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Thread: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

  1. #1

    Default My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    This is the letter that I plan to send to Mayor Mick for a MAPS 3 project. Remember this would be an idea for one of the many projects that could be done with MAPS 3. What do the people of Okc Talk think of this?

    "Greetings Mayor, and thanks for this opportunity to express my ideas for MAPS 3. I would like to suggest more city beautification, trees, parks, landscaping, lighting and water features. Everywhere I go and people that I talk to in regards to Oklahoma City it is the same "Great city but the scenery is dull", and I agree. Where are the trees, where are the hills, where are the lakes and ponds, etc? I know that there isn’t a lot that we can do about our terrain or types of trees that will grow in and around the city. That is why I would like to focus my idea, on the natural resource of water.

    I was watching the History Channel and the show was Modern Marvels - Water. This is where I got the idea for Oklahoma City to build water fountains all over the metro, with a huge water exhibit downtown. I am sure you have seen “The Bellagio Fountains”, in Las Vegas, imagine if you will downtown Oklahoma City along the Oklahoma River, an exhibit like the dancing musical fountains. This would be an unbelievable sight with one of the greatest water fountains in the world. People would come from all over just to see the "Oklahoma City Musical Dancing Fountains". Just think about water and the hypnotic affect it has on people, whether it is a water fall such as Niagara Falls or the Geysers of Yosemite, people are drawn to water. Even watch the people at Penn Square Mall in Okc and the fountain there, or the water display in Bricktown, and how it draws people to it.

    I am sending you the website for WET Design; they are the engineers for Bellagio and have designed the greatest water exhibits in the world. I think that the citizens of Oklahoma City would love to have something like the Bellagio Fountains in the Oklahoma River, and other water fountain features spread throughout the metro.

    I know that you have many, many ideas for MAPS 3, but I would like to see the "Oklahoma City Fountains" as one of the projects listed in the proposal. Please take a look at the website WET Design Fountains -- water fountains, water features, bellagio fountains, animated fountain, epcot fountain, animated fountain, musical fountain, programmed fountain. or check out the History Channel modern marvels Water, for more ideas and water inspiration.

    Best Regards,"

  2. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    I LOVE IT!

    Great find on that website.

    We talk alot about OKC having a landmark, and I think a huge, unique fountain downtown could really do the trick. We have some decent fountains around the city, but none that really impress.

  3. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Very interesting. I have been a big proponent on this board for doing what we can to beautify our city and commit to grand projects that do that. As a city, we compete with so many great places with natural beauty. Nobody on this board would argue that Oklahoma City was blessed with an abundance of God's gift of natural wonder. BUT, we can do things, exactly as you described, and move forward with projects that will make one leave here talking about what a beautiful city OKC is..

  4. #4

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    I, too, like the ideas.

    Something to think about, though... OK's infamous winds can play havoc with these types of displays. In fact, I believe it's one of the reasons fountains were not considered for the new roundabouts in Midtown.

    Any water feature is bound to have it's water blown all over the place and you'd have to be careful about cars, people and businesses.

    I wonder how Kansas City deals with this? Also, do they drain their hundreds of fountains in the winter?

  5. #5

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Make it a beer fountain and you'd have my vote

  6. #6

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    I am sure the engineers that would be contracted for these type of designs can answer all of our questions and I would think that they would have solutions to the climate of the project. Another thing to look at in their portfolio of pictures is the Fire Fountains, look under elements see here.

    WET Design: Water Fountain and Water Features development for Achitecture, Urbanism, and Landscape.

  7. #7

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    A massive water display is a great idea.

    This gave me a thought... Cut a large bay into the north shore of the Oklahoma River. The street that goes North/South from the Core to the Shore (whatever street that will be) will have the skyline on the North end of the street and this massive lit up water display on the South end. As you walk Southward toward the water display, imagine boardwalk boardwalk style shops and restaurants curving around the bay.

    Great idea okclee!

  8. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    They don't have to shoot into the air like the Bellagio. They can be more like cascades or something. I'm sure there is a way to design them to avoid wind. It's all about the angle and adding things like walls that could block the wind.

  9. #9

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    On the show that I watched all of these fountains are operated by high tech computers. I would think that you could program the computer to read the wind speed of each day and time and that would determine how the fountain would operate on that given day.

    I personally like the idea of Bellagio type fountain, with music and lights, in the Oklahoma River, and as people drive up and down I-35 or I-40 they could see the fountains in action, day or night with the lightshow.

    We could also have the cascade fountains in other areas around downtown, or around the edges of the river, so these type would be more interacting with visitors.

  10. #10

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    I'm sure you guys are right about managing the wind and/or modifying the design to account for it.

    And I agree that one big display in or very near the river would be fantastic. Imagine that with the skyline in the background... Very impressive.

    And what's really amazing is that I think now is the right time to have these sort of big dreams. Citizens seem very confident in these big projects being brought in on time and on budget thanks to MAPS, and they also have seen the dramatic impact all those projects have had on the economics and ego of the city.

  11. #11

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    This is the letter that I plan to send to Mayor Mick for a MAPS 3 project. Remember this would be an idea for one of the many projects that could be done with MAPS 3. What do the people of Okc Talk think of this?

    "Greetings Mayor, and thanks for this opportunity to express my ideas for MAPS 3. I would like to suggest more city beautification, trees, parks, landscaping, lighting and water features. Everywhere I go and people that I talk to in regards to Oklahoma City it is the same "Great city but the scenery is dull", and I agree. Where are the trees, where are the hills, where are the lakes and ponds, etc? I know that there isn’t a lot that we can do about our terrain or types of trees that will grow in and around the city. That is why I would like to focus my idea, on the natural resource of water.

    I was watching the History Channel and the show was Modern Marvels - Water. This is where I got the idea for Oklahoma City to build water fountains all over the metro, with a huge water exhibit downtown. I am sure you have seen “The Bellagio Fountains”, in Las Vegas, imagine if you will downtown Oklahoma City along the Oklahoma River, an exhibit like the dancing musical fountains. This would be an unbelievable sight with one of the greatest water fountains in the world. People would come from all over just to see the "Oklahoma City Musical Dancing Fountains". Just think about water and the hypnotic affect it has on people, whether it is a water fall such as Niagara Falls or the Geysers of Yosemite, people are drawn to water. Even watch the people at Penn Square Mall in Okc and the fountain there, or the water display in Bricktown, and how it draws people to it.

    I am sending you the website for WET Design; they are the engineers for Bellagio and have designed the greatest water exhibits in the world. I think that the citizens of Oklahoma City would love to have something like the Bellagio Fountains in the Oklahoma River, and other water fountain features spread throughout the metro.

    I know that you have many, many ideas for MAPS 3, but I would like to see the "Oklahoma City Fountains" as one of the projects listed in the proposal. Please take a look at the website WET Design Fountains -- water fountains, water features, bellagio fountains, animated fountain, epcot fountain, animated fountain, musical fountain, programmed fountain. or check out the History Channel modern marvels Water, for more ideas and water inspiration.

    Best Regards,"
    okclee, good idea but two quick questions.

    1.) why aren't you submitting your idea on the Maps 3 ideas site?

    2.) not sure if you knew it or not, but this idea has already been in the design phases and would have already been built if Kerr McGee didn't get bought out. It was to be a part of the Oklahoma River near the Kerr McGee bell tower. It would have blown the socks off the Bellagio's fountains. Of course it wouldn't have the Italian Villa look, but other than that it was very impressive. It's still being talked about and is trying to find a corporate sponsor since Kerr McGee no longer exists therefore isn't paying for it. I'll see if my buddy who was doing the project will let me post a rendering. Also the Centennial Commission is involved with it.

  12. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Quote Originally Posted by okclee View Post
    On the show that I watched all of these fountains are operated by high tech computers. I would think that you could program the computer to read the wind speed of each day and time and that would determine how the fountain would operate on that given day.
    There are, in fact, control systems that do just that. Most modern fountain displays have this feature. The fountain in Bricktown has such a system (or at least was supposed to...I've never seen it in the wind). Its a pretty simple deal...I did some work on a design for a water feature on the OSU campus and did a little research on them.

  13. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    I think it is a wonderful idea. It would be gorgeous ... a light show to music would be very nice.

    In addition to your letter sent directly to Mick Cornett, you can submit your idea here as well:

    MAPS 3 | Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Dont forget the value of small local features scattered throughout the city. Large choreographed water shows are great and all, but is the fountains like this one in San Antonio that just raise the spirits as we go about the everyday mundane. There is a certain peacefullness and beauty in just simple falling water.

    Last edited by CuatrodeMayo; 04-05-2007 at 04:52 PM. Reason: image waaaaaay too big

  15. #15

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    [QUOTE=CuatrodeMayo;92221]Dont forget the value of small local features scattered throughout the city. Large choreographed water shows are great and all, but is the fountains like this one in San Antonio that just raise the spirits as we go about the everyday mundane. There is a certain peacefullness and beauty in just simple falling water.

    I too would like to see the smaller fountains all throughout the city as well, with the "Grand Fountain" that would have the lights and music at the Oklahoma River as the main attraction. We could become the Fountain capitol of the United States, with all types and sizes of fountains.

    Don't forget to check out the pics of the Fire Fountain.

  16. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    I agree. I like the idea of one of the projects being the "Oklahoma City Fountains", with the one huge one downtown, and many small ones scattered throughout. That is a neat one from San Antonio.

  17. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    I agree. I like the idea of one of the projects being the "Oklahoma City Fountains", with the one huge one downtown, and many small ones scattered throughout. That is a neat one from San Antonio.
    I like the idea, too. Of course, the most fountains in any city outside of Paris is - Kansas City!
    K.C. Fountains.org


  18. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Quote Originally Posted by MalibuSooner View Post
    Also, do they drain their hundreds of fountains in the winter?
    I was in New York a couple weeks ago, where it was below freezing a couple of days, and all the fountains were functioning.

    The water was heated.

  19. #19

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    I agree writeranger. Kansas City will hold the title in the US for fountains as far as I'm concerned. Even if OKC does build more fountains, they will be new and not old with history as does KC's. I'm not saying its a bad idea, but I think we can come up with something more original for OKC for the money. But we're on the right track with beautification.

    Did anyone not read my post above that these fountains were already proposed for the Oklahoma River and have already been designed??

  20. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    We don't have to go about it thinking that we are going to be the new City of Fountains. I just see it as something that any great city should and would have many of. Just as we need more parks, more trees, more landscaping--we also need more fountains.

  21. Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Quote Originally Posted by writerranger View Post
    I like the idea, too. Of course, the most fountains in any city outside of Paris is - Kansas City!
    K.C. Fountains.org

    I was about to say ... isn't KC's moniker, the "City of Fountains" ?

  22. #22

    Default Re: My MAPS 3 idea, is it good?

    Paris, Kansas City, and soon to be Oklahoma City.

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