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Thread: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

  1. Default Re: Bus System

    Honestly, I would rather be able to get to my destination in 30 minutes as opposed to 1 hr 15, instead of enabling wifi on every bus.

    That really is the biggest limiter for me using the system. I can get to work in 15 minutes by personal vehicle or 1hr and 15 by bus. I know you have to allow more time with a bus system by that is ridiculous. The system needs to be completely overhauled like Houston did for no extra money. Embark said the reason they haven't done that is because of money. Maybe they don't know Houston didn't pay anything.

  2. #377

    Default Re: Bus System

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    Honestly, I would rather be able to get to my destination in 30 minutes as opposed to 1 hr 15, instead of enabling wifi on every bus.

    That really is the biggest limiter for me using the system. I can get to work in 15 minutes by personal vehicle or 1hr and 15 by bus. I know you have to allow more time with a bus system by that is ridiculous. The system needs to be completely overhauled like Houston did for no extra money. Embark said the reason they haven't done that is because of money. Maybe they don't know Houston didn't pay anything.
    The bottom line is we need more transit funding. We need significant, permanent funding.

  3. Default Re: Bus System

    I think that if they are just going to funnel the additional they do receive into a system that isn't working (like they've recently done), instead of overhauling it, then they shouldn't receive more.

    It's great that they started two nights routes, but those are pretty much the same routes that they have during the day with some alterations. And they still don't function very well.

  4. #379

  5. Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    I'm a little confused on what the Link service is that is being cut. It looks like you can reserve pickup at your home? So, basically a cab type service?

  6. #381

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    they are cutting the night routes.

  7. #382
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    Not the night routes we think of (e.g. 23N, 11N, etc), it's those shuttle bus looking things that are for more specialized service that aren't even labeled since they are run by an external operator. You see them sitting at the bus station at night waiting to be dispatched.

  8. #383

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    They have a similar service in Denver. Not sure how to be eligible to use it, or how the fares work...

    I think you call a number and they dispatch a driver to pick you up directly.

  9. #384

    Default Re: Bus System

    Embark to get strategic help

    By: Dale Denwalt The Journal Record August 29, 2016

    OKLAHOMA CITY – Metro officials will get help from a national nonprofit to plan land use near transit stops.

    Smart Growth America picked Oklahoma City’s public transportation agency, Embark, as one of nine entities to receive technical assistance. Experts will visit Oklahoma City to help plan and manage transit projects using zoning, land use, low-cost housing and commercial development.

    Some of those experts will meet with the public Tuesday in northwest Oklahoma City.

    Embark has said there are places in the city that could be explored in the project, linking transit stops with mixed-use or other kinds of development that could encourage more use of the transit service.

    A press release from the agency identified examples like 23rd and Classen Boulevard, Pennsylvania Avenue and NW 50th, and two other stops along Northwest Expressway.

    Cathy O’Connor, president of the Alliance for Economic Development, said those areas have tremendous potential.

    “One of the things that is challenging is we don’t have a lot of very dense development,” O’Connor said. “Even though in an area like Northwest 23rd and Classen, there’s development there but it’s not very dense.”

    She said there are different ways planners might direct development.

    “There’s the carrot and the stick,” O’Connor said. “Sometimes through the city’s development guidelines they can encourage a certain development. Then other times, we can proactively seek out developers for certain kinds of development.”

    The meeting Tuesday will be at 6:30 p.m. on the third floor of 50 Penn Place.

    Embark spokesman Michael Scroggins said the planning will focus on both future and existing stops.

    “What it’s really aiming to do is further develop a corridor,” Scroggins said.

    In the future, Embark could operate a transit service that looks like a bus but operates like a rail car with fewer stops and, possibly, dedicated lanes.

    “Maybe there’s a pharmacy” at the stop, Scroggins said. “It could be that there’s an eatery nearby or a small grocer. Those things are all built and planned with transit at the forefront.”

  10. #385

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    OKC to add more CNG buses to Embark fleet

    By: Sarah Terry-Cobo The Journal Record December 15, 2016

    OKLAHOMA CITY – Oklahoma City’s transit agency will soon offer smoother, cleaner rides to passengers. Embark received a $2 million federal grant to purchase six new compressed-natural-gas-fueled buses. The money helps the agency upgrade more of its fleet faster than it would be able to do otherwise, said director Jason Ferbrache.

    CNG vehicles help provide more price stability and improve air quality, he said.

    “The goal is that we’re all living in a healthier community,” Ferbrache said.

    The Federal Transit Administration recommends public fleets replace municipal buses every 12 years. Ferbrache said 18 Embark buses, or about 20 percent of the fleet, are past their useful life. The agency has eight CNG buses in its fleet, six of which were added in the fall.

    Eric Pollard, Central Oklahoma Clean Cities coordinator with the Association of Central Oklahoma Governments, said Embark is among state transit agencies moving to cleaner-burning, alternative-fueled vehicles in fleets.

    Driver and bus operations employee Ashley Goodrich said CNG-fueled buses are quieter and smoother than the diesel-fueled counterparts. The engine isn’t as noisy, so it’s easier to hear passengers. That’s important because it helps her be able to communicate with a rider who may need directions, or those who may be hard of hearing. It also helps drivers more easily detect potential disturbances.

    The CNG buses are lower to the ground and drive differently. But the ride is smoother and safer, she said.

    “Some of the diesel buses are 15 years old, so if you hit just the right pothole, it could make a difference in how your bus drives,” Goodrich said. “It could knock out your air conditioning or something else.”

    CNG-fueled buses put off less harmful exhaust, too.

    Diesel tailpipe pollution can contribute to smog and contains cancer-causing chemicals, according to a 2007 study published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. Exposure to those fumes can destroy lung tissue and damage DNA, and has been linked to low birth weight and high blood pressure, among other health problems.

    Pollard said there are clear public health benefits from moving away from older diesel vehicles. He works with a local coalition of government and private stakeholders that are transitioning fleets to alternative-fuel vehicles. The Clean Cities program is a nationwide initiative backed by the U.S. Department of Energy, with the goal of working toward reducing air pollution and improving fuel efficiency.

    Pollard said Embark’s directors have demonstrated leadership for years to improve air quality by increasing ridership and adding more alternative-fueled vehicles.

    Ferbrache said the six new CNG buses are custom-designed and should be delivered by 2018. Adding more CNG vehicles to the fleet provides more fuel price stability, because diesel prices historically are more volatile.

    “That makes it easier to create a budget and allocate resources,” he said.

    Michael Scroggins, Embark spokesman, said the Federal Transit Administration changed its funding formula for its bus replacement grant program. The federal agency still provides money, but applicants must compete and show need. Embark competed against 236 applicants in 47 states.

  11. #386

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    We were advocating for this years ago. Glad it came to fruition. Note these ideas are proposed in detail in the "About" section- www.mtpokc.com

  12. #387

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    Some good news here: expanded routes and expanded nighttime service. Will also add Sunday service soon.


  13. #388
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    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    So fantastic

  14. #389

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    It's not a done deal yet but at least Embark is pushing for it in next year's budget. So glad to hear this!

  15. Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    I would love to see EMBARK normal TRANSIT service be as follows:

    Local City bus (to-from downtown and crosstowns)
    *M-F 4:30am-11:30pm
    *Sat 6am-11:30pm
    *Sun 8am-8pm
    *OWL Bus M-Th 11:30pm-1am, F-Sat 11:30-3am, Sun 8pm-12mid

    Commuter Bus/Rail routes should run: M-F 6am-8:30am, 11am-1pm, and 4pm-7pm rush hours, Sat 10am-8pm, and for few hours prior-during-after events (example, Seattle used to have Seahawks commuter bus to the suburbs back before SoundTransit; in addition to regular local bus in the city). Frequencies depends upon the suburb/transit needs to downtown and/or destination.

    - DOWNTOWN TO EDMOND (to be replaced with Commuter Rail)
    - DOWNTOWN TO MIDWEST CITY VIA DEL CITY (to be replaced with Rapid Streetcar and BRT)
    - DOWNTOWN TO NORMAN VIA CROSSROADS (to be replaced by Commuter Rail)


    Streetcar should run:
    *M-F 6am-10pm
    *Sat 9am-10pm
    *Sun noon-8pm

    and up to an hour before and after major events/conventions downtown.

    Local bus frequencies:
    # M-F: 4:30-6:00 every 0:45, 6:00-8:30 *MAX, 8:30-10:30 every hour, 10:30-1:30p every 0:30, 1:30p-3:30p every hour, 3:30p-5:00p every 0:30, 5:00p-7:00p *MAX, 7:00p-8:00p every 0:30, 8:00p-11:00p every hour, and 11:30 last from downtown.
    # M-TH OWL: every hour, and 1:00 last from downtown
    # F OWL: every hour, 3:00am last from downtown
    # Sat: 6:00-11:00 every hour, 11:00-2:00p every 0:45, 2:00p-5:00p every hour, 5:00p-6:30p every 0:30, 6:30p-11:30p every hour
    # Sun: 8:00-11:00 every 1.5 hour, 11:00-5:00p every hour, 5:00p-6:00p every 0:30, 6:00p-8:00p every hour
    # Sun OWL: 8:00p-11:00p every 1.5 hour, 12 mid last from downtown

    *MAX - maximum available frequency based on rush hour crush loads (this will vary as the downtown amenity and city/metro population and transit use grows)
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  16. #391

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    Nice in depth take. Mine is a bit more simple and some low priority lines would have exceptions but my preferred hours would mostly be 24 hour service and with rail and heavy or light rail would need to be quad tracked like in NYC in order to provide 24/7 service or it would have to shut down for a few hours during certain weekdays with low ridership. I think that is the best transit system to have so its closer to a personal car being that it is always available with less restrictions.

    That however isn’t happening anytime soon(LA still hasn’t done that with a few exceptions and Gold Line is 24/7 now but as I mentioned I know NYC heavy rail is double tracked which makes 24/7 service easy to perform repairs no heavy rail in LA is quad tracked) but I would advocate for most of not all lines to operate on the same schedule with a few exceptions. I’d have bus and rail(that’s street car, light and heavy rail) operating M-T 4am to 2:30am and F-S 4:30am to 3am. Some high priority bus lines such as BRT would operate 24/7.

    I’m not familiar with OKC bus routes so again I’ll overly simplify it. Peak hours I’d have some buses running as high as every 5 minutes and low every 30. Off peak they’d run as high as 10 mins to every hour. BRT would be every 3 minutes during peak and 10 minutes off peak. Light and heavy rail would be every 5-7 minutes during peak and 10 -15 minutes off peak.

    For commuter rail it’s hard to tell but I’d run service from 4am to 2am all week with weekdays having 2-4 trains per hour during peak hours(number of trains would vary based on how many people end up using it once it’s open but I’d start it out at 3 trains per hour) and off peak hours during the day I’d run 1-2 trains per hour. After 10pm I’d have 1 train per hour. Weekends would have 2 trains per hour during the day and 1 train per hour after 10pm. If ridership is high than maybe have a smaller express train around 1-2am during Friday’s, Saturday’s, and Sunday’s from 1am-2am. Though OKC doesn’t really have a nice Sunday nightlife scene, that could change. The number trains per hour would largely depend on ridership but I do think it will play a role on how many users it ultimately gets so hopefully they start out with a high number even if projected ridership is low. Transit isn’t there to make money.

  17. #392

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    As much as I am happy that you are looking at transit options, we don't need 24/7 heavy rail. The car is simply too easy to use here outside of peak traffic congestion times. Commuter rail with heavy frequency during peak commutes while evenly spread service throughout the day would work perfect for a city our size for the considerable future.

    Essentially need 4x hourly service from 6am to 8am from Edmond and Norman to OKC, with 1-2x hourly the rest of the day until 4pm, where it should switch back to 4x hourly until about 6pm, where it can resume hourly service until 10pm.

    Even then, that would be a likely stretch on what we can afford and BNSF would allow us to run on their tracks.

    I wonder if BNSF would be interested in operating the commuter line itself? I know they operate certain commuter rail lines in other cities.

  18. Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    that's why in my transit idea, I have commuter rail separate from local with CR/bus having much less frequencies with higher capacity. I also include some Express bus options (high capacity, single site) to downtown which has not been discussed.

    I find it particularly ridiculous that there are little to no available transit options between OU and downtown OKC. I mean, students from the major university can't get to the major city's downtown on transit (unless it's during rush hour, and even then it's only two buses).??? Ridiculous.

    In my idea, I have OU-Downtown OKC Express bus throughout the day depending upon demand. This could also be useful for students/faculty going between OU-Norman and OU-OKC campuses - horrible that the transit company doesn't offer this; I suspect OKC is the only major city in the nation with a major university in its metro that isn't easily connected to its downtown. ...
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  19. #394

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    Quote Originally Posted by baralheia View Post
    It's not a done deal yet but at least Embark is pushing for it in next year's budget. So glad to hear this!
    And that is now a done deal. Expected to start in January.

  20. #395
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    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    Sunday bus service starts THIS Sunday (tomorrow, the 27th). Who gonna ride?

    I'm planning to...

  21. #396
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    Default Re: Bus System

    Was noticing there are two bus threads but it's the other one that's getting more updates. Recommend locking this one. Here's the link to the other...


  22. #397

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    This is a great step in the right direction. I hate to be a half glass empty kind of guy, but it’s kinda off putting that OKC is only now getting Sunday bus service. Glad to see this step anyways.

  23. #398

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    Embark will take over CART(Cleveland County Bus Services):

    NORMAN, Okla. – City leaders in Norman have approved a contract with EMBARK to operate the city’s recently acquired public transit system.

    “Great cities provide quality public transit options for their residents. While this change was unexpected, we were successful in maintaining service throughout the transition,” said Mayor Breea Clark. “I look forward to working with my Council colleagues and Norman residents on improving the current service and creating a public transit system that better serves our community’s needs going forward.”

    EMBARK will take over the operation of fixed-route service from CART beginning on Aug. 3.

    Officials say CART will continue to operate paratransit service until Oct. 1., which is when EMBARK will assume that responsibility.

    Throughout the August 5 – October 31 transition, fares will not be collected on either fixed-route or paratransit service.

    “Our top priority throughout this transition process has been to ensure that Norman residents who depend on the bus system would not see a change to their level of service,” said Public Works Director Shawn O’Leary. “We are pleased that we’ve been able to work out an agreement with the cooperation of CART and EMBARK to achieve that goal with no gaps in service.”
    - https://kfor.com/2019/07/30/embark-t...man-from-cart/

  24. #399

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    That's a pretty big step!!

  25. #400

    Default Re: Embark (OKC Metro Bus Service)

    One step closer to GOCART...

    Greater Oklahoma City Area Regional Transit.

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