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Thread: Google Fiber

  1. #176

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by jccouger View Post
    This is a good idea, but when would tax collections begin & earn enough to pay for this? We aren't scheduled for another maps vote for quite some time.
    Isn't the next one slated for 2018? It's not that far off, we'll probably have a clearer idea of what's going to be on the ballot about a year from now, so they can campaign for it's passage. If we're being honest Google giving the official yay or nay is at least a year away.

    Since collections take so long Google would probably spend it all up front and the city will pay them back as collections roll in. I'm not sure how it's all going to shake out but Cornett has a very good track record with this sort of thing. Google will get a deal, OKC will get a good deal, OKCtalk will be mad (sorta sarcastic).

  2. #177

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    Except that Google has potential cities all over the country. Fiber isn't "coming" to OKC. It's now on a list of possible cities.
    You will be crying into your Gigabit connection within 5 years, whether or not it is provided by Google.

  3. #178

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Here is a screenshot of their expansion process from the expansion page. Looks like we are at Phase 1 which I assume every city on the last started at.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Google Fiber.jpg 
Views:	513 
Size:	81.3 KB 
ID:	11701  

  4. #179

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerDave View Post
    OKC is on the formal map of Google Fiber future cities. While it may not be as "AHA" as perhaps I might have hoped, it's a darned sight better than not being on the map at all.

    There's a lot of infrastructure to be rolled out and built up, but so long as no overwhelming obstacles are seen, this is still great news.

    I wonder if there are any aspects of this about which Cornett has to be cautious for perhaps political reasons. I think the Cox franchise agreement is up for renewal next year, and if nothing else this gives the City quite a bit of leverage as they discuss terms for a new agreement - and I'll bet it's the shortest one ever. I think the current one was 7 years (?) Not sure.
    It could cost upwards of close to 100m to lay fiber to each home in the OKC metro area (and burbs). I doubt people would vote on a tax to basically help a business get in the market.

  5. #180

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    It looks like Brianna Bailey is really wanting to pick a fight with OKCTalk.

    She shouldn't. I'm fine with her pointing out OKCtalk only got it half right and that's why Newsok was slower to the story. However, they're kinda apples and oranges.

    Okctalk is the water cooler of the town. They get most things right just not exactly. Which is what you'd expect from a message board.

    Newsok is a paper. They have to be 100% correct or issue retractions. Makes them slower, but usually more accurate.

    That's not a slam on OKCtalk either. It doesn't have to impose the same standards as Newsok because that's not what it is. Apples and Oranges in my mind.

  6. #181

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    No matter how you slice it this is good news.

  7. #182

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by Stew View Post
    No matter how you slice it this is good news.
    Very good news. I just hate waiting.

  8. #183

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by OU Adonis View Post
    It could cost upwards of close to 100m to lay fiber to each home in the OKC metro area (and burbs). I doubt people would vote on a tax to basically help a business get in the market.
    Thunder, any business in bricktown, the business that will be along the street car route, etc.

    A good way would be too tell google we'll pay for all the fiber up front, lease it to you for $1 a year for 50 years, and you provide free internet at 10mbps. Any future upgrades and maintenance and all that is on you. City and therefore the taxpayers still own the infrastructure Google is the service provider. There's lot of different options to go with. Just depends what Google wants to do. I trust Cornett.

  9. #184

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Thunder, any business in bricktown, the business that will be along the street car route, etc.

    A good way would be too tell google we'll pay for all the fiber up front, lease it to you for $1 a year for 50 years, and you provide free internet at 10mbps. Any future upgrades and maintenance and all that is on you. City and therefore the taxpayers still own the infrastructure Google is the service provider. There's lot of different options to go with. Just depends what Google wants to do. I trust Cornett.
    Well google in other locations gives free internet for up to 7 years @ a $300 installation cost. My assumption is that $300 = Actual average installation cost per household + 7 years worth of maintenance costs. (Guestimating 330k households x $300 = 99m). If maintenance is a significant part of that $300 piece then obviously it could be much cheaper to roll out.

    What does this mean? Hell I don't know I just started rambling.

  10. Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert_M View Post
    Been seeing the Cox commercials for their Gigablast internet for about a month now. They have a promotional price for TV + phone + internet for $135.00. Could be they heard the rumors about Google as well and were trying to get their word out first.

    The only thing I hate about Cox and similar companies are the monthly fees a "special" two year rates. In the end it is advertised for said price then either you have to rent a box for 10 bucks a month or the price goes up by 80 dollars in a year.

  11. #186

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    It looks like Brianna Bailey is really wanting to pick a fight with OKCTalk.

    She doesn't care, so she tweets four or five more times to prove it.

    Her presumed indifference is belied by her childish responses. I think someone at the Oklahoman needs to tell her to knock it off. Move on. She looks like an angry 3rd grader right about now.

  12. #187

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by gopokes88 View Post
    Oh she burns him real good.

    Newsok is always in a tough spot. They need to be first but they have to be spot on 100%. OKCtalk can get things 75% correct and no one cares.
    Why does NewsOK "need to be first?" That's the problem is that in an age of web 2.0 and social media, traditional reporters likely won't be first. But instead of accepting the shifting media landscape the Oklahoman reporters are engaging in unethical journalistic practices by not giving credit (and that doesn't even consider the defensive and unnecessary insults towards the site). They've also gone out of their way to trash OKCTalk - which is really just trashing Pete specifically. In the new media age, reporters need to accept that they won't get the story first and focus on producing quality pieces with additional sources and information. New media doesn't hurt or end old media.

    Someone should buy a copy of this book for everyone at the Oklahoman: Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide: Henry Jenkins: 9780814742952: Amazon.com: Books

  13. Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    If espn can report stories while giving credit to yahoo sports, ect, I think the Oklahoman can do it too. Never been a fan of Brianna. Focuses too much on selfies and whining.

    And to respond to the cox comment above, my promo just expired and it jumped $80 a month. Someone is about to get a phone call.

  14. #189

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Why does NewsOK "need to be first?" That's the problem is that in an age of web 2.0 and social media, traditional reporters likely won't be first. But instead of accepting that the Oklahoman reporters are engaging in unethical journalistic ethics by not givign credit. They've also gone out of their way to trash OKCTalk - which is really just trashing Pete specifically. In the new media age, reporters need to accept that they won't get the story first and focus on producing quality pieces with additional sources and information. New media doesn't hurt or end old media.

    Someone should buy a copy of this book for everyone at the Oklahoman: Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide: Henry Jenkins: 9780814742952: Amazon.com: Books
    It was sometime in the last year or so that *someone* finally go to ESPN and some other major outlets to have them start giving credit to the source of their stories or tweets if it was reported elsewhere first. If you'll notice, many of these outlets include a notice such as "Story first reported by XXXX" in a tweet or other similar social media post.

    It was LostOgle who kinda started the flames on this by suggesting credit to OKCTalk, and she (Bailey) responded very defensively and made it instantly worse. If she'd included even a vague reference to the fact that social media was on the story, it would never have been an issue. The irony is that Pete probably doesn't care about the credit nearly as much as Bailey obviously does, as her protestations to the contrary clearly demonstrate.


  15. #190

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    And I'm OK with her acknowledging that they took their time to get everything 100% correct. I don't believe OKCTALK.com was the source for the article. I'm sure it was the press release from the city. But getting into a flame war in twitter? And pulling okctalk.com into it (who was not and has not as far as I saw participated)? That's unprofessional. I don't have high standards for the lost ogle on behavior, and maybe I shouldn't for newsok reporters either.

  16. #191

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    If you've been paying attention, today's tweets are not an isolated incident, but part of a larger pattern. I'll just leave it at that.

  17. #192

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    You'd think she'd be better than this, or that somebody from her office would tell her to shut it

  18. #193

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Several of her coworkers were participating in the nonsense, so that seems unlikely.

  19. #194
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    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    It would be academically interesting to know if any city that has been put on the "potential" list has ever not then made it to the "coming" list.

  20. #195

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by dankrutka View Post
    Why does NewsOK "need to be first?" That's the problem is that in an age of web 2.0 and social media, traditional reporters likely won't be first. But instead of accepting the shifting media landscape the Oklahoman reporters are engaging in unethical journalistic practices by not giving credit (and that doesn't even consider the defensive and unnecessary insults towards the site). They've also gone out of their way to trash OKCTalk - which is really just trashing Pete specifically. In the new media age, reporters need to accept that they won't get the story first and focus on producing quality pieces with additional sources and information. New media doesn't hurt or end old media.

    Someone should buy a copy of this book for everyone at the Oklahoman: Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide: Henry Jenkins: 9780814742952: Amazon.com: Books
    Why does Newsok need to be first? I dk, isn't being first, the point of any business?

  21. #196

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by jerrywall View Post
    And I'm OK with her acknowledging that they took their time to get everything 100% correct. I don't believe OKCTALK.com was the source for the article. I'm sure it was the press release from the city. But getting into a flame war in twitter? And pulling okctalk.com into it (who was not and has not as far as I saw participated)? That's unprofessional. I don't have high standards for the lost ogle on behavior, and maybe I shouldn't for newsok reporters either.
    I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

  22. Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by shawnw View Post
    It would be academically interesting to know if any city that has been put on the "potential" list has ever not then made it to the "coming" list.
    None so far. All have been added.

  23. #198

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Quote Originally Posted by FighttheGoodFight View Post
    None so far. All have been added.
    So basically we are now in a planning phase. As a "Potential" city, Google now sits down and verifies that is will work before there is any formal announcement that we are definitely getting it. I imagine the only thing that would stop us from getting it at this point is some logistical issue that makes putting fiber lines not possible or not cost effective. I don't see that happening since both AT&T and Cox have already run fiber in OKC.

  24. #199

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    OKC has plenty of negatives.

    Our history of accomplishing major infrastructure projects is not one of them. (Indeed, efficiency sometimes is a problem for us, but 1. We still get the things done and 2. We would be working with Google, who didn't arrive as a $500B company by making a bunch of inefficient and poor decisions.

    This would be a very interesting addition to a MAPS ballot, especially if it were in exchange for a better rate and potentially city-wide free Wi-Fi…something that becomes more and more realistic by the day.

    Just put the Wireless routers on all the sirens

  25. #200

    Default Re: OKC makes formal pitch for Google fiber network

    Guys, we're getting Google Fiber.

    Pete's original report is spot on; stop being let down by the "potential" label because that's merely a technical label in the process towards getting Fiber. Google has been exploring OKC for a while now and has pretty strong connections to OKC most people aren't aware of; the "potential" label just means they are in deep discussions with the city to figure out the permitting process and other technical details. Rest assured that unless something completely unexpected pops up (or Cox is able to buy some legislative votes to prohibit Google from coming here--a possibility I wouldn't count on given the strength of Google's government relations team), Fiber is coming.

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