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Thread: Iran

  1. #1

    Default Iran

    So what is you guys stance on the situation with IRAN and Britain. Do you think it is enough to put us into a full fledged tail spin with IRAN? I think with all of our troops being so close in locale we could easily see a major conflict in the next few weeks / months. What do you think?

  2. #2
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Iran

    Didn't you hear? It's all OUR fault because we took some of Iran's people while they were in Iraq (nevermind that they were involved with training and supplying those wonderful truck bombers and IED makers - that's irrelevent).

  3. Default Re: Iran

    Iran pardoned the British soldiers this morning and they will be released.....that's great news.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Talking Re: Iran

    That is awesome I hadnt heard that yet. I think they finally got a sense of ~OH ****~ what have we done. LOL

  5. #5

    Default Re: Iran

    Quote Originally Posted by jman253 View Post
    That is awesome I hadnt heard that yet. I think they finally got a sense of ~OH ****~ what have we done. LOL
    That realization won't come until they get throttled by several country's militaries if they don't dial down their fanaticism

  6. #6

    Default Re: Iran

    Iran is a very interesting place, 75% of their population is below the age of 30, and in general they love American people (just loathe the policies of the American government).

    The government is really just a front for the Islamic unmah (clergy) that have a final say on everything. So Ahmendenijad really has very little power, and has alienated much of the youthful population as well as the ruling elites with his obnoxious rhetoric.

    People (westerners) have been saying since the middle 90's that a counter-revolution to the current state is inevitable, but obviously nothing has happened. Again, a very interesting place.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Iran

    Yeah, it won't be the last we hear from Iran. Syria will eventually get involved in the mix as well.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Iran

    Do you think that the Brits did a covert deal with Iran to free them?
    It is hard for me to believe that he gave them up without SOMETHING in return.
    If there was a deal, we won't hear about it for 10-20 years.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Iran

    Think it just came down to the Marines wussing out and apologizing publicly for crossing into their waters...Of course I would probably do the same, but that's why I wasn't in the military....Lot of military folks upset the soldiers caved in so quickly

    Iran wasn't going to try them especially in their current situation...Just tried to use it for PR purposes and in their eyes it worked

  10. #10

    Default Re: Iran

    Nah, I don't think there was any "covert" negotiation going on. It was a pure classic textbook dictator PR move by Amelinjhad (sp?). Make him look like the hero and that Iran did the right thing. As Easy 180 said in their eyes it worked and it looks good to their jihadi's while the rest of the world views it as further isolating themselve.s

  11. Default Re: Iran

    Think it just came down to the Marines wussing out and apologizing publicly for crossing into their waters...Of course I would probably do the same,
    Wussing out ... ???? or Beheaded ... ????


    I think I just changed my user name..

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  12. #12

    Default Re: Iran

    No kidding. Yes the politically correct thing to do would have been not to admit anything (especially since they probably weren't tresspassing). Iran saw it as an opportunity for their jihad and took it. As Karried said, if they wouldn't have admitted, there is a great chance they would have been beheaded. Easy to say philisophically that they should have stood firm, but when you're in the position it's a different story. Especially for the ones with a family back home. Iran continues and will continue to the end to isolate themselves further and further from the Western world.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Iran

    I can see both sides, as a former military wife and AF civilian, I can see the military saying they caved a little fast. As a family member, I would have wanted my loved one to say whatever if it got them home faster. Everyone in the western world knew they were lying.

    There are so many behind the scenes deals that happen, he got something out of it. Plus remember, he doesn't really run that country, the religious leaders do. He has to bow them most of the time or they will destroy him.

    Plus with all of this going on, the news coverage of Korea giving up the nukes is pretty light, did I miss something, but isn't that really (great) big news. That's the problem, it's great news.

    Oh i'm sorry, Anna Nicole's baby's daddy was annouced, WE MUST cover that.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Iran

    okiekatt...Please don't even try and discount all the important accomplishments of Larry Birkhead....Can't just be an average joe and be on Larry King for a month straight .....Let's see here.....I know I wrote them down here some place

    Let me get back to you on that ok

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