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Thread: Coach's

  1. #26

    Default Re: Coaches

    This prime and highly visible spot has been dark and abandoned for 2.5 years now while Bricktown and all of downtown booms around it.

    This needs to get resolved and pronto.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Coaches

    How many restaurant/bar concepts attached to stadiums have succeeded? Granted the only two I know of was a place in the centerfield of Enron Field in Houston and then a TGI Friday's in leftfield of Bank One Ballpark in Phoenix. Neither of those were dead set in the middle of a dense entertainment district like Bricktown, but I'm just curious if the bar-attached-to-stadium method really works.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Coaches

    Even without the ballpark, that is a great location and space and 20 restaurants and bars have opened in the area since Coaches closed.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Even without the ballpark, that is a great location and space and 20 restaurants and bars have opened in the area since Coaches closed.
    Oh absolutely, not arguing that. Just wondering if there is some stigma or other reason that maybe these type of places haven't had success (or had...that's why I asked the question).

  5. Default Re: Coaches

    The biggest challenge for that space (besides perhaps a disinterested team ownership, if suggestions above are correct) is the ridiculous setback from Mickey Mantle, across an underwhelming, underutilized plaza. I've said for years that the plaza should be redeveloped and built upon - perhaps with something like a retail arcade - creating a physical/psychological connection to MM and year-round activation. A use like this would lead the eye (and the visitor) to the front door of the restaurant space. Put a sign for the restaurant on the MM street front, and it would also perception to "I'm here" rather than "it's way over there."

    The added benefit would be creation of new, purpose-built retail space in perhaps the most high pedestrian count block in the city.

    We spend so much time scratching our heads regarding why places don't work, and so little time thinking about the actual PLACE, and how the built environment influences success vs failure. That space will always be challenged until its surroundings are changed, regardless of operator.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Coaches

    Just learned a restaurant and bar has signed a Letter of Intent to lease out the Coaches space at the Bricktown Ballpark.

    Can't reveal who it is, but it's a concept that I think most agree would be a great fit.

    However, there are still some big hurdles to clear before this could become reality.

    Also, the idea the ownership wants to use this location as event space is only as a last resort so the space doesn't continue to sit empty.

    They strongly prefer to rent it to a suitable operator.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Coaches

    If the tenant is the one I've been hearing about then I would argue they are maybe the perfect tenant for this space. They have the name recongition/following and unique product to consistenly do well. Hopefully that's who it is.

    Sorry for not naming the tenant, but I don't think it's my place.

  8. #33
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    Default Re: Coaches

    Please be republic please be republic please be republic please....

  9. #34

    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    Please be republic please be republic please be republic please....
    It's funny you say that because when I had discussed this space previously I thought of two establishments that I felt would definitely succeed in this space. Republic was one of them, but it's not the one I've heard rumors about...

  10. #35

    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    It's funny you say that because when I had discussed this space previously I thought of two establishments that I felt would definitely succeed in this space. Republic was one of them, but it's not the one I've heard rumors about...
    Republic was my first thought too, but maybe 3 in OKC (once Chisolm Creek location opens) is too much? I think they would be able to support all 3 as they are spread out enough geographically.

    If it's not Republic, maybe Pub W?

  11. #36

    Default Re: Coaches

    Mr. Knight, please chime in if you can.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Coaches

    It was my understanding that Republic was wanting the old bus station that was torn down, so they could be considering downtown ?

  13. #38
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    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    It's funny you say that because when I had discussed this space previously I thought of two establishments that I felt would definitely succeed in this space. Republic was one of them, but it's not the one I've heard rumors about...
    well the other one you mentioned at least once was BWW, but that would surprise me.

  14. Default Re: Coaches

    I think I know who it might be. Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to say at this time. Crossing my fingers.

  15. #40
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    Default Re: Coaches

    Too much knowing and not enough sharing!!!! :-P

  16. Default Re: Coaches

    Probably a Louies or BWW. those are 100% guesses though

  17. #42

    Default Re: Coaches


  18. Default Re: Coaches

    Buffalo Wild Wings

  19. #44

    Default Re: Coaches

    Oh thank you. I should have guessed that.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Coaches

    BeeDubs would do well there. Exceedingly so.

  21. #46
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    Default Re: Coaches

    I agree, I just don't think that organization is brave enough to break from their mold to use that location. Though I would LOVE to be wrong about that.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Coaches

    If it isn't Republic, who could it be (besides BWW)? I'm trying to come up with a sports bar that would pull it off that isn't already in the area (I don't think Urban Johnnie or the new-model Henry Hudson's would want to go in being so close already).

  23. #48

    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    I agree, I just don't think that organization is brave enough to break from their mold to use that location. Though I would LOVE to be wrong about that.
    It wouldn't exactly be breaking the mold for them. They have locations in downtown areas in other cities. For example:


    Grand Rapids


  24. #49
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    Default Re: Coaches

    It would definitely be awesome if it were them. I'm completely fine with being wrong in my skepticism.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Coaches

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    It would definitely be awesome if it were them. I'm completely fine with being wrong in my skepticism.
    As long as they don't add any of that gaudy yellow EIFS that's on the building in Detroit.

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