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Thread: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

  1. #1

    Default OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    I went to school at OU and have been a life long OU fan but that means nothing when something like this happens.

    Four killed, dozens injured as car crashes into crowd at Oklahoma State University homecoming parade | NewsOK.com

    I'm heart broken about this senseless event. My deepest prayers go out to everyone affected.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    I wanted to post a thread about this but just couldn't cause I can't figure out how something so senseless can take place. It's mind numbing and I'm still at a loss for words.


  3. #3

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    I wanted to post a thread about this but just couldn't cause I can't figure out how something so senseless can take place. It's mind numbing and I'm still at a loss for words.

    You're so right. All of those people went to a parade to have fun and celebrate school spirit without a clue that it could be a fatal experience for them. That seems to be something that happens too often in daily life, whether it's in Stillwater or in a college in Oregon.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    The brief, blurry video showing how it happened was beyond horrible. It happened in a flash instant. Parade viewers likely didn't have time to react to the the ridiculously speeding vehicle. After some scrolling it' can be viewed here, if they haven't removed it again: Four dead and dozens injured, one in custody after wreck during OSU homecoming parade in Stillwater | KFOR.com

    A very sad day in Stillwater. Had I chosen to attend the parade, I likely would have chosen to view it positioned at or near that intersection.

    Similar tragic incidents like this sometimes happen in other towns. And then it happens in your town. My heart and prayers go out to all those so terribly impacted by the horrific incident at Hall of Fame and Main St. in Stillwater Saturday morning.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    I was surprised that no one was manning the store over at KFOR and KWTV during this breaking tragedy. Kudos to KOCO for calling in their staff and communicating with the public breaking news instead of putting up a scrolling news ticker.

  6. #7

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Payne County District Attorney Laura Austin Thomas said that Chambers is now being held on four manslaughter charges, and will likely be charged with driving under the influence of drugs. Alcohol is not thought to have been involved. Her lawyer has deep concerns about her competency at this point and thinks she is suffering from mental illness.

  7. #8

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    All you can do is shake your head at such things, and trust that God has a plan for all of us.

  8. #9

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Quote Originally Posted by Bunty View Post
    Payne County District Attorney Laura Austin Thomas said that Chambers is now being held on four manslaughter charges, and will likely be charged with driving under the influence of drugs. Alcohol is not thought to have been involved. Her lawyer has deep concerns about her competency at this point and thinks she is suffering from mental illness.
    More from her attorney: Attorney: OSU crash suspect was not drunk, has history of... | www.fox23.com

  9. #10
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    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    ^Interesting he is communicating publicly "things his client told him" about the incident.

  10. #11

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Quote Originally Posted by okatty View Post
    ^Interesting he is communicating publicly "things his client told him" about the incident.
    He thinks it will help his client.

  11. #12

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    My thoughts and prayers to those killed and injured.

  12. #13

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Saturday was a long day for us. At one point we had planned on attending as my son will be entering OSU next year. Several folks we know from band and from his school have kids who are a year or two older than my son who are at OSU, and couldn't make contact with them for several hours. They were even announcing during the game trying to encourage students to call their parents. A very tense few hours.

  13. #14
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    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Went to the OU Choir Fall concert yesterday which is a pretty big deal at OU - many in attendance. At the end they passed out the OSU School song and after a moment of silence i honor of the victims they sang it.

  14. #15

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Per news last night/this morning, it appears they are going to file Murder 2 charges against the driver. I didn't think OK law would allow for even Murder 2 if impairment (of any kind) were at issue.

  15. #16

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Scenes at mid-afternoon Monday, at memorial placed where car came to a halt.

  16. #17

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Read the arrest affidavit of the OSU homecoming driver | News OK

    The affidavit paints a picture that this was 100% done with purpose. She had to avoid multiple barricades. I don't know why first degree murder charges haven't been placed on her.

  17. Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    I'm already preparing to see her never convicted. She sounds legitimately mentally ill. No matter whether this is found to be the case or not, she needs to be locked away - where she can't hurt herself and more importantly can do no more harm to the public - and receive whatever treatment is appropriate for a LONG time.

  18. #19

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    This whole thing makes me sick

    I hope those injured can make brisk recoveries to good health, and I hope the friends and family of those lost can find some peace.

    I think, but am not 100% certain, I may have met one of the victims at the Gold's Gym on Memorial a year or so ago.

  19. Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    On the 6 PM news on KFOR they said officials are saying one of the survivors is in such grave condition that there is a strong likelihood of a 5th fatality. Hoping that changes for the better.

  20. #21

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy


  21. #22

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    I think the less said about that, the better.

  22. #23

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    You're probably right. I went ahead and removed it but it's still linked in the quote.

  23. #24

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    Just ignore them... Please.

  24. #25

    Default Re: OSU Homecoming Tragedy

    If ever there was a group for a person to run over in her car, it would be the Westboro people.

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