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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #1326

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Myriad Gardens is an amazing park. It just needs to be surrounded by housing.

  2. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    couldn't have said it better myself Rover.

    and in looking at the pictures, Myriad Gardens and OKC stands very well in the company of the other cities. I was actually very surprised by this but completely impressed!!! Singapore and China are obviously large scale parks but I wouldn't fault anyone for picking any of them as the winner and I could totally see OKC/Myriad Gardens take the cake. ....

    Nevertheless, as mentioned this does make Myriad Gardens world class because by definition a world class entity is a standard by which others are measured. Surely Millennium Park in Chicago has been world class since its inception by reinventing underutilized prime urban park space. I think OKC took that momentum to the next level and surely created a more intimate 'community' in the heart of the CBD with similar programming and amenities that its residents and tourists do indeed enjoy.

    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  3. #1328

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Thanks Plutonic Panda, this was a great find.

    Posters on this forum are energized about the 'Quality of Projects' planned for the urban core. It's nice to know that this project (Thanks to Devon) has made a difference about where we want to take our city--to the next level.

  4. #1329
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Very cool, hope MBG wins.

    Guthrie Green in Tulsa was a finalist last year but didn't win.

  5. #1330

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    This should be a fun new activity for the Gardens which could later be happening on a regular basis.

    Paddle boarding at the Gardens

  6. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    sounds wonderful, but isn't that what Central Park will offer? I hope this is more or less just filling in the void until CP is built as I'd hate for both parks to program the same activities
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  7. #1332

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    sounds wonderful, but isn't that what Central Park will offer? I hope this is more or less just filling in the void until CP is built as I'd hate for both parks to program the same activities
    Since the Myriad Gardens Foundation will be responsible for the operation of both parks I'm sure they will do what works best for both.

  8. #1333

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Myriad Gardens wins the Urban Land Institute's Global Urban Open Space Award

    Devon Energy Center wins the ULI Global Award for Excellence and now Myriad Gardens wins ULI's Global Urban Open Space Award. This is the first time one city has been host to two ULI award-winning projects in the same year.

  9. #1334

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Well deserved!

    The re-do of this park has been an absolute homerun. I remember when hardly anyone went there and now it's busy almost every day of the week.

  10. #1335
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    ^Agree, great area. We were there Sunday morning fairly early and there were people all over the place. Walking dogs, people with strollers and young kids, etc. Really cool place.

  11. #1336

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I think there will be a big challenge for the park once the area around it really develops.

    Right now, there is really nothing active on any side except North (Devon) and Northwest (Century Center).

    But with BOK Park Plaza, OG&E, the Convention Center, the CC Hotel all in the works... Days of just being able to pull up and park at a meter any day any time are likely to end and that will change things dramatically.

  12. #1337

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    But with BOK Park Plaza, OG&E, the Convention Center, the CC Hotel all in the works... Days of just being able to pull up and park at a meter any day any time are likely to end and that will change things dramatically.
    I don't think it will be as big of a deal as you think. First, there is plenty of structured parking not far from the park. I usually park in the Arts Garage when I go there.

    Another thing is having residential near the park will help it out tremendously. That's why I really hope Clayco builds at least one of their residential towers and the Cox block gets developed into housing. The CC Hotel will also contribute positively. There still needs to be housing. Surrounding such a beautiful park with nothing but sterile corporate towers, parking garages, and a convention center is a colossal waste of potential in my opinion.

  13. #1338

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Interesting comments by Maureen Heffernan about winning this award included in Steve's article.


  14. #1339

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Interesting comments by Maureen Heffernan about winning this award included in Steve's article.

    Oklahoma City's Myriad Gardens wins global competition | NewsOK.com
    Are you referring to the "Samson and Goliath" comment?

  15. #1340

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Devon Ice Rink opens this Friday.

  16. #1341

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Devon Ice Rink opens this Friday.
    I wish the rink was bigger given how popular it is every year. It's elbow to elbow most nights in December.

  17. #1342

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Isn't it a bit warm? I know it's refrigerated, but at what temperature does it not turn to slush?

  18. #1343
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I asked if they were charged extra if it were too warm but the answer was not known.

  19. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    The propylene glycol in the tubes under the ice can get much colder than 32 degrees without freezing. As long as it is flowing right it can keep the rink frozen even with temps in the 70s outside. If you think about it, indoor rinks are chilly, but even they usually have air temps in the 60s.

  20. #1345
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    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    On an outdoor rink, radiant/infrared energy can be more detrimental to the cooling load than ambient air temp. Bright sunshine directly on the ice coupled with warm temps don't keep it from freezing, but may soften the surface. It all creates more load and more cost to keep frozen.

  21. #1346

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Warm and windy is what causes problems. Take it from an expert

  22. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Ice rinker level: expert

  23. #1348

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    An interesting time lapse photography of the rink construction.

    NewsOK Videos | Devon Ice Rink Construction

  24. #1349

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    This is incredibly cool...

    The South OKC Chamber of Commerce has tied scarves and gloves and socks to trees on the west side of the gardens, and hung a sign saying they are for anyone in need:

    Scarves, gloves wrapped around trees at Myriad Botanical Gardens to help those in need | KFOR.com

  25. #1350

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    This is incredibly cool...

    The South OKC Chamber of Commerce has tied scarves and gloves and socks to trees on the west side of the gardens, and hung a sign saying they are for anyone in need:

    Scarves, gloves wrapped around trees at Myriad Botanical Gardens to help those in need | KFOR.com

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