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Thread: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

  1. #26

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Parking garage on the streetcar route is good.
    I guess in the short term it is, but it would seem to me the purpose of the street car is to remove the automobile from the equation and if you put a parking garage to support the street car, you literally just took a problem you wanted to solve and hid it behind a pretty facade.

    I'm sure you've gathered by now that I am not against cars in fact if you look in another post I am advocating for a highway loop around Edmond, but I still think that building more parking downtown is the wrong way to go. I get that people have to have a way downtown which is fine, but I think we should place are bets in getting commuter and light-rail going so they can leave their cars in the suburbs where parking garages belong and not in downtown Oklahoma City.

    Anyways, it looks cool and I think it will add a great streetwall. I would really like it if they took the number of parking floors from 6 down to 2 and went with ground level retail and 4 stories of housing.

  2. #27
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    If approvals are secured without issue, when would construction begin on this garage?

  3. #28

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    You know what is better than a parking garage on a streetcar route? Answer, housing. This is a good parking garage but the site should have been 7 stories of housing with ground floor retail....and no parking. This is one of the busiest pedestrian intersections in the state - high density parking seems to be counter-productive. Oh well.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    As much as some may loathe the idea of another parking garage in downtown, this particular one will be going in an area where it will most definitely be used.
    Some of us have discussed before the idea of multi-use structured parking somewhere right in Bricktown to help with parking capacity during events, etc. Additionally, it'll be large enough that should one of the other surface lots in the area become developed, this can serve as overflow for it.

    Furthermore, you're not going to get rid of cars overnight, nor should anyone try. So, take it as it is and understand the big picture here.
    If OKC is to remain competitive and increase it's posture as a destination city, you want the city to be as tourist friendly and accessible without overly compromising the local population (which this garage will not do). This also ties in to OKC competing for regional and national events where infrastructure is scrutinized. Also, parking garages in key positions will be crucial for the streetcar. I saw it mentioned above and appears this one will be near the line or one of the stops?

    And to top it all off, this garage actually looks good and will blend in fabulously, I think.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    I live in a city that has one of the best transportation networks in the country. There are streetcar loops downtown, and there is light rail from every direction feeding downtown.

    There's still ample parking downtown. Why? Why in Portland? Because public transit doesn't work for everybody, nor should we expect it to. It has a need and purpose, but it will never fully replace cars. Better or for worse you can't uninvent them.

    On my trips to downtown Portland, it's a 50/50 I will drive vs. take the train, and the train runs literally right next to my apartment.

    Sometimes it is because there's a large event downtown and I don't feel like paying for parking so I will ride the train, other times I don't want to bother waiting for the train and choose to just drive.

    I agree we have plenty of parking downtown in general, but there are certain places we could use more and this garage is one of those sites.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    This is excellent. Well done Mr Karchmer. This is a very good example of how to integrate new development into its surroundings. I think this is the sort of development that will be needed as an interim stage to a truly urban downtown. Once the acres of open lots and surface parking have been redeveloped, then revisit sites like this in a few years.

    I hope a similar development will eventually be proposed for the huge parking lot adjacent to the U-Haul building maybe incorporating housing.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Since a parking garage is what is proposed we might as well make it the best parking garage it can be and we can talk about parking/mass transit/pedestrian dynamics in another thread.

    There is a lot to like with this garage. The only things I see off hand is they should use pedestrian oriented blade signs for the retailers instead of auto-oriented wall mounted signs and the awning should run the entire length of the building (although the covered arcade might make this un-necessary).

  8. #33

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    I mean, it's definitely an upgrade from what's there now.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Looks great. Brings activity to a quiet corner. Allows for more people to come to bricktown, adding pedestrian density. I'm ok with some additional parking, if it makes Edmond residents feel as though it's easier to come downtown and spend money.

  10. #35

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Since a parking garage is what is proposed we might as well make it the best parking garage it can be and we can talk about parking/mass transit/pedestrian dynamics in another thread.

    There is a lot to like with this garage. The only things I see off hand is they should use pedestrian oriented blade signs for the retailers instead of auto-oriented wall mounted signs and the awning should run the entire length of the building (although the covered arcade might make this un-necessary).
    Thank you for bringing the discussion back with what I think are great ideas. After reading your post and looking back at the pictures I think signage more oriented towards a person walking on the street would be that little something extra that just makes this corner better. I also love the look of this building and I will be really curious the look the hotel goes for across the street.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Someone mentioned it upthread but this will really force Chelinos to focus more on the Canal, but I am also curious about the lot just to the west of Chelinos. Who owns it, has it also been a parking lot, have there ever been any plans for it? With this parking garage and retail turning flaming lips alley into a true alley will it force them to develop it for a better use.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Geez, where's all the EIFS on the top part like the hotels down Sheridan? That would make it look so much better . Haha I kid of course. Great looking project and as others have said, a few adjustments and it will be close to perfect. I have never liked that lot and very glad to see it and the one to the east developed. Bricktown is getting better all the time. Can't wait to see what the future is for the district. I think it is bright.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    I think the best thing about this, and other developments in Bricktown that go the extra mile, is that it proves OKC is ready for higher quality development and stricter DDRC standards should be enacted to favor development like this, the Steelyard, the Criterion, and the Cummins Building.

  14. #39

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Of interest from Steve's update.


    Patel said he is set to announce a new hotel flag and details within the next few weeks. The size of the hotel has increased from eight stories to between 10 and 12 stories.

    “It's coming up soon. It will have a restaurant and bar with local operators. It will be an upper lifestyle luxury boutique hotel.”

  15. #40

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    I've heard the new flag will be a step up from Canopy.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    I hope its a Kimpton.

  17. #42
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    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Once they get this completed, there will be badly needed additional parking for Dodger games. A real game-changer for the area.

  18. #43

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    But, but, I have to pay for parking.... Wahhhhhh! I seriously can hear the ridiculous newsok.com comments already.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    This isn't a game changer.

    If you are going to build a garage, this is how it should have been done all along. Integrate it in with the surrounding fabric rather instead of building an eyesore.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    This structure with brick and all makes the current Bricktown garage next to the ballpark (painted concrete) look very ugly.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    It will bring 600+ new parking spots to the heart of the district which will have a huge impact on more business going in and being successful, particularly along the canal.

    Will also make it that much easier to develop some of the other surface lots.

    This, along with 350 new apartments at Steelyard and a bunch of new hotels yet to open and a bunch of other things being planned should make a substantial difference in this district, which is really starting to come into it's own.

  22. #47
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    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    This structure with brick and all makes the current Bricktown garage next to the ballpark (painted concrete) look very ugly.

    Are you referring to the pic above?

    Agree, it's already ugly, just wait and hope the paint doesn't start to chip or peel; then it will detract from the sleek look of the new garage (if & when completed).

  23. #48

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    A Dream Hotel would be badass!

  24. Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    That garage was built before the Bricktown design ordinance was enacted and in fact prompted the ordinance.

  25. #50
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Sheridan and Oklahoma Garage

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    That garage was built before the Bricktown design ordinance was enacted and in fact prompted the ordinance.
    Any chance they'd do something to improve the exterior, at least on the north facing facade? I think the Cummins Building (if built) will help obscure the west facing facade.

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