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Thread: Adele

  1. #1

    Default Adele

    She has an amazing voice

  2. Default Re: Adele

    Definitely agree.
    I know that this is getting a lot of play already, but damn, what a voice.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Adele

    Wow, absolutely amazing. She makes it look so easy.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Adele

    Adele goes undercover as an Adele imitator. Their reactions at the end are priceless!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Adele

    Video got deleted. Here's a new one.

  6. Default Re: Adele

    She sings like an angel, but for some reason when she opens her mouth to SPEAK and that Cockney starts rolling I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard. I hate to harbor - much less display - bigotry, but all I can think when I hear it is "east London trash." I know, it's ugly.

    I've honestly wondered if my strong reaction has something to do with a past life, because though I've been to London I've not spent any time to speak of in the East End.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Adele

    Interesting point, but I have felt that way for many years about a lot of famous singers. Either I don't like the WAY singers talk in everyday conversation or MATERIAL/thought processes that comes out of their mouth is ridiculous. Kinda wish that they would just stick to singing. Bono is an example that comes to mind.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Adele

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    She sings like an angel, but for some reason when she opens her mouth to SPEAK and that Cockney starts rolling I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard. I hate to harbor - much less display - bigotry, but all I can think when I hear it is "east London trash." I know, it's ugly.
    LOL! Its not mean, there is something very grating about that accent to the American ear. Hers is more of a general blue collar English accent...I heard it when I was in Liverpool a few years ago. I met some wonderful, intelligent people there, but the minute one of them opened their mouths it was like WOW please stop talking. With that I mind, I'm sure my hybrid Okie/Southern twang with frequent uncontrollable uses of "y'all" and "fixin' to" probably didn't enamor me with them either.

    And I will take the grating accent, because the UK is KILLING the music game right now. I am a proud American, but its disappointing to see our music has devolved to bro country, twerk/club anthems, and whatever Taylor Swift is putting out.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Adele

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    She sings like an angel, but for some reason when she opens her mouth to SPEAK and that Cockney starts rolling I'd rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard. I hate to harbor - much less display - bigotry, but all I can think when I hear it is "east London trash." I know, it's ugly.

    I've honestly wondered if my strong reaction has something to do with a past life, because though I've been to London I've not spent any time to speak of in the East End.
    I am probably in the VERY small minority but I actually love the Cockney accent. I could listen to Michael Caine talk all day.

  10. Default Re: Adele

    For some reason I'm fine with it with Michael Caine, or just about anybody else. I think Adele's bothers me so much because her singing, her music and her persona suggests an aura of refinement - whether that is the intent or not - but when she opens her pudding hole she sounds like a thug in a Guy Ritchie movie.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Adele

    Adele's new album became 2015's top selling album in just 3 days.

    I guess that goes to show how sad music is these days. I agree with adaniel that over the past few years music has evolved to mostly bro country, club anthems, and Taylor Swift. You also can't leave out teen pop i.e. One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer. I personally don't care that much for Adele but at least she's a good break from most of the other garbage that fills the airwaves on KJ 103 these days.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Adele

    Can not pretend to be surprised.
    Impressed, certainly, but not surprised.

  13. Default Re: Adele

    Meh. Music is as good as it has been in decades. The good stuff just isn't played on the radio anymore. You have to know where to find it.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Adele

    I think it's uncanny how much she reminds me of another sultry voiced British songstress from the past.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Adele

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Meh. Music is as good as it has been in decades. The good stuff just isn't played on the radio anymore. You have to know where to find it.

    Many, many more talented people can get their music out in all sorts of outlets, as opposed to not that long ago where what was recorded and what got played was controlled by literally a few people at a few record companies.

    That was always a very corrupt business with lots of payola for play, etc. And many talented people and groups could not even get their music published.

    I worked in the music industry for a while in L.A. and it is by far the sleaziest business I've ever been around; way, way worse then movie or TV.

    There is an avalanche of great music out, the difference is you have to go find it as opposed to just flipping on the radio and listening to what they choose to feed you.

  16. Default Re: Adele

    The power of Adele. He he...

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