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Thread: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

  1. #26

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    BTW, I'm not disagreeing with the last line. Her musical ability is about 4th or 5th down the list of reasons why she's famous. I'm only saying those who dismiss her as a no-talent hack are wrong. She might be a hack, but she has talent.
    In my opinion, she's heavily processed/produced and is of average talent musically. She's famous because she's the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus who had contacts at Disney. Yes, there's a long backstory about being "discovered," but at age 13 she became the tween sensation - the sweet and innocent Hannah Montana - and the rest is history. It's such a shame that a young lady so loved by millions of kids would morph into a soft porn entertainer who lives to shock and provoke. Sadly, she's a ticking time bomb.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    How soon until her sex tape gets "leaked" ? over under 4 years?

  3. #28

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by zookeeper View Post
    In my opinion, she's heavily processed/produced and is of average talent musically. She's famous because she's the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus who had contacts at Disney. Yes, there's a long backstory about being "discovered," but at age 13 she became the tween sensation - the sweet and innocent Hannah Montana - and the rest is history. It's such a shame that a young lady so loved by millions of kids would morph into a soft porn entertainer who lives to shock and provoke. Sadly, she's a ticking time bomb.
    People don't stay Disney princesses forever.. the bubble gum loses its flavor. most Disney folks rebel and go off the rails and then if their talent is enough to keep them on track after that they can make a decent life out of the rest of their Career.

  4. #29

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I'm not sure how you can reasonably expect a 20ish year old millionaire to maintain a Disney manufactured persona.
    Yeah her and Bieber both act like complete asses. I would hate to see what shenanigans I would have been involved in at that age with that amount of disposable income. Quite often I was a complete ass without millions on hand.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    catch22, you may want to reconsider a bit. Her new record is very good, IMO.
    Her new album is actually the best Flaming Lips record they've done in a few years. Much better with Miley singing instead of Wayne. And yeah, Miley's overprocessed on most of her songs, but her voice is actually pretty damn good. Don't wanna see her or Wayne (or Steven or Michael) naked, though, ever, ever, ever.

  6. #31

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Miley can't sing so she has to resort to shock value to sell tickets.

  7. #32

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    She is going through the same thing Lady GaGa did. Otherwise talented singer that has to continuously shock. Been there done that....nothing new to see. She will stop when another starlet starts to outshock her.
    I think Lady Gaga is far more talented than Miley Cyrus. Honestly I think Gaga continually having to one-up herself is what really hurt her popularity. In 2010 people were comparing her to Madonna, the Beatles, and the Stones in terms of cultural impact. Here we are five years later and few people listen to her anymore and its been a couple years since she's even had a hit. If she would have done what she does best; make good music, she might still be topping the charts.

    Miley Cyrus on the other hand is riding the wave of her early Disney fame and she has to shock in order to stay in the spotlight and sell tickets.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I think Lady Gaga is far more talented than Miley Cyrus. Honestly I think Gaga continually having to one-up herself is what really hurt her popularity. In 2010 people were comparing her to Madonna, the Beatles, and the Stones in terms of cultural impact. Here we are five years later and few people listen to her anymore and its been a couple years since she's even had a hit. If she would have done what she does best; make good music, she might still be topping the charts.

    Miley Cyrus on the other hand is riding the wave of her early Disney fame and she has to shock in order to stay in the spotlight and sell tickets.
    I agree. If you ignore the shock and glam, Gaga actually has made a lot of pretty good music, whereas Miley's stuff is the kind of generic pop that you can't honestly differentiate between that of a number of other artists. Gaga's stuff has Gaga written all over it, but literally any pop star could sing a Miley song and you'd be hard pressed to see the difference.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by trousers View Post
    I'm not sure how you can reasonably expect a 20ish year old millionaire to maintain a Disney manufactured persona.
    Yeah her and Bieber both act like complete asses. I would hate to see what shenanigans I would have been involved in at that age with that amount of disposable income. Quite often I was a complete ass without millions on hand.
    True. Nobody would expect her to remain a Disney princess. But a lot of those Disney stars were simply mousketeers (Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Ryan Gosling, etc.) Miley had her own TV show that she starred in for 4 years. A little different as far as influence. I don't think being a Disney star (or having a lot of money) pre-destined her for a career as a soft porn entertainer. That's been her choice. They all aren't ticking time bombs either. Sadly, she is.

  10. Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    ... literally any pop star could sing a Miley song and you'd be hard pressed to see the difference.
    Rebecca Black's cover of "Wrecking Ball" is a definite departure from the Cyrus original.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by windowphobe View Post
    Rebecca Black's cover of "Wrecking Ball" is a definite departure from the Cyrus original.
    Has WIlliam Hung covered it yet?

  12. #37
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    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    I think Lady Gaga is far more talented than Miley Cyrus.
    I don't think there's really any room for debate on that one. I'm not a fan of either, which is just taste, but any objective person can easily see a major difference in ability:


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