I guess that depends on what you personally want the solution to be.
Well of course "designated areas" of legal prostitution, will see significant increase in these illegal/violent activities. I would assume, that they would quickly be overrun with Pimps, Playas, Scally Hoos, or Rooty Boos. No different than a hole in the bottom of a boat..the water is going to find the path of least resistance...and every bit of water than can possible go to that one area of the boat...will get there in a hurry.
Hypothetically Speaking.....If I'm in Dallas...and I'm a Pimp...and I find out OKC is going to legalize prostitution, you better GD believe that I'm loading up all the womenz in the back seat of my Caddy, and headed that way pronto! I'd have shop set up within 24 hours. But, if you globally legalize prostitution....I'm probably staying put in Dallas...and going back to selling weed, and working at Burger King to pay my beeper bill.
In other words......"The game still remains.......but the game just ain't the same!"