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Thread: Cummins Building

  1. Default Re: Cummins Building

    Quote Originally Posted by gurantula35 View Post
    This will be great.

    I'm just hoping people wont gripe about demolishing the structure that's currently on it. I want to say I'm joking but I'm not.
    Wait what? I hope you don't actually mean to compare the Preftakes block to this site...

  2. #52

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Another article on this from Steve: Proposed Bricktown tower is "a real deal" | News OK. I particularly liked this bit:

    Cummins said equity and financing is in place for the project with a requirement that a percentage of the space be pre-leased before construction can start. Cummins said leasing interest is strong with some “big companies” looking at leasing the entire building.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Would love to see this project happen and would also really like to see more big office tenants in Bricktown.

    Will help the district continue to become more balanced.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    This is great to hear. This will completely change the feel of that intersection and is honestly one of the most exciting projects proposed in the past year.

    I look forward to Bricktown evolving over the next several years into a true live/work/play neighborhood.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    It certainly sounds like Clark Cummins "gets it" when it comes to what developments in Bricktown should consist of.

    Now what can be done about that darn Spaghetti Warehouse building.

  6. Default Re: Cummins Building

    I discussed this project with Steve the other day - before this article - and he had some other details that make this deal sound even more promising. I won't share them as there must have been a reason he left them out of the story, but I was encouraged. I'll look forward to discussing it with Clark when I see him next time.

    That said, folks should remember that projects like this are complex with lots of moving parts. A great rendering and an earnest developer still don't always equal a done deal. Fingers crossed though.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    I discussed this project with Steve the other day - before this article - and he had some other details that make this deal sound even more promising. I won't share them as there must have been a reason he left them out of the story, but I was encouraged. I'll look forward to discussing it with Clark when I see him next time.

    That said, folks should remember that projects like this are complex with lots of moving parts. A great rendering and an earnest developer still don't always equal a done deal. Fingers crossed though.
    This must be in regards to the potential occupant. Can you reveal the industry from which the company competes in?

  8. Default Re: Cummins Building

    Actually, no to both, sorry. He didn't specify confidentiality when telling me, but there must be some reason he left what he told me out of the story, so I'll just leave it up to him to reveal when the time is right. Not my place to say. Nothing earth-shattering; just inspires a bit of confidence.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    They have now formally submitted application to the Bricktown Urban Design Committee, so this is start to firm up.

  10. #60
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    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Feedback from the BUDC this morning was just suggesting more street activation with bottom floor retail. Otherwise, all good remarks.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Rover View Post
    Feedback from the BUDC this morning was just suggesting more street activation with bottom floor retail. Otherwise, all good remarks.
    I thought the same thing, maybe add some larger metal awnings or something to that effect. It looks like there are some in the rendering but it's hard to tell. Of course, it would be a great project with or without any additions. Wish more of the BUDC and other design committees' meetings were that easy more often.

  12. #62
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    Default Re: Cummins Building

    The comments were regarding the fact that most entry to retail areas was from the interior. It was suggested to emphasize entry's from the street instead and leave the common entry for access to the elevator, offices, etc. No mention of adding awnings was made.

  13. #63
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    Default Re: Cummins Building

    This should fly through approvals. Adjustments have already been made for consideration of height, etc.

  14. Default Re: Cummins Building

    Not technically submitted for official review yet. This was an information-only submission asking for feedback prior to the formal review.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanized View Post
    Not technically submitted for official review yet. This was an information-only submission asking for feedback prior to the formal review.
    It was officially submitted for approval yesterday completely separate from today's information-only presentation.

  16. Default Re: Cummins Building

    Gotcha. I thought you were talking about today's meeting.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    I guess it's just the one retail space that doesnt have street access. The staircases seem placed in a peculiar manner.

    It shouldn't be that hard to fix that.

  18. Default Re: Cummins Building

    The doors you see opening to the sidewalk in the other spaces are all planned only as emergency exits. All of the primary entrances are planned for interior lobbies. Jon made a good observation; and it's an issue that is easily remedied.

  19. #69
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    Default Re: Cummins Building

    I get the sense the architect and owner are very willing to make changes to make it better. It would help to know what kind of retail will go there.

  20. Default Re: Cummins Building

    I honestly think they should go taller. I think one innovative way to do height limits may be rather than an absolute height, find a balance that actually protects the distinctiveness and builds on Bricktown. Upper floors setback, no heights that are really just blocky low mid-rises, and limits on floor plate sizes, maybe.

    That would lead to either buildings that respect the original scale, or only exist to market luxury views. Such as this photo I took in July, which is the view this building will have. Anyone could market this.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	102 
Size:	5.08 MB 
ID:	11509  

  21. Default Re: Cummins Building

    Its a pretty small lot.

  22. #72

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    If it was up to me building height would be human scaled. Minimum height is 3 stories with max height 6X the street width

  23. Default Re: Cummins Building

    i agree about the taller height, why not make this be 'forever' the tallest building in Bricktown at 15-20 floors? Given the small footprint and the PRIME location, maybe this SHOULD be the Bricktown highrise landmark, with everything else scaled down (and likely bigger). And since the building is very well bricked having it taller could go a LONG way toward placemaking Bricktown. ...

    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  24. #74

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    i agree about the taller height, why not make this be 'forever' the tallest building in Bricktown at 15-20 floors? Given the small footprint and the PRIME location, maybe this SHOULD be the Bricktown highrise landmark, with everything else scaled down (and likely bigger). And since the building is very well bricked having it taller could go a LONG way toward placemaking Bricktown. ...

    It all depends on what the market can support and what can be financed. I think this project, providing they can fix the retail so that it is oriented toward the street rather than an internal corridor, is perfect and has a good balance of height and street-level placemaking.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Cummins Building

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    It all depends on what the market can support and what can be financed. I think this project, providing they can fix the retail so that it is oriented toward the street rather than an internal corridor, is perfect and has a good balance of height and street-level placemaking.
    I agree. I'd rather see a 10 story project that is successful than a 20 story project that isn't. And for Bricktown, I'd honestly rather see 2 separate 10 story buildings than a single 20 story. This looks like a great building, with good design and quality materials. It uses up a previously (mostly) empty lot. This is exactly the sort of thing we should encourage for Bricktown. Yeah, more height is good and all, but not every building should be a huge landmark.

    This is a big step up for OKC and its local developers. They're starting to think beyond the 4-5 story barrier. If this is financially successful, there's no reason it couldn't be duplicated on other sites.

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