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As I understand it, this project is still a go. The management group is dead set on creating a "genuine" urban feel within this community. There is a true emphasis on urban living from every aspect of the project. So much so, that the lead project manager Brian Sorginson no longer owns a car, and is walking back and forth from Norman, to this location at Portland/NW164th on a weekly basis. All for the sake of keeping it genuinely "walkable." Obviously, this has slowed down the progress of said project, as the commute takes him on average 7 hours per day, to make the trip each way. Add to the fact, that while walking from Norman to NWOKC...that there have been so many UNPLANNED interactions along the way, that he now has scores of new friends and acquaintances, so there simply isn't enough time in the day to still do his job. If I find anything else out, I will be sure to update.