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Thread: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

  1. Default FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    I just love the things I learn by surfing the web! I stumbled onto multiple job postings that indicate FOX25 will launch a new 3-hour morning show. Sorry, I do not know the launch date.

    I thought I heard Andrew Speno make a very casual mention of it months ago, but I couldn't tell if he was joking. (Sometimes it's hard to tell with Andrew and that dry wit)

    This is a good thing. We will have more choices, from NEWS9 This Morning, to The Daily Buzz, to whatever FOX25 sees fit to dish up.

    Remember kids, you heard it here first.

  2. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Who's your daddy! (Just remember I told you this back on January 28th, and yes, you're welcome!) :-)

    FOX25 started running commercials for the new morning show. It starts April 9th at 6am, so mark your calendars. For anyone that has time to watch a morning show, this will take us all the way into 9am. Not bad.

    Now OKC will have news from 5am to 9am, noon, 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, 6:30pm, 9pm, and 10pm, not to mention a few I'm probably forgetting. Mercy!

  3. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    And, to put the news into perspective....

    What We Call The News - Funny Video Animation by JibJab

  4. #4

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    From what I hear, News9 isn't going to be able to run that promo calling themselves the "number 1 monring show" for much longer. I've been given some insight into what this new show will be like and, from what I hear, its unlike anything OKC has seen before. Stay Tuned.

  5. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    I'll probably make the switch for awhile from News9. Really I have it on for noise and traffic. I try to set my morning up in a way to where I strategically avoid most of the religious hokey-okie babble. Robin Marsh will always be great, I miss her in the afternoons....but Ed and Jed I can honestly say I'm over. Can only hear about what school their kids go to and the related church/religious based comments.

  6. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Quote Originally Posted by allseeingeye View Post
    From what I hear, News9 isn't going to be able to run that promo calling themselves the "number 1 monring show" for much longer. I've been given some insight into what this new show will be like and, from what I hear, its unlike anything OKC has seen before. Stay Tuned.
    I only wish KOKH would do a proper introduction of the anchors and not the dumb way KWTV does it with first name only. Anchors, as well as everyone else I can think of has a last name as well.

  7. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    It says their last name on the screen, Andy.

  8. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson View Post
    I only wish KOKH would do a proper introduction of the anchors and not the dumb way KWTV does it with first name only. Anchors, as well as everyone else I can think of has a last name as well.
    I believe you got your wish. Tune in tonight for the FOX25 Primetime News at Nine and watch for the promo that runs into the first commercial. They shot these things a week ago and they're gorgeous. Full names if I recall.

    They also rolled out new graphics, so the show is bold, beautiful, and crisper than ever. Hang around till after the 30 minute mark if you like some humor. Andrew and Jaime start to let go around then, and it's a welcome relief from all the stuffiness you see on a 30-minute newscast. Of course, tastes vary.

    You might even get to hear Andrew bash the weatherman, always a welcome treat! :-)

  9. #9

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Fox 25 just showed video of their morning news team. I am impressed, not a single one of them are a washed up anchor from OKC TV Past.

    Brent Weber
    Angie Mock
    Jeff George
    Lauren Richardson

    I have to admit I was fearing a reunion of Gene Wheatley (If he is not worm food by now.), Kerry Robertson and the McCain brothers.

  10. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    I am SO applying for the report job. The one that sits at the desk..... you know like Ron Burgundy. Whats it called?

  11. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Quote Originally Posted by CMSturgeon View Post
    I am SO applying for the report job. The one that sits at the desk..... you know like Ron Burgundy. Whats it called?
    After seeing your pictures, I can say that if you are joyful and energetic in your personality, you could easily hold down an anchor job. Keep your eye on KFOR in the next few years. They have some people that will be retiring soon.

  12. #12

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Well, one more day before the big show. If any Fox people read this all I have to say is I hope you don't dissappoint. I'm getting up early JUST to see the show. Best of luck to all of you. I think I heard the other night that Mayor Mick Cornett will be doing sports on the first day!!! Really looking forward to that. Let the countdown begin.

  13. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Quote Originally Posted by allseeingeye View Post
    Well, one more day before the big show. If any Fox people read this all I have to say is I hope you don't dissappoint. I'm getting up early JUST to see the show. Best of luck to all of you. I think I heard the other night that Mayor Mick Cornett will be doing sports on the first day!!! Really looking forward to that. Let the countdown begin.
    Let's give them some time to get their sea-legs. I have a feeling they'll rock the house pretty good, at least for a first day. They've been rehearsing, which is pretty rare. Smart move on FOX's part.

    There's a big difference in warmth and energy when a person is relaxed versus their very first day. I've seen it time and time again.

    I too, am going to wake up and see this monumental event, at 6am (ouch!) After that, I'll try and watch about 7:30 till 9am. I like their choice of time periods.

  14. #14

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show


    i'm not going to hang them over one show but for all the hype this show is getting, it better be a pretty damn spectacular kick-off. i know they'll be nervous and things may not go really smooth but i hope it doesn't look like a train wreck on the first day. you mentioned that they've been rehearsing and that's all the more reason that first show should be awesome. like i said, i won't judge them solely on one show but first impressions are hard to shake. if that first show is a disaster, it'll be hard for them to shake that image anytime soon. i'm just hoping it doesn't look like all the other boring ass morning newscast the other stations are doing. i'm not a morning person, actually pretty grumpy, so i'm hoping its a show that puts me in a good mood and doesn't piss me off for the rest of the day. i hate to sound negative but i realized today that i've been excited about this new show, and all the cool things everyone is saying they'll do, and just thought i should prepare myself in case they don't live up to my expectations. i'm hoping i can now put my tv on something other than MSNBC every morning. one thing i will say though, if they start the show with weather every morning, like the other stations do, i'll be turning the channel. that drives me crazy when there's no bad weather expected in the next seven days yet every station has to open with weather every morning. its annoying and the reason i watch MSNBC. i want traffic and news. and, PLEASE, fox, PLEASE, don't turn into one of those lame morning shows that does cooking segments. that's an instant channel changer. i'd rather watch paid programming!!!

  15. #15

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    T-Minus 6 hours 40 minutes

  16. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    I watched a bit of it this morning... I think I will stick to adult news instead of ding dong school.

  17. #17

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    It's definitely Busch-league...

  18. #18

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    My apologies to NEWS9. Don't drop the "#1 Morning News" promo. Fox25 is embarrising themselves.

    Drumscode, even you can't defend that crap. Who decided it was ok to put that on the air? Oh well, back to MSNBC.

  19. #19

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show


    After going back to bed in anger for getting up that early to watch something so bad, I decided to watch the sports segment that I DVR'd to see the mayor do sports. Now I'm speechless. Fox25 has their best sports person anchoring the morning show. Why isn't Angie the Sports Director??? She rocked the house. During one of the highlights, I forgot I was watching Fox25 and thought I was watching Sportscenter. They need to can Myron and Leham and put Angie on that sports set everynight. She's the missing piece that would complete the 9pm show. WOW!!!

    To KFOR management: If you want to increase ratings, get rid of the oompa loompa and offer Angie your sports director position.

  20. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Yikes - I caught it this morning too. No thank you! Fox in the morning makes no sense whatsoever. Too much competition and too little talent on their team.

    Stick to your nitch - 9pm.

    Anyone catch KFOR's 9pm on Ch43(i think)? That also makes no sense.

    "All the headlines in the 1st 10-minutes guaranteed!" Or, what? Your next newscast is free?

    Why in the world do you draw viewers away from your 9pm lineup on Ch4 that leads into your 10pm news to watch what is going to be on a 10pm anyway?

    It's insanity I tell you!

  21. #21

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show


    I agree with you about KFOR. Have you ever watched that 9pm show? Its one big promo for their 10pm show on Ch4. They tell you a little bit then say "we'll have more at ten on KFOR." What???? The reason I would watch at 9 is because I want to see everything I would see at 10!!! BAD,BAD,BAD!!! I'll stick with Fox at 9pm and will just sleep-in in the mornings.

  22. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Quote Originally Posted by allseeingeye View Post

    After going back to bed in anger for getting up that early to watch something so bad, I decided to watch the sports segment that I DVR'd to see the mayor do sports. Now I'm speechless. Fox25 has their best sports person anchoring the morning show. Why isn't Angie the Sports Director??? She rocked the house. During one of the highlights, I forgot I was watching Fox25 and thought I was watching Sportscenter. They need to can Myron and Leham and put Angie on that sports set everynight. She's the missing piece that would complete the 9pm show. WOW!!!

    To KFOR management: If you want to increase ratings, get rid of the oompa loompa and offer Angie your sports director position.
    I'm glad others see the energy and charisma at the same times I do. I noticed the same thing about Angie when she "anchored" with Mick. She lit up the stage within seconds. It was an immediately obvious difference. At least that shows it's inside her; she just has to find a way to let it out all the time.

  23. Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    Anyone who expected this first show to be amazing has expectations way too high. It takes years to find teams that work well together. Look at Channel 9. Alex, Angela, and Jed were a strong trio. When they decided to shake things up and more Alex and Angela to 4...it definitely caused some issues. Jed still seems a bit out of place up there with Ed and Robin...though I think if they got rid of Ed, it would be much better. Personally I would push Ed to the weekends and maybe move Scott (?) up from Weekend evenings to Weekday mornings.

    Anyways...I only caught a bit on FOX this morning.

    The traffic report was a joke. The reports weren't comfortable yet. Jeff was typical Jeff.

    One thing...please...Fox...get a bigger anchor desk.

  24. #24

    Default Re: FOX25 to launch 3-hour morning show

    I watched a bit of the FOX morning show this morning and I agree that it has a ways to go. The reporters don't seem comfortable they seemed nervous but I think they will get better after they work together. I was expecting a little more hard news and a lot less of the laughter.

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