This is simultaneously neat and scary to me...
The First All-Wood High-Rise Buildings Are Going Up In The United States | Co.Exist | ideas + impact
This is simultaneously neat and scary to me...
The First All-Wood High-Rise Buildings Are Going Up In The United States | Co.Exist | ideas + impact
Wow, interesting.
The sustainability issue of wood vs. steel is pretty appealing.
Kind of funny that to reduce the carbon footprint of buildings they are turning to wood. It seens like only yesterday we were told we must save the forests. I wonder if the parking garages will be made from wood as well (carbon footprint indeed).
I've read about these. Pretty interesting. I was wondering when we'd start seeing them in the US.
I definitely wouldn't want to take a chance on these in tornado alley. Pretty cool though.
That's a good point. It's an interesting idea, but I'd want to know how they handle the really rough weather before spending much time inside one around these parts.
Want sustainability? Figure out how to build high rises out of cross-laminated bamboo.
Mr Termite says Hi!
Wonder what the fire suppression system is in a place like this.
The commenters made a lot of good points. The chemical fire-retardant is definitely NOT green. The R-Value is lower so you're going to spend more carbon to heat/cool. You'll have to include more insulation (carbon) to cut out the noise that a wood structure lets travel.
It's definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing and a pander to (or from) the lumber industry, an industry that isn't doing as well because people are paying attention to things.
I would be a lot more worried about water sneaky damage than I would be fire. Fires are rare, an you could certainly put in adequate suppression systems. But a longstanding roof leak? An unnoticed water leak inside a wall? *shudder*
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