be upset over a group of guys sitting around basically a private living room smoking a cigar watching football in a closed ventilated space.

  5. #255

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Would it be unfair to aver that Nicotine Nazis (from either coast) are in the Top Three of MY Top Ten List of Petty Annoyances? Rhetorical Question. Of Course It would be. Hang in there Jeepster . . . A fine cigar ain't no cigarette, nor does it appeal to kids. (edited to add a "flip of the proverbial bird" to those who vape and those who disagree. =~)
    Last edited by RadicalModerate; 01-05-2016 at 01:21 PM. Reason: Clarifiction

  6. #256

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Nope. But Fracking Wastewater is still OK,

  7. #257

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    You do know that your proposal is total bull[stuff] . . . Rite? =~)

  8. #258

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Lest We Forget: JeepnOKC is also the gentleman who corrected one part of the Culturally Appropriate Architecturescape in the vicinity of Downtown. And, for that, I salute his grasp of reality beyond virtual. =~)

  9. #259

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    BTW, just learned today that there will likely be a comprehensive ban including cigar bars that will go into effect in 2017, with 1 year grace to comply.
    Wait, I missed something. Wouldn't this require overturning that draconian state law from a few years ago? Is that looking possible?

  10. #260

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Questor View Post
    Wait, I missed something. Wouldn't this require overturning that draconian state law from a few years ago? Is that looking possible?
    This would be the new state law.

  11. Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeepnokc View Post
    ...I am hard pressed to see why anyone would be upset over a group of guys sitting around basically a private living room smoking a cigar watching football in a closed ventilated space.
    Stick around. They will find a reason to be. Probably ostensibly to to protect store employees...who will probably also be smoking cigars. Pete?

  12. #262

    Default Re: Oklahoma smoking laws set to change

    I wouldn't get upset but believe you either go with the premise that all workplaces should be free of second-hand smoke or you don't.

    Picking and choosing certain situations seems hypocritical and illogical.

    However, I'm sure the law will protect such establishments... For a while. Then those will eventually go away, too.

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