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Thread: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

  1. #1

    Default Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

  2. #2

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to performe nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I've been a Flaming Lips fan for years, but Wayne going off the deep end in this midlife crisis is making it difficult to defend him.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to performe nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

  4. #4

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to performe nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Anything related to Miley Cyrus I can't get behind. I have never seen such a disgusting individual.

    It's been a reason I have stopped paying much attention to Wayne Coyne lately.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to performe nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Anything related to Miley Cyrus I can't get behind. I have never seen such a disgusting individual.

    It's been a reason I have stopped paying much attention to Wayne Coyne lately.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I wouldn't go as far as disgusting individual. I mean she isn't my cup of tea but there are worse folks out there.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Only 5 more years until Miley can join the "27 Club". J/K of course.......
    The shock value will only take you so far especially when there is no musical chops or substance to back it up. Bowie and Cooper are ashamed im sure.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to performe nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Teo9969 View Post
    I think a lot of what she does is purely disgusting. Disgust is a personal opinion, of course. So what I find disgusting, someone else may find pleasurable. Which of course is fine with me. We all have our own tastes.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Will this be known as the Fizzles & Fossils Tour?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Only 5 more years until Miley can join the "27 Club". J/K of course.......
    Still horrible.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    from the link:

    where "white stuff that looks like milk" will be "spewed" everywhere. The concept is for a video, he continued, for the song "Milky Milky Milk."
    It was done better in 2002

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to performe nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Martin View Post
    I did that too. Vodka and Papa Murphys.

  13. Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I am in no way a Miley fan. I find her to be completely irritating and annoying, and her act banal. That said, anyone who thinks she's talentless or doesn't have musical chops is either letting their low opinion of her as a person wrongly inform their assessment of her talent, or is not good at recognizing it to begin with. The fact that she HAS so much talent is what makes all of her surrounding ridiculousness so maddening.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I agree. She is a terrific entertainer and quite the actor also. Pretty well rounded talent wise. I just think her recent behavior is quite repulsive.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    catch22, you may want to reconsider a bit. Her new record is very good, IMO.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I am in no way a Miley fan. I find her to be completely irritating and annoying, and her act banal. That said, anyone who thinks she's talentless or doesn't have musical chops is either letting their low opinion of her as a person wrongly inform their assessment of her talent, or is not good at recognizing it to begin with. The fact that she HAS so much talent is what makes all of her surrounding ridiculousness so maddening.
    Being an actor and pop entertainer is a unique skillset, so I'll give her credit for that, but her music chops are garbage. Her albums are produced to death, her live voice is always flat and she has horrible technique. Her musical ability is not why she's famous.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    She is going through the same thing Lady GaGa did. Otherwise talented singer that has to continuously shock. Been there done that....nothing new to see. She will stop when another starlet starts to outshock her.

    Gaga has largely grown out of it, but Cyrus's strain of weird seems to come from a much darker place. Like, nobody who is mentally all there tries this hard. Her incessant need for attention reeks of someone with daddy issues. OMG watch me twerk! I am so edgy aren't I? Well now I am SMOKING MARIJUANA! OMG aren't I cool? Don't you love me? You don't, well now I am going to sing completely NEKKID!

    I can't just rag on her though. Beyond disturbing that she is hanging out with a dude that is literally older than her father. Did Wayne Coyne take some bad mushrooms about 3 years ago? Because ever since then, that dude went off the deep end and has not been seen since. TBH, I get weird Oedipal Complex vibes from both of them...GROSS.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Bullbear View Post
    I wouldn't go as far as disgusting individual. I mean she isn't my cup of tea but there are worse folks out there.
    I love Miley Cyrus. I love the time she came out on a talk show with an open shirt, braless with a sticker on each nipple. She told of how she was so offended from the sight of the older people when she went to a nudist resort. So she was asked, if she was going to put on more clothes when she gets old. She said no, then would be a good time to get back.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I'll see your "Miley Cyrus is disgusting," and raise you a GG Allin.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Throckmorton View Post
    I'll see your "Miley Cyrus is disgusting," and raise you a GG Allin.
    How about a little GWAR?

  21. Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_M View Post
    Being an actor and pop entertainer is a unique skillset, so I'll give her credit for that, but her music chops are garbage. Her albums are produced to death, her live voice is always flat and she has horrible technique. Her musical ability is not why she's famous.
    Ever hear her raw voice tracks? I have. Both memo-recorded demos and in the studio as "...and her Dead Petz" was being mixed. She can sing.

  22. #22
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    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I am old and set in my ways. If I want a circus, I will go to one. Maybe that's why I like the Blue Door. Just folks singing and playing their instruments without flying monkeys coming out of their posterior.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    I ran across this one day listening to all the covers I could find of Jolene*. Nice work by her on it and on some of the other recordings of the group, like Lilac Wine. Of course, that was then (2012). And none of it is really spectacular, just good.

    *White Stripes and Slow Ass Jolene are my favs.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

  25. Default Re: Flaming Lips to perform nude.....along with Miley Cyrus

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike_M View Post
    Being an actor and pop entertainer is a unique skillset, so I'll give her credit for that, but her music chops are garbage. Her albums are produced to death, her live voice is always flat and she has horrible technique. Her musical ability is not why she's famous.
    BTW, I'm not disagreeing with the last line. Her musical ability is about 4th or 5th down the list of reasons why she's famous. I'm only saying those who dismiss her as a no-talent hack are wrong. She might be a hack, but she has talent.

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