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Thread: Google Fiber

  1. #251

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I agree with your premise but since when is the DOK "spot on" 100%? It is not now nor has it ever been a highly regarded journalistic enterprise.
    This 'they always get it right' is another huge myth.

    They get things wrong , incomplete and show serious bias all the time, it's just that I'm not obsessed with constantly trying to discredit them as they are with us.

    I also never ask or expect people to choose between the two. I'm happy to post their stories, give them credit and fully expect most like reading their stuff; I know I do. It would be nice if they showed us even a shred of the same courtesy.

    We've made them better and more important, the news in OKC has become better overall because of this site. Anyone who tries to deny that is just trying to promote a personal agenda and doesn't have the best interest of the commuity at heart.

  2. #252

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    After reading the Briana Baily tweets, I've decided she's either insecure or jealous. And very unprofessional.

  3. #253

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by UnFrSaKn View Post
    Would Cox ever do this if they had such an outage? I know the answer already.

    Google Fiber Goes Down in KC, Credits 2 Days Service
    Theyy would if you called in and complained about it.

  4. #254

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Newsok is jealous of OKCtalk's content & the audience.

    Have you ever read the comments on a newsok article? It makes me question why I live here, and then I come to OKCtalk & get to read insight & input from some of the best minds in the city & it makes me proud.

    The daily oklahoman is a fraud of a company. They take advantage of college students & force them to do door to door selling & then rip off customers by misleading them to sign up for continuous billing. They have decent sports reporting, and that is the only thing keeping them afloat.

  5. #255

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Newsok is jealous of OKCtalk's content & the audience.

    Have you ever read the comments on a newsok article? It makes me question why I live here, and then I come to OKCtalk & get to read insight & input from some of the best minds in the city & it makes me proud.

    The daily oklahoman is a fraud of a company. They take advantage of college students & force them to do door to door selling & then rip off customers by misleading them to sign up for continuous billing. They have decent sports reporting, and that is the only thing keeping them afloat.
    Just a hint, don't spend a second of your life in the comments section of online news articles of any paper. You'll question your existence period.

  6. #256

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    Newsok is jealous of OKCtalk's content & the audience.

    Have you ever read the comments on a newsok article? It makes me question why I live here, and then I come to OKCtalk & get to read insight & input from some of the best minds in the city & it makes me proud.

    The daily oklahoman is a fraud of a company. They take advantage of college students & force them to do door to door selling & then rip off customers by misleading them to sign up for continuous billing. They have decent sports reporting, and that is the only thing keeping them afloat.
    Those are symptoms of their broader problems. The problem is their audience is and has changed drastically, just like the rest of the print industry in the last decade. Arguably, the Oklahoman has responded to it as well or better than other, larger, more entrenched papers, but even still their basic print-based model is all-but disappearing. Part of the reason is social media, of which OKCTalk is a prime example. That is why the Oklahoman's reps responded as they did. Sources like this (and it's not limited to OKCTalk) are the burr under print media's saddle. And they know which social media sources are credible, and which aren't; you don't see their sports reporters bucking with indignance over some random, anonymous post on an OU football message board. But a site like this is credible, hence their reaction is to discredit it.

    What's also important to understand is that Lackmeyer and others from the Oklahoma lurk here; Lackmeyer was, at one time, a fairly regular contributor until he opted to bail for reasons I honestly don't remember. But they do still lurk. And that fact, unpublished and generally unknown, is the greatest demonstration of just how fearful they are not merely of OKCTalk, but of the social media information distribution system in general.

    And they should be. The more insular, defensive, and petulant they become, the more they reveal they have no answer for it. A spirit of cooperation with *all* forms of media would serve everyone far better, in the spirit of serving the community with the information all are working so hard to cultivate. Right now, it's a bunch of teenagers with unchecked Twitter accounts. That's embarrassing.

  7. #257

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Just a hint, don't spend a second of your life in the comments section of online news articles of any paper. You'll question your existence period.
    It's sad when the most rational thing in the comments section is the guy talking about how much money he earned working from home in just one month and you can too.

  8. #258

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    Those are symptoms of their broader problems. The problem is their audience is and has changed drastically, just like the rest of the print industry in the last decade. Arguably, the Oklahoman has responded to it as well or better than other, larger, more entrenched papers, but even still their basic print-based model is all-but disappearing. Part of the reason is social media, of which OKCTalk is a prime example. That is why the Oklahoman's reps responded as they did. Sources like this (and it's not limited to OKCTalk) are the burr under print media's saddle. And they know which social media sources are credible, and which aren't; you don't see their sports reporters bucking with indignance over some random, anonymous post on an OU football message board. But a site like this is credible, hence their reaction is to discredit it.

    What's also important to understand is that Lackmeyer and others from the Oklahoma lurk here; Lackmeyer was, at one time, a fairly regular contributor until he opted to bail for reasons I honestly don't remember. But they do still lurk. And that fact, unpublished and generally unknown, is the greatest demonstration of just how fearful they are not merely of OKCTalk, but of the social media information distribution system in general.

    And they should be. The more insular, defensive, and petulant they become, the more they reveal they have no answer for it. A spirit of cooperation with *all* forms of media would serve everyone far better, in the spirit of serving the community with the information all are working so hard to cultivate. Right now, it's a bunch of teenagers with unchecked Twitter accounts. That's embarrassing.
    Well, to be fair, I think there were some people here who were real jerks to Steve, and a lot of comments got personal really quickly. I'd have probably quit posting too if I were him. I don't remember what started it, but I remember how personal it got.

    I like Steve and think he does good work. I understand that he's worried about his livelihood, and there are a bunch of changes going on right now in the world of media and nobody knows where it will end. I think the Oklahoman has adapted better than most, but as you said, sites like this are a legitimate threat to their business.

  9. #259

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Steve started taking jabs at OKCtalk publicly through his weekly chat & social media. Referring to us as some site who posted unsubstantiated rumors.

  10. #260

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Well, to be fair, I think there were some people here who were real jerks to Steve, and a lot of comments got personal really quickly. I'd have probably quit posting too if I were him. I don't remember what started it, but I remember how personal it got.

    I like Steve and think he does good work. I understand that he's worried about his livelihood, and there are a bunch of changes going on right now in the world of media and nobody knows where it will end. I think the Oklahoman has adapted better than most, but as you said, sites like this are a legitimate threat to their business.
    Thanks for the extra info on Steve. I had honestly forgotten the details of him leaving; thinking it was in a thread in which I was not particularly active. I understand anyone's desire to protect their turf or their job.

    I had also followed him for a time on Twitter, but was also very off-put by some things he did there, general attitude he conveyed (and not to me personally, either), so I opted to save myself the aggravation and dropped him.

    More broadly, outlets like the Oklahoman have, IMHO, two choice regarding social media: they can fight it, or they can figure out how to ally with it. To me, the latter is their only realistic choice of survival. The former is a war of attrition they simply cannot win. This particular was an ugly example. If their default response is to be adversarial, it's indicative of a fight they know they really can't win.

  11. Default Re: Google Fiber

    He generally does things in the wrong way like the way he is attacking Elliot Nelson right now on Twitter that have nothing to do with anyone encroaching on his turf.

  12. #262

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Steve has turned into a nothing but a Twitter bully and it is sad.

  13. #263

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    He generally does things in the wrong way like the way he is attacking Elliot Nelson right now on Twitter that have nothing to do with anyone encroaching on his turf.
    "Tough" reporting right there

  14. #264

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Mr. Lackmeyer appears to have put himself on a tall, tall pedestal lately. Demanding to know private business information regarding a property that is not even owned by anyone he is asking the questions of is pretty disgustingly arrogant if you ask me. His Twitter feed looks like a DOK comment section today, and he wrote it.

  15. #265

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by pahdz View Post
    Just a hint, don't spend a second of your life in the comments section of online news articles of any paper. You'll question your existence period.
    The KOCO comment section is the absolute worst.
    But yes...you sort of give up hope for the entire species one or two comments in.

  16. #266

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by Paseofreak View Post
    Mr. Lackmeyer appears to have put himself on a tall, tall pedestal lately. Demanding to know private business information regarding a property that is not even owned by anyone he is asking the questions of is pretty disgustingly arrogant if you ask me. His Twitter feed looks like a DOK comment section today, and he wrote it.
    His chat today wasn't much different.

  17. #267

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    His chat today wasn't much different.
    This is what perturbs me as much as anything about contemporary representations of what are really old-world media; there was a time when there was a near pathology about journalists being neutral about stories. You covered a beat, you covered that beat; you didn't go into it with a specific predisposition. Lackmeyer is unabashedly biased to what his belief about what's "right" for his beat, and if you differ, you don't just differ, you're obviously wrong, and are stupid for doing so.

    I did browse a few minutes of that chat, and realized that was a few minutes I'll never get back.

    Anyway, the Oklahoman's never going to change, and they're not getting any of my subscription money, so there's no point in belaboring it I guess...moving on...

  18. #268

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    I was brow beaten by Steve a few years ago on a development story. Said I could quote on the record or he would just print his own speculation. Which was extremely negative and incorrect. I buckled. It's always left a sour taste.

    I also know of several property owners and developers that have actually moved backwards by not making historical remediations or improvements to spite him and his public badmouthing.

  19. #269

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    His chat today wasn't much different.
    I agree. I used to enjoy the chat but it seems like these days its mostly negative and he doesn't tell us anything that we don't already know.

  20. #270

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    The KOCO comment section is the absolute worst.
    But yes...you sort of give up hope for the entire species one or two comments in.
    Worse than KWTV and Newsok? I beg to differ. There are signs of intelligent life -- however remote -- in KOCO comments.

  21. #271

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I agree. I used to enjoy the chat but it seems like these days its mostly negative and he doesn't tell us anything that we don't already know.
    I actually always looked forward to it, in fact I had a routine where I made sure my schedule was clear so I could time it with my (late) breakfast. I always enjoyed eating my breakfast and watching the feed of questions.

  22. #272

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Wow, Comcast has some serious balls.


    I have Comcast here in Oregon, and it absolutely sucks. The service fails about once a week, they have not kept their promise of a $250 Visa Gift Card from a promotion I signed up for when I signed up for service, and it can be excruciatingly slow at random times.

  23. #273

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    WOW.. the comments on that post on facebook.. seems it kind of backfired on Comcast for sure..lol

  24. #274

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    I have Comcast here in Oregon, and it absolutely sucks. The service fails about once a week, they have not kept their promise of a $250 Visa Gift Card from a promotion I signed up for when I signed up for service, and it can be excruciatingly slow at random times.
    I would call them out to make sure the signal level coming into your home is good. I had an issue with Cox here a while back where I would continually lose service for a short amount of time, and it turned out there was noise on the line. The tech came out and took care of it.

  25. #275

    Default Re: Google Fiber

    I've heard Comcast and Time Warner are the two worst providers, with Comcast in a commanding lead.

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