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Thread: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

  1. #1

    Health Science Center Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    I didn't see this mentioned anywhere else, so if this has already been brought up, I apologize. Additionally, if this is not the proper forum for this topic, again - my apologies.

    That said, a new storefront opened in the Medical Community neighborhood recently - only the second of such storefronts that are actually being used for retail along Lottie between NE 23rd and NE 13th. The building at 1709 N Lottie Ave was in pretty poor condition before these guys moved in, but they put a lot of work into cleaning the property up and remodeling the inside. Apparently, though, residents in the surrounding neighborhood are concerned about it - because it's a liquor store.

    From http://www.okcfox.com/story/30083073...-liquor-store:

    There is controversy brewing over a new liquor store on the city's northeast side. Some people in the community say it needs to go because they want to improve the neighborhood. The store owner says his store will be good for the community. It's a battle between bettering the community morally and bettering it with new retail.

    Usman Rashid is the owner of the new liquor store at NE 16th and Lottie. Michael Washington is a community activist on the NE side and creator of the Empower People/People against People Abuse organization. In front of our cameras, the two men argued about whether the liquor store should stay or go.

    The store just opened a month and a half ago in a building Rashid says was abandoned and attracted vandals. He says his store is a huge improvement over what was there and something the community wanted. He also believes his presence in the area will encourage other retailers to open up shop too. Bringing in more money for the community.

    Washington is afraid the liquor store will encourage alcoholism and loiterers.

    "You're not going to come in here and desecrate our community for the sake of money," Washington said.

    He's also concerned about a nearby church and daycare. Washington thinks the store is too close. According to city regulations a liquor store must be at least 300 feet from a church or daycare. The city says the distance between the liquor store and the nearby church is 305 feet.

    "You will never see anybody begging or hanging out or anything outside in front of the store," Rashid said. "We do not allow that. That's our store policy."

    Regardless, Washington says he's passionate about his community and plans on holding a protest outside of the store next week.

    "What you're gonna do is you're gonna close this down or else you're gonna get lawsuits filed on you," Washington said.

    "That's their right to do whatever they want to do," Rashid said. "We're not forcing you to come to this establishment."

    Fox 25 checked with the city, the liquor store has all the licenses and permits it needs to legally operate. Other neighbors we talked with say the store will save them time and money getting transportation to other liquor stores further away.
    I guess tensions are reaching the boiling point because today, there are protesters waving signs at any passing cars on Lottie, demanding that the store leave their neighborhood. I've gotta admit, it surprised me... I would think that with the condition of the retail storefronts along this street, any business is good business, and will help the community grow - not to mention that the owners cleaned this building up quite a bit from the way it used to look.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

  3. Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    The OUHSC contains the College of Pharmacy. It's my understanding a prescription of charcoal filtered and aged branch water, ice, a splash of soda and lemon peel twist is good for what ails you (or so I've been told). Wouldn't the pharmacy college be in favor of a liquor store?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    Nerve tonic. A little something to steady the surgeon's nerve before surgery.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    This sounds like just an anti-alcohol activist(s) fighting what they considers wrong, they will get to make themself fell good about themself harassing the owner, they likely has no standing if they try to take it to court.

    It's a battle between bettering the community morally and bettering it with new retail.
    It is around a mile to the next closest liquor store, with several more if people are willing to go two miles. It being there is not going to have a much if any impact on morality or alcoholism of the neighborhood, at most it could change a few hassles for the hand full of people that live on that block.

    He's also concerned about a nearby church and daycare. Washington thinks the store is too close. According to city regulations a liquor store must be at least 300 feet from a church or daycare. The city says the distance between the liquor store and the nearby church is 305 feet.
    I confess I do not know the area, but according to the satellite & street view, there does not show one within a 400 foot radius of what looks to be the property.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    In years past in Tulsa, a gay bar existed next door to a Baptist church in a strip mall. Why should it be so much worse for a liquor store to be closer than 300 ft. to a church? At least for the time being, any liquor store can't be open on Sunday. But then I bet the law allows churches to have the freedom to locate as close to bars and liquor stores as they want.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    What does the improve building look like now compared to the one from 2014?

  8. Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    So what will tell is if the business does well. Regardless of the neighbor's opinion, simply being a liquor store does not create alcoholism nor does it create loitering. You can either have the store nearby and attract people to the area, or they'll head down to Byron's (short drive from here) and get it at the mega-warehouse. I've rarely seen anyone "hang out" at a liquor store....isn't that why you buy the stuff, to go share it with someone? Anyway, it's much like saying that if you put in a convenience store that sells cigarettes, then you must be contributing to smoking. Isn't that just as damaging as liquor? And why does it have to mean that everyone that shops there, is an alcoholic? ugh...

  9. #9

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    Quote Originally Posted by AP View Post
    What does the improve building look like now compared to the one from 2014?
    They removed some graffiti, cleaned up the doors and windows, and repainted - if I am remembering correctly. Overall, the building wasn't in terrible shape, but I do remember that they did clean it up and make it look nicer.

    It's right around the corner from where I work... I'll try to get a picture of it today.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    Apologies for the delay in posting these... but here's what the building looks like now:

    They did put up a new sign on the pole after these pictures were taken, so the tacky temporary "Now Open" sign is now gone.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    Drat. Another case of painting over brick. Love the green roof, though.

  12. Default Re: Battle brewing over Medical Community liquor store

    There probably isn't room inside, but I'd like it better if the pull-down window guards weren't attached on the outside of the building. But at least it's not a window with bars on it.

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